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Define a new device type in Azure IoT Central | Microsoft Docs
This tutorial shows you, as a builder, how to define a new device type in your Azure IoT Central application. You define the telemetry, state, properties and settings for your type.

Tutorial: Define a new device type in your Azure IoT Central application

This tutorial shows you, as a builder, how to use a device template to define a new type of device in your Microsoft Azure IoT Central application. A device template defines the telemetry, state, properties, and settings for your device type.

To enable you to test your application before you connect a real device, IoT Central generates a simulated device from the device template when you create it.

In this tutorial, you create a Connected Air Conditioner device template. A connected air conditioner device:

  • Sends telemetry such as temperature and humidity.
  • Reports state such as whether it is on or off.
  • Has device properties such as firmware version and serial number.
  • Has settings such as target temperature.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

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  • Create a new device template
  • Add telemetry to your device
  • View simulated telemetry
  • Define event measurement
  • View simulated events
  • Define state measurement
  • View simulated state
  • Use settings and properties
  • Use commands
  • View your simulated device in the dashboard


To complete this tutorial, you need an Azure IoT Central application. If you completed the Create an Azure IoT Central application quickstart, you can reuse the application you created in the quickstart. Otherwise, complete the following steps to create an empty Azure IoT Central application:

  1. Navigate to the Azure IoT Central Application Manager page.

  2. Enter the email address and password you use to access your Azure subscription:

    Enter your organization account

  3. To start creating a new Azure IoT Central application, choose New Application:

    Azure IoT Central Application Manager page

  4. To create a new Azure IoT Central application:

    • Choose Trial. You don't need an Azure subscription to create a Trial application.

      For more information about directories and subscriptions, see the create an application quickstart.

    • Choose Custom Application.

    • Optionally you can choose a friendly application name, such as Contoso Air Conditioners. Azure IoT Central generates a unique URL prefix for you. You can change this URL prefix to something more memorable.

    • Choose Create.

    Azure IoT Central Create Application page

    For more information, see the create an application quickstart.

Create a new custom device template

As a builder, you can create and edit the device templates in your application. When you create a device template, Azure IoT Central generates a simulated device from the template. The simulated device generates telemetry that enables you to test the behavior of your application before you connect a physical device.

To add a new device template to your application, you need to go to the Application Builder page. To do so choose the Application builder on the left navigation menu.

Application Builder page

Add a device and define telemetry

The following steps show you how to create a new Connected Air Conditioner device template for devices that send temperature telemetry to your application:

  1. On the Application Builder page, choose Create Device Template:

    Application Builder page, Create Device Template

  2. On the Device Templates page, choose Custom. A Custom device template enables you to define all the characteristics and behaviors of your connected air conditioner:


  3. On the New Device Template page, enter Connected Air Conditioner as the name of your device, and then choose Create. You can also upload an image of your device that's visible to operators in the device explorer:

    Custom Device

  4. In the Connected Air Conditioner device template, make sure you are on the Measurements page where you define the telemetry. Each device template you define has separate pages for you to:

    • Specify the measurements, such as telemetry, event, and state, sent by the device.

    • Define the settings used to control the device.

    • Define the properties that are the device metadata.

    • Define the commands to be run directly on the device.

    • Define the rules associated with the device.

    • Customize the device dashboard for your operators.

    Whenever you're defining the device template, choose Edit Template first to edit the template. When you're finished, choose Done.

    Air conditioner measurements

    [!NOTE] To change the name of the device or device template, click on the text at the top of the page.

  5. To add the temperature telemetry measurement, choose New Measurement. Then choose Telemetry as the measurement type:

    Connected air conditioner measurements

  6. Each type of telemetry you define for a device template includes configuration options such as:

    • Display options.

    • Details of the telemetry.

    • Simulation parameters.

    To configure your Temperature telemetry, use the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Display Name Temperature
    Field Name temperature
    Units F
    Min 60
    Max 110
    Decimal places 0

    You can also choose a color for the telemetry display. To save the telemetry definition, choose Save:

    Configure Temperature simulation

  7. After a short while, the Measurements page shows a chart of the temperature telemetry from your simulated connected air conditioner device. Use the controls to manage visibility, aggregation, or to edit the telemetry definition:

    View temperature simulation

  8. You can also customize the chart using the Line, Stacked, and Edit Time Range controls:

    Customize the chart

Define Event measurement

You can use Event to define point-in-time data that is sent by the device to signify something of significance like an error or a component failure. Like telemetry measurements, Azure IoT Central can simulate device events to enable you to test the behavior of your application before you connect a physical device. You define event measurements for your device type in the Measurements view.

  1. To add the Fan Motor Error event measurement, choose New Measurement. Then choose Event as the measurement type:

    Connected air conditioner measurements

  2. Each type of Event you define for a device template includes configuration options such as:

    • Display Name.

    • Field Name.

    • Severity.

    To configure your Fan Motor Error event, use the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Display Name Fan Motor Error
    Field Name fanmotorerr
    Severity Error

    To save the event definition, choose Save:

    Configure Event measurement

  3. After a short while, the Measurements page shows a chart of the events randomly generated from your simulated connected air conditioner device. Use the controls to manage visibility, or to edit the event definition:

    View event simulation

  4. To see additional details about the event, click the event on the chart:

    View Event Details

Define State measurement

You can use State to define and visualize the state of the device or its component over a period of time. Like telemetry measurements, Azure IoT Central can simulate device state to enable you to test the behavior of your application before you connect a physical device. You define state measurements for your device type in the Measurements view.

  1. To add Fan Mode measurement, choose New Measurement. Then choose State as the measurement type:

    Connected air conditioner state measurements

  2. Each type of State you define for a device template includes configuration options such as:

    • Display Name.

    • Field Name.

    • Values with optional display labels.

    • Color for each value.

    To configure your Fan Mode state, use the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Display Name Fan Mode
    Field Name fanmode
    Value 1
    Display label Operating
    Value 0
    Display label Stopped

    To save the state measurement definition, choose Save:

    Configure State measurement

  3. After a short while, the Measurements page shows a chart of the states randomly generated from your simulated connected air conditioner device. Use the controls to manage visibility, or to edit the state definition:

    View state simulation

  4. In case, there are too many data points sent by the device within a small duration, the state measurement is shown with a different visual as shown below. If you click on the chart, then all the data points within that time period are displayed in a chronological order. You can also narrow the time range so see the measurements in more detail.

    View state Details

Settings, properties, and commands

Settings, properties, and commands are different values defined in a device template and associated with each individual device:

  • You use settings to send configuration data to a device from your application. For example, an operator could use a setting to change the device's telemetry interval from two seconds to five seconds. When an operator changes a setting, the setting is marked as pending in the UI until the device acknowledges that it has actioned the setting change.

  • You use properties to define metadata that's associated with your device. There are two categories of properties:

    • You use application properties to record information about your device in your application. For example, you can use application properties to record a device's location and its last service date. These properties are stored in the application and do not synchronize with the device. An operator can assign values to properties.

    • You use device properties to enable a device to send property values to your application. These properties can only be changed by the device. For an operator, device properties are read-only. In this scenario of a connected air conditioner, the firmware version and device serial number are device properties reported by the device.

    For more information, see Properties in the how-to guide on setting up a device template.

  • You use commands to remotely manage your device from your application. You can directly run commands on the device from the cloud to control the devices. For example, an operator can run commands such as reboot, to instantly reboot the device.

Use settings

You use settings to enable an operator to send configuration data to a device. In this section, you add a setting to your Connected Air Conditioner device template that enables an operator to set the target temperature of the connected air conditioner.

  1. Navigate to the Settings page for your Connected Air Conditioner device template:

    Prepare to add a setting

    You can create settings of different types such as numbers or text.

  2. Choose Number to add a number setting to your device.

  3. To configure your Set Temperature setting, use the information in the following table:

    Field Value
    Display Name Set Temperature
    Field Name setTemperature
    Unit of Measure F
    Decimal Places 1
    Minimum Value 20
    Maximum Value 200
    Initial Value 80
    Description Set the target temperature for the air conditioner

    Then choose Save:

    Configure Set Temperature setting

    [!NOTE] When the device acknowledges a setting change, the status of the setting changes to synced.

  4. You can customize the layout of the Settings page by moving and resizing settings tiles:

    Customize settings layout

Use properties

You use application properties to store information about your device in the application. In this section, you add application properties to your Connected Air Conditioner device template to store the location of the device and the last service date. Note that both of these are editable properties of the device. There are also read-only device properties reported by the device that cannot be changed such as the device serial number and firmware version.

  1. Navigate to the Properties page for your Connected Air Conditioner device template:

    Prepare to add a property

    You can create device properties of different types such as numbers or text. To add a location property to your device template, choose Location.

