title | description | author | manager | ms.author | ms.service | services | ms.date | ms.topic |
Simulated device behavior in remote monitoring solution - Azure | Microsoft Docs |
This article describes how to use JavaScript to define the behavior of a simulated device in the remote monitoring solution. |
dominicbetts |
timlt |
dobett |
iot-accelerators |
iot-accelerators |
01/29/2018 |
conceptual |
The article Understand the device model schema described the schema that defines a simulated device model. That article referred to two types of JavaScript file that implement the behavior of a simulated device:
- State JavaScript files that run at fixed intervals to update the internal state of the device.
- Method JavaScript files that run when the solution invokes a method on the device.
In this article, you learn how to:
[!div class="checklist"]
- Control the state of a simulated device
- Define how a simulated device responds to a method call from the Remote Monitoring solution
- Debug your scripts
[!INCLUDE iot-accelerators-device-schema]
This article described how to define the behavior of your own custom simulated device model. This article showed you how to:
[!div class="checklist"]
- Control the state of a simulated device
- Define how a simulated device responds to a method call from the Remote Monitoring solution
- Debug your scripts
Now that you've learned how to specify the behavior of a simulated device, the suggested next step is to learn how to Create a simulated device.
For more developer information about the Remote Monitoring solution, see: