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Manage Apache Hadoop clusters using Azure Classic CLI - Azure HDInsight |
Learn how to use the Azure classic CLI to manage Apache Hadoop clusters in Azure HDInsight. |
hdinsight |
jasonh |
tylerfox |
hdinsight |
hdinsightactive,hdiseo17may2017 |
conceptual |
11/06/2018 |
tyfox |
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Learn how to use the Azure Classic CLI to manage Apache Hadoop clusters in Azure HDInsight. The classic CLI is implemented in Node.js. It can be used on any platform that supports Node.js, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
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Before you begin this article, you must have the following:
An Azure subscription. See Get Azure free trial.
Azure Classic CLI - See Install and configure the Azure Classic CLI for installation and configuration information.
Connect to Azure, using the following command:
azure login
For more information on authenticating using a work or school account, see Connect to an Azure subscription from the Azure Classic CLI.
Switch to the Azure Resource Manager mode, using the following command:
azure config mode arm
To get help, use the -h switch. For example:
azure hdinsight cluster create -h
See Create clusters in HDInsight using the Azure Classic CLI.
Use the following commands to list and show cluster details:
azure hdinsight cluster list
azure hdinsight cluster show <Cluster Name>
Use the following command to delete a cluster:
azure hdinsight cluster delete <Cluster Name>
You can also delete a cluster by deleting the resource group that contains the cluster. Please note, this will delete all the resources in the group including the default storage account.
azure group delete <Resource Group Name>
To change the Apache Hadoop cluster size:
azure hdinsight cluster resize [options] <clusterName> <Target Instance Count>
azure hdinsight cluster enable-http-access [options] <Cluster Name> <userName> <password>
azure hdinsight cluster disable-http-access [options] <Cluster Name>
In this article, you have learned how to perform different HDInsight cluster administrative tasks. To learn more, see the following articles: