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Use Apache Hadoop Pig with REST in HDInsight - Azure |
Learn how to use REST to run Pig Latin jobs on an Apache Hadoop cluster in Azure HDInsight. |
hdinsight |
hrasheed-msft |
jasonh |
hdinsight |
hdinsightactive |
conceptual |
04/10/2018 |
hrasheed |
[!INCLUDE pig-selector]
Learn how to run Apache Pig Latin jobs by making REST requests to an Azure HDInsight cluster. Curl is used to demonstrate how you can interact with HDInsight using the WebHCat REST API.
If you are already familiar with using Linux-based Apache Hadoop servers, but are new to HDInsight, see Linux-based HDInsight Tips.
An Azure HDInsight (Hadoop on HDInsight) cluster (Linux-based or Windows-based)
[!IMPORTANT] Linux is the only operating system used on HDInsight version 3.4 or greater. For more information, see HDInsight retirement on Windows.
The REST API is secured via basic access authentication. Always make requests by using Secure HTTP (HTTPS) to ensure that your credentials are securely sent to the server.
When using the commands in this section, replace USERNAME
with the user to authenticate to the cluster, and replace PASSWORD
with the password for the user account. Replace CLUSTERNAME
with the name of your cluster.
From a command line, use the following command to verify that you can connect to your HDInsight cluster:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -G https://CLUSTERNAME.azurehdinsight.net/templeton/v1/status
You should receive the following JSON response:
The parameters used in this command are as follows:
- -u: The user name and password used to authenticate the request
- -G: Indicates that this request is a GET request
The beginning of the URL, https://CLUSTERNAME.azurehdinsight.net/templeton/v1, is the same for all requests. The path, /status, indicates that the request is to return the status of WebHCat (also known as Templeton) for the server.
Use the following code to submit a Pig Latin job to the cluster:
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d user.name=USERNAME -d execute="LOGS=LOAD+'/example/data/sample.log';LEVELS=foreach+LOGS+generate+REGEX_EXTRACT($0,'(TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)',1)+as+LOGLEVEL;FILTEREDLEVELS=FILTER+LEVELS+by+LOGLEVEL+is+not+null;GROUPEDLEVELS=GROUP+FILTEREDLEVELS+by+LOGLEVEL;FREQUENCIES=foreach+GROUPEDLEVELS+generate+group+as+LOGLEVEL,COUNT(FILTEREDLEVELS.LOGLEVEL)+as+count;RESULT=order+FREQUENCIES+by+COUNT+desc;DUMP+RESULT;" -d statusdir="/example/pigcurl" https://CLUSTERNAME.azurehdinsight.net/templeton/v1/pig
The parameters used in this command are as follows:
-d: Because
is not used, the request defaults to the POST method.-d
specifies the data values that are sent with the request. -
user.name: The user who is running the command
execute: The Pig Latin statements to execute
statusdir: The directory that the status for this job is written to
[!NOTE] Notice that the spaces in Pig Latin statements are replaced by the
character when used with Curl.This command should return a job ID that can be used to check the status of the job, for example:
To check the status of the job, use the following command
curl -G -u USERNAME:PASSWORD -d user.name=USERNAME https://CLUSTERNAME.azurehdinsight.net/templeton/v1/jobs/JOBID | jq .status.state
with the value returned in the previous step. For example, if the return value was{"id":"job_1415651640909_0026"}
, thenJOBID
.If the job has finished, the state is SUCCEEDED.
[!NOTE] This Curl request returns a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document with information about the job, and jq is used to retrieve only the state value.
When the state of the job has changed to SUCCEEDED, you can retrieve the results of the job. The statusdir
parameter passed with the query contains the location of the output file; in this case, /example/pigcurl
HDInsight can use either Azure Storage or Azure Data Lake Store as the default data store. There are various ways to get at the data depending on which one you use. For more information, see the storage section of the Linux-based HDInsight information document.
As demonstrated in this document, you can use a raw HTTP request to run, monitor, and view the results of Pig jobs on your HDInsight cluster.
For more information about the REST interface used in this article, see the WebHCat Reference.
For general information about Pig on HDInsight:
For information about other ways you can work with Hadoop on HDInsight: