title | description | author | manager | ms.service | services | ms.topic | ms.tgt_pltfrm | ms.date | ms.author |
Retrieve a Twitter message with Azure Functions | Microsoft Docs |
Use the motion sensor to detect shaking and use Azure Functions to find a random tweet with a hashtag that you specify |
liydu |
jeffya |
iot-hub |
iot-hub |
conceptual |
arduino |
03/07/2018 |
liydu |
In this project, you learn how to use the motion sensor to trigger an event using Azure Functions. The app retrieves a random tweet with a #hashtag you configure in your Arduino sketch. The tweet displays on the DevKit screen.
Finish the Getting Started Guide to:
- Have your DevKit connected to Wi-Fi.
- Prepare the development environment.
An active Azure subscription. If you don't have one, you can register via one of these methods:
- Activate a free 30-day trial Microsoft Azure account
- Claim your Azure credit if you are an MSDN or Visual Studio subscriber
Start by opening the project folder.
Make sure your DevKit is connected to your computer.
Start VS Code.
Connect the DevKit to your computer.
[!NOTE] When launching VS Code, you may receive an error message that the Arduino IDE or related board package can't be found. If this error occurs, close VS Code and launch the Arduino IDE again. VS Code should now locate the Arduino IDE path correctly.
Expand the left side ARDUINO EXAMPLES section, browse to Examples for MXCHIP AZ3166 > AzureIoT, and select ShakeShake. A new VS Code window opens, displaying the project folder. If you can't see the MXCHIP AZ3166 section, make sure your device is properly connected and restart Visual Studio Code.
You can also open the sample project from command palette. Click Ctrl+Shift+P
(macOS: Cmd+Shift+P
) to open the command palette, type Arduino, and then find and select Arduino: Examples.
In the solution window, run your task through Ctrl+P
(macOS: Cmd+P
) by entering task cloud-provision
In the VS Code terminal, an interactive command line guides you through provisioning the required Azure services:
If the page hangs in the loading status when trying to sign in to Azure, refer to the "login page hangs" step in the IoT DevKit FAQ.
Open ShakeShake.ino
and look for this line of code:
static const char* iot_event = "{\"topic\":\"iot\"}";
Replace the string iot
within the curly braces with your preferred hashtag. The DevKit later retrieves a random tweet that includes the hashtag you specify in this step.
Use Ctrl+P
(macOS: Cmd+P
) to run task cloud-deploy
to start deploying the Azure Functions code:
Occasionally, the Azure Function may not work properly. To resolve this issue when it occurs, check the "compilation error" section of the IoT DevKit FAQ.
Next, build and upload the device code.
to runtask device-upload
. -
The terminal prompts you to enter configuration mode. To do so:
Hold down button A
Push and release the reset button.
The screen displays the DevKit ID and 'Configuration'.
Put the DevKit into configuration mode:
Hold down button A, then push and release the reset button. The screen displays 'Configuration'.
to runtask device-upload
to set the connection string that is retrieved from thetask cloud-provision
Now the connection string is set, it verifies and uploads the app, then runs it.
VS Code starts verifying and uploading the Arduino sketch to your DevKit:
The DevKit reboots and starts running the code.
You may get an "Error: AZ3166: Unknown package" error message. This error occurs when the board package index isn't refreshed correctly. To resolve this issue, check the "unknown package" error in the IoT DevKit FAQ.
After app initialization, click and release button A, then gently shake the DevKit board. This action retrieves a random tweet, which contains the hashtag you specified earlier. Within a few seconds, a tweet displays on your DevKit screen:
- Press button A again, then shake for a new tweet.
- Press button B to scroll through the rest of the tweet.
The Arduino sketch sends an event to the Azure IoT Hub. This event triggers the Azure Functions app. The Azure Functions app contains the logic to connect to Twitter's API and retrieve a tweet. It then wraps the tweet text into a C2D (Cloud-to-device) message and sends it back to the device.
For testing purposes, this sample project uses a pre-configured Twitter bearer token. However, there is a rate limit for every Twitter account. If you want to consider using your own token, follow these steps:
Go to Twitter Developer portal to register a new Twitter app.
Get Consumer Key and Consumer Secrets of your app.
Use some utility to generate a Twitter bearer token from these two keys.
In the Azure portal{:target="_blank"}, get into the Resource Group and find the Azure Function (Type: App Service) for your "Shake, Shake" project. The name always contains 'shake...' string.
Update the code for
within Functions > shakeshake-cs with your own token:string authHeader = "Bearer " + "[your own token]";

6. Save the file and click **Run**.
## Problems and feedback
How to troubleshoot problems or provide feedback.
### Problems
One problem you could see if the screen displays 'No Tweets' while every step has run successfully. This condition normally happens the first time you deploy and run the sample because the function app requires anywhere from a couple of seconds to as much as one minute to cold start the app.
Or, when running the code, there are some blips that cause a restarting of the app. When this condition happens, the device app can get a timeout for fetching the tweet. In this case, you may try one or both of these methods to solve the issue:
1. Click the reset button on the DevKit to run the device app again.
2. In the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/), find the Azure Functions app you created and restart it:

### Feedback
If you experience other problems, refer to the [IoT DevKit FAQ](https://microsoft.github.io/azure-iot-developer-kit/docs/faq/) or contact us using the following channels:
* [Gitter.im](http://gitter.im/Microsoft/azure-iot-developer-kit)
* [Stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/iot-devkit)
## Next steps
Now that you have learned how to connect a DevKit device to your Azure IoT Remote Monitoring solution accelerator and retrieve a tweet, here are the suggested next steps:
* [Azure IoT Remote Monitoring solution accelerator overview](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-suite/)