  2. To configure your location property, use the information in the following table:

    Field Value
    Display Name Location
    Field Name location
    Initial Value Seattle, WA
    Description Device location

    Leave other fields with their default values.

    Configure the device properties

    Choose Save.

  3. To add a last service date property to your device template, choose Date.

  4. To configure your last service date property, use the information in the following table:

    Field Value
    Display Name Last Service Date
    Field Name serviceDate
    Initial Value 1/1/2018
    Description Last serviced

    Configure the device properties

    Choose Save.

  5. You can customize the layout of the Properties page by moving and resizing property tiles:

    Customize properties layout

  6. To add a device property such as firmware version to your device template, choose Device Property.

  7. To configure your firmware version, use the information in the following table:

    Field Value
    Display Name Firmware version
    Field Name firmwareVersion
    Data Type text
    Description The firmware version of the air conditioner

    Configure firmware version

    Choose Save.

  8. To add a device property such as a serial number to your device template, choose Device Property.

  9. To configure the serial number, use the information in the following table:

    Field Value
    Display Name Serial number
    Field Name serialNumber
    Data Type text
    Description The serial number of the air conditioner

    Configure serial number

    Choose Save.

    [!NOTE] Device Property is sent from the device to the application. The values of firmware version and serial number will update when your real device connects to IoT Central.

Use commands

You use commands to enable an operator to run commands directly on the device. In this section, you add a command to your Connected Air Conditioner device template that enables an operator to echo a certain message on the connected air conditioner.

  1. Navigate to the Commands page for your Connected Air Conditioner device template to edit the template.

  2. Click New Command to add a command to your device and begin configuring your new command.

    You can create commands of different types based on your requirements.

  3. To configure your new command, use the information in the following table:

    Field Value
    Display Name Echo Command
    Field Name echo
    Default Timeout 30
    Display Type text
    Description Device Command

    You can add additional inputs to the command by clicking + for Input Fields.

    Prepare to add a setting

    Choose Save.

  4. You can customize the layout of the Commands page by moving and resizing commands tiles:

    Customize settings layout

View your simulated device

Now you have defined your Connected Air Conditioner device template, you can customize its Dashboard to include the measurements, settings, and properties you defined. Then you can preview the dashboard as an operator:

  1. Choose the Dashboard page for your Connected Air Conditioner device template:

    Connected air conditioner dashboards

  2. Choose Line Chart to add the component onto the Dashboard:

    Dashboard components

  3. Configure the Line Chart component using the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Title Temperature
    Time Range Past 30 minutes
    Measures temperature (choose Visibility next to temperature)

    Line chart settings

    Then choose Save.

  4. Configure the Event History component using the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Title Events
    Time Range Past 30 minutes
    Measures Fan Motor Error (choose Visibility next to Fan Motor Error)

    Line chart settings

    Then choose Save.

  5. Configure the State History component using the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Title Fan Mode
    Time Range Past 30 minutes
    Measures Fan Mode (choose Visibility next to Fan Mode)

    Line chart settings

    Then choose Save.

  6. To add the set temperature setting to the dashboard, choose Settings and Properties. Click Add/Remove to add the settings or properties that you'd like to see in the dashboard.

    Dashboard components

  7. Configure the Settings and Properties component using the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Title Set target temperature
    Settings and Properties Set Temperature

    Settings and properties that you have previously defined on the Settings and Properties pages are shown in the Available Columns.

    Set temperature property settings

    Then choose Ok.

  8. To add the device serial number to the dashboard, choose Settings and Properties:

    Dashboard components

  9. Configure the Settings and Properties component using the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Title Serial number
    Settings and Properties Serial number

    Serial number property settings

    Then choose Ok.

  10. To add the device firmware version to the dashboard, choose Settings and Properties:

    Dashboard components

  11. Configure the Settings and Properties component using the information in the following table:

    Setting Value
    Title Firmware version
    Settings and Properties Firmware version

    Serial number property settings

    Then choose Ok.

  12. To view the dashboard as an operator, switch off Edit Template on the top right of the page.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you learned how to:

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  • Create a new device template
  • Add telemetry to your device
  • View simulated telemetry
  • Define device events
  • View simulated events
  • Define your state
  • View simulated state
  • Use settings and properties
  • Use commands
  • View your simulated device in the dashboard

Now that you have defined a device template in your Azure IoT Central application, here are the suggested next steps: