title: Create a public Load Balancer Standard with zonal Public IP address frontend using Azure PowerShell | Microsoft Docs description: Learn how to create public Load Balancer Standard with a zonal Public IP address frontend using Azure PowerShell services: load-balancer documentationcenter: na author: KumudD ms.service: load-balancer ms.devlang: na ms.topic: article ms.tgt_pltfrm: na ms.workload: infrastructure-services ms.date: 03/26/2018 ms.author: kumud
This article steps through creating a public Load Balancer Standard with a zonal frontend using a Public IP Standard address. To understand how availability zones work with Standard Load Balancer, see Standard Load Balancer and Availability zones.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Support for Availability Zones is available for select Azure resources and regions, and VM size families. For more information on how to get started, and which Azure resources, regions, and VM size families you can try availability zones with, see Overview of Availability Zones. For support, you can reach out on StackOverflow or open an Azure support ticket.
Log in to your Azure subscription with the Connect-AzureRmAccount
command and follow the on-screen directions.
Create a Resource Group using the following command:
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroupZLB -Location westeurope
Create a Public IP Standard using the following command:
$publicIp = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupZLB -Name 'myPublicIPZonal' `
-Location westeurope -AllocationMethod Static -Sku Standard -zone 1
Create a frontend IP configuration using the following command:
$feip = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig -Name 'myFrontEnd' -PublicIpAddress $publicIp
Create a backend address pool using the following command:
$bepool = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolConfig -Name 'myBackEndPool'
Create a health probe on port 80 for the load balancer using the following command:
$probe = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerProbeConfig -Name 'myHealthProbe' -Protocol Http -Port 80 `
-RequestPath / -IntervalInSeconds 360 -ProbeCount 5
Create a load balancer rule using the following command:
$rule = New-AzureRmLoadBalancerRuleConfig -Name HTTP -FrontendIpConfiguration $feip -BackendAddressPool $bepool -Probe $probe -Protocol Tcp -FrontendPort 80 -BackendPort 80
Create a Load Balancer Standard using the following command:
$lb = New-AzureRmLoadBalancer -ResourceGroupName myResourceGroupZLB -Name 'MyLoadBalancer' -Location westeurope `
-FrontendIpConfiguration $feip -BackendAddressPool $bepool `
-Probe $probe -LoadBalancingRule $rule -Sku Standard
- Learn more about Standard Load Balancer and Availability zones.