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Get started with Azure IoT Hub device twins (Python) | Microsoft Docs |
How to use Azure IoT Hub device twins to add tags and then use an IoT Hub query. You use the Azure IoT SDKs for Python to implement the simulated device app and a service app that adds the tags and runs the IoT Hub query. |
kgremban |
timlt |
iot-hub |
iot-hub |
python |
conceptual |
12/04/2017 |
kgremban |
[!INCLUDE iot-hub-selector-twin-get-started]
At the end of this tutorial, you will have two Python console apps:
- AddTagsAndQuery.py, a Python back-end app, which adds tags and queries device twins.
- ReportConnectivity.py, a Python app, which simulates a device that connects to your IoT hub with the device identity created earlier, and reports its connectivity condition.
The article Azure IoT SDKs provides information about the Azure IoT SDKs that you can use to build both device and back-end apps.
To complete this tutorial you need the following:
- Python 2.x or 3.x. Make sure to use the 32-bit or 64-bit installation as required by your setup. When prompted during the installation, make sure to add Python to your platform-specific environment variable. If you are using Python 2.x, you may need to install or upgrade pip, the Python package management system.
- If you are using Windows OS, then Visual C++ redistributable package to allow the use of native DLLs from Python.
- An active Azure account. (If you don't have an account, you can create a free account in just a couple of minutes.)
The pip packages for azure-iothub-service-client
and azure-iothub-device-client
are currently available only for Windows OS. For Linux/Mac OS, please refer to the Linux and Mac OS-specific sections on the Prepare your development environment for Python post.
[!INCLUDE iot-hub-include-create-hub]
[!INCLUDE iot-hub-include-find-connection-string]
[!INCLUDE iot-hub-include-create-device]
In this section, you create a Python console app that adds location metadata to the device twin associated with your {Device Id}. It then queries the device twins stored in the IoT hub selecting the devices located in Redmond, and then the ones that are reporting a cellular connection.
Open a command prompt and install the Azure IoT Hub Service SDK for Python. Close the command prompt after you install the SDK.
pip install azure-iothub-service-client
Using a text editor, create a new AddTagsAndQuery.py file.
Add the following code to import the required modules from the service SDK:
import sys import iothub_service_client from iothub_service_client import IoTHubRegistryManager, IoTHubRegistryManagerAuthMethod from iothub_service_client import IoTHubDeviceTwin, IoTHubError
Add the following code, replacing the placeholder for
[IoTHub Connection String]
and[Device Id]
with the connection string for the IoT hub and the device id you created in the previous sections.CONNECTION_STRING = "[IoTHub Connection String]" DEVICE_ID = "[Device Id]" UPDATE_JSON = "{\"properties\":{\"desired\":{\"location\":\"Redmond\"}}}" UPDATE_JSON_SEARCH = "\"location\":\"Redmond\"" UPDATE_JSON_CLIENT_SEARCH = "\"connectivity\":\"cellular\""
Add the following code to the AddTagsAndQuery.py file:
def iothub_service_sample_run(): try: iothub_registry_manager = IoTHubRegistryManager(CONNECTION_STRING) iothub_registry_statistics = iothub_registry_manager.get_statistics() print ( "Total device count : {0}".format(iothub_registry_statistics.totalDeviceCount) ) print ( "Enabled device count : {0}".format(iothub_registry_statistics.enabledDeviceCount) ) print ( "Disabled device count : {0}".format(iothub_registry_statistics.disabledDeviceCount) ) print ( "" ) number_of_devices = iothub_registry_statistics.totalDeviceCount dev_list = iothub_registry_manager.get_device_list(number_of_devices) iothub_twin_method = IoTHubDeviceTwin(CONNECTION_STRING) for device in range(0, number_of_devices): if dev_list[device].deviceId == DEVICE_ID: twin_info = iothub_twin_method.update_twin(dev_list[device].deviceId, UPDATE_JSON) print ( "Devices in Redmond: " ) for device in range(0, number_of_devices): twin_info = iothub_twin_method.get_twin(dev_list[device].deviceId) if twin_info.find(UPDATE_JSON_SEARCH) > -1: print ( dev_list[device].deviceId ) print ( "" ) print ( "Devices in Redmond using cellular network: " ) for device in range(0, number_of_devices): twin_info = iothub_twin_method.get_twin(dev_list[device].deviceId) if twin_info.find(UPDATE_JSON_SEARCH) > -1: if twin_info.find(UPDATE_JSON_CLIENT_SEARCH) > -1: print ( dev_list[device].deviceId ) except IoTHubError as iothub_error: print ( "Unexpected error {0}".format(iothub_error) ) return except KeyboardInterrupt: print ( "IoTHub sample stopped" )
The Registry object exposes all the methods required to interact with device twins from the service. The code first initializes the Registry object, then updates the device twin for deviceId, and finally runs two queries. The first selects only the device twins of devices located in the Redmond43 plant, and the second refines the query to select only the devices that are also connected through cellular network.
