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Use a Windows PC with Hadoop on HDInsight - Azure |
Work from a Windows PC in Hadoop on HDInsight. Manage and query clusters with PowerShell, Visual Studio, and Linux tools. Develop big data solutions with .NET. |
hdinsight |
hrasheed-msft |
hrasheed |
conceptual |
hdinsight |
hdinsightactive,hdiseo17may2017 |
05/17/2017 |
Learn about development and management options on the Windows PC for working in the Hadoop ecosystem on HDInsight.
HDInsight is based on Apache Hadoop and Hadoop components, open-source technologies developed on Linux. HDInsight version 3.4 and higher uses the Ubuntu Linux distribution as the underlying OS for the cluster. However, you can work with HDInsight from a Windows client or Windows development environment.
Azure PowerShell is a scripting environment that you can use to control and automate deployment and management tasks in HDInsight from Windows.
Examples of tasks you can do with PowerShell:
Follow steps to install and configure Azure Powershell to get the latest version. If you have scripts that need to be modified to use the new cmdlets for Azure Resource Manager, see Migrate to Azure Resource Manager-based development tools for HDInsight clusters.
The following utilities have a web UI that runs in a browser:
- Azure Cloud Shell (preview) is an interactive, command-line shell that runs in your browser and from within the Azure portal.
- Ambari Web UI is a management and monitoring utility available in the Azure portal that can be used to manage different kinds of jobs, such as:
Use Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio to deploy and manage Storm topologies. Data Lake Tools also installs the SCP.NET SDK, which allows you to develop C# Storm topologies with Visual Studio.
Before you go to the following examples, install and try Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio.
Examples of tasks you can do with Visual Studio and Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio:
- Deploy and manage Storm topologies from Visual Studio
- Develop C# topologies for Storm using Visual Studio. The bits include example templates for Storm topologies you can connect to databases, such as Azure Cosmos DB and SQL Database.
You can use Visual Studio with the .NET SDK to manage clusters and develop big data applications. You can use other IDEs for the following tasks, but examples are shown in Visual Studio.
Examples of tasks you can do with the .NET SDK in Visual Studio:
- Create clusters and work in HDInsight from a .NET Framework application
- Run Hive queries using the .NET SDK
- Use C# user-defined functions with Hive and Pig streaming on Hadoop
TIP If you're running .NET solutions with Windows-based HDInsight clusters, it's a good time to plan a migration to Linux-based clusters. For more information, see Migrate .NET solution for Windows-based HDInsight to Linux-based HDInsight.
Both Intellij IDEA and the Eclipse IDE can be used to:
- Develop and submit a Scala Spark application on an HDInsight Spark cluster.
- Access Spark cluster resources.
- Develop and run a Scala Spark application locally.
These articles show how:
- Intellij IDEA: Create Spark applications using the Azure Toolkit for Intellij plug-in and the Scala SDK.
- Eclipse IDE or Scala IDE for Eclipse: Create Spark applications and the Azure Toolkit for Eclipse
Apache Spark clusters in HDInsight include Zeppelin notebooks and kernels that can be used with Jupyter notebooks.
- Learn how to use kernels on Spark clusters with Jupyter notebooks to test Spark applications
- Learn how to use Zeppelin notebooks on Spark clusters to run Spark jobs
If you encounter a situation where you must use a tool or technology that is only available on Linux, consider the following options:
- Bash (beta) on Windows 10 provides a Linux subsystem on Windows. Bash allows you to directly run Linux utilities without having to maintain a dedicated Linux installation. Install and run the Bash beta on Windows 10
- Docker for Windows provides access to many Linux-based tools, and can be run directly from Windows. For example, you can use Docker to run the Beeline client for Hive directly from Windows. You can also use Docker to run a local Jupyter notebook and remotely connect to Spark on HDInsight. Get started with Docker for Windows
- MobaXTerm allows you to graphically browse the cluster file system over an SSH connection.
If you're new to working in Linux-based clusters, see the follow articles: