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Java user-defined function (UDF) with Apache Hive in HDInsight - Azure
Learn how to create a Java-based user-defined function (UDF) that works with Apache Hive. This example UDF converts a table of text strings to lowercase.

Use a Java UDF with Apache Hive in HDInsight

Learn how to create a Java-based user-defined function (UDF) that works with Apache Hive. The Java UDF in this example converts a table of text strings to all-lowercase characters.


  • An HDInsight cluster

    [!IMPORTANT] Linux is the only operating system used on HDInsight version 3.4 or greater. For more information, see HDInsight retirement on Windows.

    Most steps in this document work on both Windows- and Linux-based clusters. However, the steps used to upload the compiled UDF to the cluster and run it are specific to Linux-based clusters. Links are provided to information that can be used with Windows-based clusters.

  • Java JDK 8 or later (or an equivalent, such as OpenJDK)

  • Apache Maven

  • A text editor or Java IDE

    [!IMPORTANT] If you create the Python files on a Windows client, you must use an editor that uses LF as a line ending. If you are not sure whether your editor uses LF or CRLF, see the Troubleshooting section for steps on removing the CR character.

Create an example Java UDF

  1. From a command line, use the following to create a new Maven project:

    mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=ExampleUDF -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false

    [!NOTE] If you are using PowerShell, you must put quotes around the parameters. For example, mvn archetype:generate "" "-DartifactId=ExampleUDF" "-DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart" "-DinteractiveMode=false".

    This command creates a directory named exampleudf, which contains the Maven project.

  2. Once the project has been created, delete the exampleudf/src/test directory that was created as part of the project.

  3. Open the exampleudf/pom.xml, and replace the existing <dependencies> entry with the following XML:


    These entries specify the version of Hadoop and Hive included with HDInsight 3.6. You can find information on the versions of Hadoop and Hive provided with HDInsight from the HDInsight component versioning document.

    Add a <build> section before the </project> line at the end of the file. This section should contain the following XML:

            <!-- build for Java 1.8. This is required by HDInsight 3.6  -->
            <!-- build an uber jar -->
                    <!-- Keep us from getting a can't overwrite file error -->
                        <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer">
                    <!-- Keep us from getting a bad signature error -->

    These entries define how to build the project. Specifically, the version of Java that the project uses and how to build an uberjar for deployment to the cluster.

    Save the file once the changes have been made.

  4. Rename exampleudf/src/main/java/com/microsoft/examples/ to, and then open the file in your editor.

  5. Replace the contents of the file with the following, then save the file.

    import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
    // Description of the UDF
        value="returns a lower case version of the input string.",
        extended="select ExampleUDF(deviceplatform) from hivesampletable limit 10;"
    public class ExampleUDF extends UDF {
        // Accept a string input
        public String evaluate(String input) {
            // If the value is null, return a null
            if(input == null)
                return null;
            // Lowercase the input string and return it
            return input.toLowerCase();

    This code implements a UDF that accepts a string value, and returns a lowercase version of the string.

Build and install the UDF

  1. Use the following command to compile and package the UDF:

    mvn compile package

    This command builds and packages the UDF into the exampleudf/target/ExampleUDF-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar file.

  2. Use the scp command to copy the file to the HDInsight cluster.

    scp ./target/ExampleUDF-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [email protected]

    Replace myuser with the SSH user account for your cluster. Replace mycluster with the cluster name. If you used a password to secure the SSH account, you are prompted to enter the password. If you used a certificate, you may need to use the -i parameter to specify the private key file.

  3. Connect to the cluster using SSH.

    For more information, see Use SSH with HDInsight.

  4. From the SSH session, copy the jar file to HDInsight storage.

    hdfs dfs -put ExampleUDF-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /example/jars

Use the UDF from Hive

  1. Use the following to start the Beeline client from the SSH session.

    beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://localhost:10001/;transportMode=http'

    This command assumes that you used the default of admin for the login account for your cluster.

  2. Once you arrive at the jdbc:hive2://localhost:10001/> prompt, enter the following to add the UDF to Hive and expose it as a function.

    ADD JAR wasb:///example/jars/ExampleUDF-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;

    [!NOTE] This example assumes that Azure Storage is default storage for the cluster. If your cluster uses Data Lake Store instead, change the wasb:/// value to adl:///.

  3. Use the UDF to convert values retrieved from a table to lower case strings.

    SELECT tolower(deviceplatform) FROM hivesampletable LIMIT 10;

    This query selects the device platform (Android, Windows, iOS, etc.) from the table, convert the string to lower case, and then display them. The output appears similar to the following text:

     |   _c0    |
     | android  |
     | android  |
     | android  |
     | android  |
     | android  |
     | android  |
     | android  |
     | android  |
     | android  |
     | android  |

Next steps

For other ways to work with Hive, see Use Hive with HDInsight.

For more information on Hive User-Defined Functions, see Hive Operators and User-Defined Functions section of the Hive wiki at