Add the following code at the end of AddTagsAndQuery.py to implement the iothub_service_sample_run function:
if __name__ == '__main__': print ( "Starting the IoT Hub Device Twins Python service sample..." ) iothub_service_sample_run()
Run the application with:
python AddTagsAndQuery.py
You should see one device in the results for the query asking for all devices located in Redmond43 and none for the query that restricts the results to devices that use a cellular network.
In the next section, you create a device app that reports the connectivity information and changes the result of the query in the previous section.
In this section, you create a Python console app that connects to your hub as your {Device Id}, and then updates its device twin's reported properties to contain the information that it is connected using a cellular network.
Open a command prompt and install the Azure IoT Hub Service SDK for Python. Close the command prompt after you install the SDK.
pip install azure-iothub-device-client
Using a text editor, create a new ReportConnectivity.py file.
Add the following code to import the required modules from the service SDK:
import time import iothub_client from iothub_client import IoTHubClient, IoTHubClientError, IoTHubTransportProvider, IoTHubClientResult, IoTHubError
Add the following code, replacing the placeholder for
[IoTHub Device Connection String]
with the connection string for the IoT hub device you created in the previous sections.CONNECTION_STRING = "[IoTHub Device Connection String]" # choose HTTP, AMQP, AMQP_WS or MQTT as transport protocol PROTOCOL = IoTHubTransportProvider.MQTT TIMER_COUNT = 5 TWIN_CONTEXT = 0 SEND_REPORTED_STATE_CONTEXT = 0
Add the following code to the ReportConnectivity.py file to implement the device twins functionality:
def device_twin_callback(update_state, payload, user_context): print ( "" ) print ( "Twin callback called with:" ) print ( " updateStatus: %s" % update_state ) print ( " payload: %s" % payload ) def send_reported_state_callback(status_code, user_context): print ( "" ) print ( "Confirmation for reported state called with:" ) print ( " status_code: %d" % status_code ) def iothub_client_init(): client = IoTHubClient(CONNECTION_STRING, PROTOCOL) if client.protocol == IoTHubTransportProvider.MQTT or client.protocol == IoTHubTransportProvider.MQTT_WS: client.set_device_twin_callback( device_twin_callback, TWIN_CONTEXT) return client def iothub_client_sample_run(): try: client = iothub_client_init() if client.protocol == IoTHubTransportProvider.MQTT: print ( "Sending data as reported property..." ) reported_state = "{\"connectivity\":\"cellular\"}" client.send_reported_state(reported_state, len(reported_state), send_reported_state_callback, SEND_REPORTED_STATE_CONTEXT) while True: print ( "Press Ctrl-C to exit" ) status_counter = 0 while status_counter <= TIMER_COUNT: status = client.get_send_status() time.sleep(10) status_counter += 1 except IoTHubError as iothub_error: print ( "Unexpected error %s from IoTHub" % iothub_error ) return except KeyboardInterrupt: print ( "IoTHubClient sample stopped" )
The Client object exposes all the methods you require to interact with device twins from the device. The previous code, after it initializes the Client object, retrieves the device twin for your device and updates its reported property with the connectivity information.
Add the following code at the end of ReportConnectivity.py to implement the iothub_client_sample_run function:
if __name__ == '__main__': print ( "Starting the IoT Hub Device Twins Python client sample..." ) iothub_client_sample_run()
Run the device app
python ReportConnectivity.py
You should see confirmation the device twins were updated.
Now that the device reported its connectivity information, it should appear in both queries. Go back and run the queries again:
python AddTagsAndQuery.py
This time your {Device Id} should appear in both query results.
In this tutorial, you configured a new IoT hub in the Azure portal, and then created a device identity in the IoT hub's identity registry. You added device metadata as tags from a back-end app, and wrote a simulated device app to report device connectivity information in the device twin. You also learned how to query this information using the registry.
Use the following resources to learn how to:
- Send telemetry from devices with the Get started with IoT Hub tutorial,
- Configure devices using device twin's desired properties with the Use desired properties to configure devices tutorial,
- Control devices interactively (such as turning on a fan from a user-controlled app), with the Use direct methods tutorial.