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Extend HDInsight with Virtual Network - Azure
Learn how to use Azure Virtual Network to connect HDInsight to other cloud resources, or resources in your datacenter

Extend Azure HDInsight using an Azure Virtual Network

[!INCLUDE classic-cli-warning]

Learn how to use HDInsight with an Azure Virtual Network. Using an Azure Virtual Network enables the following scenarios:

  • Connecting to HDInsight directly from an on-premises network.

  • Connecting HDInsight to data stores in an Azure Virtual network.

  • Directly accessing Apache Hadoop services that are not available publicly over the internet. For example, Apache Kafka APIs or the Apache HBase Java API.


The information in this document requires an understanding of TCP/IP networking. If you are not familiar with TCP/IP networking, you should partner with someone who is before making modifications to production networks.


If you are looking for step by step guidance on connecting HDInsight to your on-premises network using an Azure Virtual Network, see the Connect HDInsight to your on-premises network document.


The following are the questions that you must answer when planning to install HDInsight in a virtual network:

  • Do you need to install HDInsight into an existing virtual network? Or are you creating a new network?

    If you are using an existing virtual network, you may need to modify the network configuration before you can install HDInsight. For more information, see the add HDInsight to an existing virtual network section.

  • Do you want to connect the virtual network containing HDInsight to another virtual network or your on-premises network?

    To easily work with resources across networks, you may need to create a custom DNS and configure DNS forwarding. For more information, see the connecting multiple networks section.

  • Do you want to restrict/redirect inbound or outbound traffic to HDInsight?

    HDInsight must have unrestricted communication with specific IP addresses in the Azure data center. There are also several ports that must be allowed through firewalls for client communication. For more information, see the controlling network traffic section.

Add HDInsight to an existing virtual network

Use the steps in this section to discover how to add a new HDInsight to an existing Azure Virtual Network.


You cannot add an existing HDInsight cluster into a virtual network.

  1. Are you using a classic or Resource Manager deployment model for the virtual network?

    HDInsight 3.4 and greater requires a Resource Manager virtual network. Earlier versions of HDInsight required a classic virtual network.

    If your existing network is a classic virtual network, then you must create a Resource Manager virtual network and then connect the two. Connecting classic VNets to new VNets.

    Once joined, HDInsight installed in the Resource Manager network can interact with resources in the classic network.

  2. Do you use forced tunneling? Forced tunneling is a subnet setting that forces outbound Internet traffic to a device for inspection and logging. HDInsight does not support forced tunneling. Either remove forced tunneling before deploying HDInsight into an existing subnet, or create a new subnet with no forced tunneling for HDInsight.

  3. Do you use network security groups, user-defined routes, or Virtual Network Appliances to restrict traffic into or out of the virtual network?

    As a managed service, HDInsight requires unrestricted access to several IP addresses in the Azure data center. To allow communication with these IP addresses, update any existing network security groups or user-defined routes.

    HDInsight hosts multiple services, which use a variety of ports. Do not block traffic to these ports. For a list of ports to allow through virtual appliance firewalls, see the Security section.

    To find your existing security configuration, use the following Azure PowerShell or Azure Classic CLI commands:

    • Network security groups

      $resourceGroupName = Read-Input -Prompt "Enter the resource group that contains the virtual network used with HDInsight"
      get-azurermnetworksecuritygroup -resourcegroupname $resourceGroupName
      read -p "Enter the name of the resource group that contains the virtual network: " RESOURCEGROUP
      az network nsg list --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP

      For more information, see the Troubleshoot network security groups document.

      [!IMPORTANT] Network security group rules are applied in order based on rule priority. The first rule that matches the traffic pattern is applied, and no others are applied for that traffic. Order rules from most permissive to least permissive. For more information, see the Filter network traffic with network security groups document.

    • User-defined routes

      $resourceGroupName = Read-Input -Prompt "Enter the resource group that contains the virtual network used with HDInsight"
      get-azurermroutetable -resourcegroupname $resourceGroupName
      read -p "Enter the name of the resource group that contains the virtual network: " RESOURCEGROUP
      az network route-table list --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP

      For more information, see the Troubleshoot routes document.

  4. Create an HDInsight cluster and select the Azure Virtual Network during configuration. Use the steps in the following documents to understand the cluster creation process:


Adding HDInsight to a virtual network is an optional configuration step. Be sure to select the virtual network when configuring the cluster.

Connecting multiple networks

The biggest challenge with a multi-network configuration is name resolution between the networks.

Azure provides name resolution for Azure services that are installed in a virtual network. This built-in name resolution allows HDInsight to connect to the following resources by using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN):

  • Any resource that is available on the internet. For example,,

  • Any resource that is in the same Azure Virtual Network, by using the internal DNS name of the resource. For example, when using the default name resolution, the following are example internal DNS names assigned to HDInsight worker nodes:


    Both these nodes can communicate directly with each other, and other nodes in HDInsight, by using internal DNS names.

The default name resolution does not allow HDInsight to resolve the names of resources in networks that are joined to the virtual network. For example, it is common to join your on-premises network to the virtual network. With only the default name resolution, HDInsight cannot access resources in the on-premises network by name. The opposite is also true, resources in your on-premises network cannot access resources in the virtual network by name.


You must create the custom DNS server and configure the virtual network to use it before creating the HDInsight cluster.

To enable name resolution between the virtual network and resources in joined networks, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Create a custom DNS server in the Azure Virtual Network where you plan to install HDInsight.

  2. Configure the virtual network to use the custom DNS server.

  3. Find the Azure assigned DNS suffix for your virtual network. This value is similar to For information on finding the DNS suffix, see the Example: Custom DNS section.

  4. Configure forwarding between the DNS servers. The configuration depends on the type of remote network.

    • If the remote network is an on-premises network, configure DNS as follows:

      • Custom DNS (in the virtual network):

        • Forward requests for the DNS suffix of the virtual network to the Azure recursive resolver ( Azure handles requests for resources in the virtual network

        • Forward all other requests to the on-premises DNS server. The on-premises DNS handles all other name resolution requests, even requests for internet resources such as

      • On-premises DNS: Forward requests for the virtual network DNS suffix to the custom DNS server. The custom DNS server then forwards to the Azure recursive resolver.

      This configuration routes requests for fully qualified domain names that contain the DNS suffix of the virtual network to the custom DNS server. All other requests (even for public internet addresses) are handled by the on-premises DNS server.

    • If the remote network is another Azure Virtual Network, configure DNS as follows:

      • Custom DNS (in each virtual network):

        • Requests for the DNS suffix of the virtual networks are forwarded to the custom DNS servers. The DNS in each virtual network is responsible for resolving resources within its network.

        • Forward all other requests to the Azure recursive resolver. The recursive resolver is responsible for resolving local and internet resources.

      The DNS server for each network forwards requests to the other, based on DNS suffix. Other requests are resolved using the Azure recursive resolver.

    For an example of each configuration, see the Example: Custom DNS section.

For more information, see the Name Resolution for VMs and Role Instances document.

Directly connect to Apache Hadoop services

You can connect to the cluster at This address uses a public IP, which may not be reachable if you have used NSGs to restrict incoming traffic from the internet. Additionally, when you deploy the cluster in a VNet you can access it using the private endpoint This endpoint resolves to a private IP inside the VNet for cluster access.

To connect to Apache Ambari and other web pages through the virtual network, use the following steps:

  1. To discover the internal fully qualified domain names (FQDN) of the HDInsight cluster nodes, use one of the following methods:

    $resourceGroupName = "The resource group that contains the virtual network used with HDInsight"
    $clusterNICs = Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName | where-object {$_.Name -like "*node*"}
    $nodes = @()
    foreach($nic in $clusterNICs) {
    	$node = new-object System.Object
    	$node | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Type" -value $nic.Name.Split('-')[1]
    	$node | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "InternalIP" -value $nic.IpConfigurations.PrivateIpAddress
    	$node | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "InternalFQDN" -value $nic.DnsSettings.InternalFqdn
    	$nodes += $node
    $nodes | sort-object Type
    az network nic list --resource-group <resourcegroupname> --output table --query "[?contains(name,'node')].{NICname:name,InternalIP:ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress,InternalFQDN:dnsSettings.internalFqdn}"

    In the list of nodes returned, find the FQDN for the head nodes and use the FQDNs to connect to Ambari and other web services. For example, use http://<headnode-fqdn>:8080 to access Ambari.

    [!IMPORTANT] Some services hosted on the head nodes are only active on one node at a time. If you try accessing a service on one head node and it returns a 404 error, switch to the other head node.

  2. To determine the node and port that a service is available on, see the Ports used by Hadoop services on HDInsight document.

Controlling network traffic

Network traffic in an Azure Virtual Networks can be controlled using the following methods:

  • Network security groups (NSG) allow you to filter inbound and outbound traffic to the network. For more information, see the Filter network traffic with network security groups document.

    [!WARNING] HDInsight does not support restricting outbound traffic. All outbound traffic should be allowed.

  • User-defined routes (UDR) define how traffic flows between resources in the network. For more information, see the User-defined routes and IP forwarding document.

  • Network virtual appliances replicate the functionality of devices such as firewalls and routers. For more information, see the Network Appliances document.

As a managed service, HDInsight requires unrestricted access to the HDinsight health and management services both for incoming and outgoing traffic from the VNET. When using NSGs and UDRs, you must ensure that these services can still communicate with HDInsight cluster.

HDInsight exposes services on several ports. When using a virtual appliance firewall, you must allow traffic on the ports used for these services. For more information, see the [Required ports] section.

HDInsight with network security groups and user-defined routes

If you plan on using network security groups or user-defined routes to control network traffic, perform the following actions before installing HDInsight:

  1. Identify the Azure region that you plan to use for HDInsight.

  2. Identify the IP addresses required by HDInsight. For more information, see the IP Addresses required by HDInsight section.

  3. Create or modify the network security groups or user-defined routes for the subnet that you plan to install HDInsight into.

    • Network security groups: allow inbound traffic on port 443 from the IP addresses. This will ensure that HDI management services can reach the cluster from outside VNET.
    • User-defined routes: If you plan to use UDRs, create a route for each IP address and set the Next hop type to Internet. You should also allow any other outbound traffic from the VNET with no restriction. For example, you can route all other traffic to your Azure firwall or network virtual appliance (hosted in Azure) for monitoring purposes but the outgoing traffic should not be blocked.

For more information on network security groups or user-defined routes, see the following documentation:

Forced tunneling to on-premise

Forced tunneling is a user-defined routing configuration where all traffic from a subnet is forced to a specific network or location, such as your on-premises network. HDInsight does not support forced tunneling to the on-premise networks. If you are using Azure Firewall or a netwrok virtual appliance hosted in Azure, you can use UDRs to route the traffic to it for monitoring purposes and allow all outgoing traffic.

Required IP addresses


The Azure health and management services must be able to communicate with HDInsight. If you use network security groups or user-defined routes, allow traffic from the IP addresses for these services to reach HDInsight.

If you do not use network security groups or user-defined routes to control traffic, you can ignore this section.

If you use network security groups or user-defined routes, you must allow traffic from the Azure health and management services to reach HDInsight. You must also allow traffic between VMs inside the subnet. Use the following steps to find the IP addresses that must be allowed:

  1. You must always allow traffic from the following IP addresses:

    IP address Allowed port Direction 443 Inbound 443 Inbound 443 Inbound 443 Inbound
  2. If your HDInsight cluster is in one of the following regions, then you must allow traffic from the IP addresses listed for the region:

    [!IMPORTANT] If the Azure region you are using is not listed, then only use the four IP addresses from step 1.

    Country Region Allowed IP addresses Allowed port Direction
    Asia East Asia
    443 Inbound
      Southeast Asia
    443 Inbound
    Australia Australia East
    443 Inbound
      Australia Southeast
    443 Inbound
    Brazil Brazil South
    443 Inbound
    Canada Canada East
    443 Inbound
      Canada Central
    443 Inbound
    China China North
    443 Inbound
      China East
    443 Inbound
      China North 2
    443 Inbound
    Europe North Europe
    443 Inbound
      West Europe
    443 Inbound
    Germany Germany Central
    443 Inbound
      Germany Northeast
    443 Inbound
    India Central India
    443 Inbound
      South India
    443 Inbound
    Japan Japan East
    443 Inbound
      Japan West
    443 Inbound
    Korea Korea Central
    433 Inbound
      Korea South
    443 Inbound
    United Kingdom UK West
    443 Inbound
      UK South
    443 Inbound
    United States Central US
    443 Inbound
      East US
    443 Inbound
      North Central US
    443 Inbound
      West Central US
    443 Inbound
      West US
    443 Inbound
      West US 2
    443 Inbound

    For information on the IP addresses to use for Azure Government, see the Azure Government Intelligence + Analytics document.

  3. You must also allow access from This address is Azure's recursive resolver. For more information, see the Name resolution for VMs and Role instances document.

For more information, see the Controlling network traffic section.

Required ports

If you plan on using a network virtual appliance firewall to secure the virtual network, you must allow outbound traffic on the following ports:

  • 53
  • 443
  • 1433
  • 11000-11999
  • 14000-14999

For a list of ports for specific services, see the Ports used by Apache Hadoop services on HDInsight document.

For more information on firewall rules for virtual appliances, see the virtual appliance scenario document.

Example: network security groups with HDInsight

The examples in this section demonstrate how to create network security group rules that allow HDInsight to communicate with the Azure management services. Before using the examples, adjust the IP addresses to match the ones for the Azure region you are using. You can find this information in the HDInsight with network security groups and user-defined routes section.

Azure Resource Management template

The following Resource Management template creates a virtual network that restricts inbound traffic, but allows traffic from the IP addresses required by HDInsight. This template also creates an HDInsight cluster in the virtual network.


Change the IP addresses used in this example to match the Azure region you are using. You can find this information in the HDInsight with network security groups and user-defined routes section.

Azure PowerShell

Use the following PowerShell script to create a virtual network that restricts inbound traffic and allows traffic from the IP addresses for the North Europe region.


Change the IP addresses used in this example to match the Azure region you are using. You can find this information in the HDInsight with network security groups and user-defined routes section.

$vnetName = "Replace with your virtual network name"
$resourceGroupName = "Replace with the resource group the virtual network is in"
$subnetName = "Replace with the name of the subnet that you plan to use for HDInsight"
# Get the Virtual Network object
$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork `
    -Name $vnetName `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
# Get the region the Virtual network is in.
$location = $vnet.Location
# Get the subnet object
$subnet = $vnet.Subnets | Where-Object Name -eq $subnetName
# Create a Network Security Group.
# And add exemptions for the HDInsight health and management services.
$nsg = New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup `
    -Name "hdisecure" `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -Location $location `
    | Add-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
        -name "hdirule1" `
        -Description "HDI health and management address" `
        -Protocol "*" `
        -SourcePortRange "*" `
        -DestinationPortRange "443" `
        -SourceAddressPrefix "" `
        -DestinationAddressPrefix "VirtualNetwork" `
        -Access Allow `
        -Priority 300 `
        -Direction Inbound `
    | Add-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
        -Name "hdirule2" `
        -Description "HDI health and management" `
        -Protocol "*" `
        -SourcePortRange "*" `
        -DestinationPortRange "443" `
        -SourceAddressPrefix "" `
        -DestinationAddressPrefix "VirtualNetwork" `
        -Access Allow `
        -Priority 301 `
        -Direction Inbound `
    | Add-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
        -Name "hdirule3" `
        -Description "HDI health and management" `
        -Protocol "*" `
        -SourcePortRange "*" `
        -DestinationPortRange "443" `
        -SourceAddressPrefix "" `
        -DestinationAddressPrefix "VirtualNetwork" `
        -Access Allow `
        -Priority 302 `
        -Direction Inbound `
    | Add-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
        -Name "hdirule4" `
        -Description "HDI health and management" `
        -Protocol "*" `
        -SourcePortRange "*" `
        -DestinationPortRange "443" `
        -SourceAddressPrefix "" `
        -DestinationAddressPrefix "VirtualNetwork" `
        -Access Allow `
        -Priority 303 `
        -Direction Inbound `
    | Add-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
        -Name "hdirule5" `
        -Description "HDI health and management" `
        -Protocol "*" `
        -SourcePortRange "*" `
        -DestinationPortRange "443" `
        -SourceAddressPrefix "" `
        -DestinationAddressPrefix "VirtualNetwork" `
        -Access Allow `
        -Priority 304 `
        -Direction Inbound `
    | Add-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
        -Name "hdirule6" `
        -Description "HDI health and management" `
        -Protocol "*" `
        -SourcePortRange "*" `
        -DestinationPortRange "443" `
        -SourceAddressPrefix "" `
        -DestinationAddressPrefix "VirtualNetwork" `
        -Access Allow `
        -Priority 305 `
        -Direction Inbound `
# Set the changes to the security group
Set-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -NetworkSecurityGroup $nsg
# Apply the NSG to the subnet
Set-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig `
    -VirtualNetwork $vnet `
    -Name $subnetName `
    -AddressPrefix $subnet.AddressPrefix `
    -NetworkSecurityGroup $nsg
$vnet | Set-AzureRmVirtualNetwork


This example demonstrates how to add rules to allow inbound traffic on the required IP addresses. It does not contain a rule to restrict inbound access from other sources.

The following example demonstrates how to enable SSH access from the Internet:

Add-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name "SSH" -Description "SSH" -Protocol "*" -SourcePortRange "*" -DestinationPortRange "22" -SourceAddressPrefix "*" -DestinationAddressPrefix "VirtualNetwork" -Access Allow -Priority 306 -Direction Inbound

Azure Classic CLI

Use the following steps to create a virtual network that restricts inbound traffic, but allows traffic from the IP addresses required by HDInsight.

  1. Use the following command to create a new network security group named hdisecure. Replace RESOURCEGROUPNAME with the resource group that contains the Azure Virtual Network. Replace LOCATION with the location (region) that the group was created in.

    az network nsg create -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME -n hdisecure -l LOCATION

    Once the group has been created, you receive information on the new group.

  2. Use the following to add rules to the new network security group that allow inbound communication on port 443 from the Azure HDInsight health and management service. Replace RESOURCEGROUPNAME with the name of the resource group that contains the Azure Virtual Network.

    [!IMPORTANT] Change the IP addresses used in this example to match the Azure region you are using. You can find this information in the HDInsight with network security groups and user-defined routes section.

    az network nsg rule create -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME --nsg-name hdisecure -n hdirule1 --protocol "*" --source-port-range "*" --destination-port-range "443" --source-address-prefix "" --destination-address-prefix "VirtualNetwork" --access "Allow" --priority 300 --direction "Inbound"
    az network nsg rule create -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME --nsg-name hdisecure -n hdirule2 --protocol "*" --source-port-range "*" --destination-port-range "443" --source-address-prefix "" --destination-address-prefix "VirtualNetwork" --access "Allow" --priority 301 --direction "Inbound"
    az network nsg rule create -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME --nsg-name hdisecure -n hdirule2 --protocol "*" --source-port-range "*" --destination-port-range "443" --source-address-prefix "" --destination-address-prefix "VirtualNetwork" --access "Allow" --priority 302 --direction "Inbound"
    az network nsg rule create -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME --nsg-name hdisecure -n hdirule2 --protocol "*" --source-port-range "*" --destination-port-range "443" --source-address-prefix "" --destination-address-prefix "VirtualNetwork" --access "Allow" --priority 303 --direction "Inbound"
    az network nsg rule create -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME --nsg-name hdisecure -n hdirule2 --protocol "*" --source-port-range "*" --destination-port-range "443" --source-address-prefix "" --destination-address-prefix "VirtualNetwork" --access "Allow" --priority 304 --direction "Inbound"
    az network nsg rule create -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME --nsg-name hdisecure -n hdirule2 --protocol "*" --source-port-range "*" --destination-port-range "443" --source-address-prefix "" --destination-address-prefix "VirtualNetwork" --access "Allow" --priority 305 --direction "Inbound"
  3. To retrieve the unique identifier for this network security group, use the following command:

    az network nsg show -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME -n hdisecure --query 'id'

    This command returns a value similar to the following text:


    Use double-quotes around id in the command if you don't get the expected results.

  4. Use the following command to apply the network security group to a subnet. Replace the GUID and RESOURCEGROUPNAME values with the ones returned from the previous step. Replace VNETNAME and SUBNETNAME with the virtual network name and subnet name that you want to create.

    az network vnet subnet update -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME --vnet-name VNETNAME --name SUBNETNAME --set"/subscriptions/GUID/resourceGroups/RESOURCEGROUPNAME/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/hdisecure"

    Once this command completes, you can install HDInsight into the Virtual Network.


These steps only open access to the HDInsight health and management service on the Azure cloud. Any other access to the HDInsight cluster from outside the Virtual Network is blocked. To enable access from outside the virtual network, you must add additional Network Security Group rules.

The following example demonstrates how to enable SSH access from the Internet:

az network nsg rule create -g RESOURCEGROUPNAME --nsg-name hdisecure -n hdirule5 --protocol "*" --source-port-range "*" --destination-port-range "22" --source-address-prefix "*" --destination-address-prefix "VirtualNetwork" --access "Allow" --priority 306 --direction "Inbound"

Example: DNS configuration

Name resolution between a virtual network and a connected on-premises network

This example makes the following assumptions:

  • You have an Azure Virtual Network that is connected to an on-premises network using a VPN gateway.

  • The custom DNS server in the virtual network is running Linux or Unix as the operating system.

  • Bind is installed on the custom DNS server.

On the custom DNS server in the virtual network:

  1. Use either Azure PowerShell or Azure Classic CLI to find the DNS suffix of the virtual network:

    $resourceGroupName = Read-Input -Prompt "Enter the resource group that contains the virtual network used with HDInsight"
    $NICs = Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
    read -p "Enter the name of the resource group that contains the virtual network: " RESOURCEGROUP
    az network nic list --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --query "[0].dnsSettings.internalDomainNameSuffix"
  2. On the custom DNS server for the virtual network, use the following text as the contents of the /etc/bind/named.conf.local file:

    // Forward requests for the virtual network suffix to Azure recursive resolver
    zone "" {
        type forward;
        forwarders {;}; # Azure recursive resolver

    Replace the value with the DNS suffix of your virtual network.

    This configuration routes all DNS requests for the DNS suffix of the virtual network to the Azure recursive resolver.

  3. On the custom DNS server for the virtual network, use the following text as the contents of the /etc/bind/named.conf.options file:

    // Clients to accept requests from
    // TODO: Add the IP range of the joined network to this list
    acl goodclients {; # IP address range of the virtual network
    options {
            directory "/var/cache/bind";
            recursion yes;
            allow-query { goodclients; };
            # All other requests are sent to the following
            forwarders {
      ; # Replace with the IP address of your on-premises DNS server
            dnssec-validation auto;
            auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
            listen-on { any; };
    • Replace the value with the IP address range of your virtual network. This entry allows name resolution requests addresses within this range.

    • Add the IP address range of the on-premises network to the acl goodclients { ... } section. entry allows name resolution requests from resources in the on-premises network.

    • Replace the value with the IP address of your on-premises DNS server. This entry routes all other DNS requests to the on-premises DNS server.

  4. To use the configuration, restart Bind. For example, sudo service bind9 restart.

  5. Add a conditional forwarder to the on-premises DNS server. Configure the conditional forwarder to send requests for the DNS suffix from step 1 to the custom DNS server.

    [!NOTE] Consult the documentation for your DNS software for specifics on how to add a conditional forwarder.

After completing these steps, you can connect to resources in either network using fully qualified domain names (FQDN). You can now install HDInsight into the virtual network.

Name resolution between two connected virtual networks

This example makes the following assumptions:

  • You have two Azure Virtual Networks that are connected using either a VPN gateway or peering.

  • The custom DNS server in both networks is running Linux or Unix as the operating system.

  • Bind is installed on the custom DNS servers.

  1. Use either Azure PowerShell or Azure Classic CLI to find the DNS suffix of both virtual networks:

    $resourceGroupName = Read-Input -Prompt "Enter the resource group that contains the virtual network used with HDInsight"
    $NICs = Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
    read -p "Enter the name of the resource group that contains the virtual network: " RESOURCEGROUP
    az network nic list --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --query "[0].dnsSettings.internalDomainNameSuffix"
  2. Use the following text as the contents of the /etc/bind/named.config.local file on the custom DNS server. Make this change on the custom DNS server in both virtual networks.

    // Forward requests for the virtual network suffix to Azure recursive resolver
    zone "" {
        type forward;
        forwarders {;}; # The IP address of the DNS server in the other virtual network

    Replace the value with the DNS suffix of the other virtual network. This entry routes requests for the DNS suffix of the remote network to the custom DNS in that network.

  3. On the custom DNS servers in both virtual networks, use the following text as the contents of the /etc/bind/named.conf.options file:

    // Clients to accept requests from
    acl goodclients {; # The IP address range of one virtual network; # The IP address range of the other virtual network
    options {
            directory "/var/cache/bind";
            recursion yes;
            allow-query { goodclients; };
            forwarders {
  ;   # Azure recursive resolver         
            dnssec-validation auto;
            auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
            listen-on { any; };
    • Replace the and values with the IP address ranges of your virtual networks. This entry allows resources in each network to make requests of the DNS servers.

    Any requests that are not for the DNS suffixes of the virtual networks (for example, is handled by the Azure recursive resolver.

  4. To use the configuration, restart Bind. For example, sudo service bind9 restart on both DNS servers.

After completing these steps, you can connect to resources in the virtual network using fully qualified domain names (FQDN). You can now install HDInsight into the virtual network.

Next steps