title | description | author | services | ms.service | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.author | ms.component |
Azure Diagnostic Logs supported services and schemas |
Understand the supported services and event schema for Azure Diagnostic Logs. |
johnkemnetz |
azure-monitor |
azure-monitor |
reference |
10/11/2018 |
johnkem |
logs |
Azure Monitor diagnostic logs are logs emitted by Azure services that describe the operation of those services or resources. All diagnostic logs available through Azure Monitor share a common top-level schema, with flexibility for each service to emit unique properties for their own events.
A combination of the resource type (available in the resourceId
property) and the category
uniquely identify a schema. This article describes the top-level schema for diagnostic logs and links to the schemata for each service.
Name | Required/Optional | Description |
time | Required | The timestamp (UTC) of the event. |
resourceId | Required | The resource ID of the resource that emitted the event. For tenant services, this is of the form /tenants/tenant-id/providers/provider-name. |
tenantId | Required for tenant logs | The tenant ID of the Active Directory tenant that this event is tied to. This property is only used for tenant-level logs, it does not appear in resource-level logs. |
operationName | Required | The name of the operation represented by this event. If the event represents an RBAC operation, this is the RBAC operation name (eg. Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/blobs/Read). Typically modeled in the form of a Resource Manager operation, even if they are not actual documented Resource Manager operations (Microsoft.<providerName>/<resourceType>/<subtype>/<Write/Read/Delete/Action> ) |
operationVersion | Optional | The api-version associated with the operation, if the operationName was performed using an API (eg. http://myservice.windowsazure.net/object?api-version=2016-06-01 ). If there is no API that corresponds to this operation, the version represents the version of that operation in case the properties associated with the operation change in the future. |
category | Required | The log category of the event. Category is the granularity at which you can enable or disable logs on a particular resource. The properties that appear within the properties blob of an event are the same within a particular log category and resource type. Typical log categories are “Audit” “Operational” “Execution” and “Request.” |
resultType | Optional | The status of the event. Typical values include Started, In Progress, Succeeded, Failed, Active, and Resolved. |
resultSignature | Optional | The sub status of the event. If this operation corresponds to a REST API call, this is the HTTP status code of the corresponding REST call. |
resultDescription | Optional | The static text description of this operation, eg. “Get storage file.” |
durationMs | Optional | The duration of the operation in milliseconds. |
callerIpAddress | Optional | The caller IP address, if the operation corresponds to an API call that would come from an entity with a publicly-available IP address. |
correlationId | Optional | A GUID used to group together a set of related events. Typically, if two events have the same operationName but two different statuses (eg. “Started” and “Succeeded”), they share the same correlation ID. This may also represent other relationships between events. |
identity | Optional | A JSON blob that describes the identity of the user or application that performed the operation. Typically this will include the authorization and claims / JWT token from active directory. |
Level | Optional | The severity level of the event. Must be one of Informational, Warning, Error, or Critical. |
location | Optional | The region of the resource emitting the event, eg. “East US” or “France South” |
properties | Optional | Any extended properties related to this particular category of events. All custom/unique properties must be put inside this “Part B” of the schema. |
The schema for resource diagnostic logs varies depending on the resource and log category. This list shows all services that make available diagnostic logs and links to the service and category-specific schema where available.
Resource Type | Category | Category Display Name |
Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers | Engine | Engine |
Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers | Service | Service |
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service | GatewayLogs | Logs related to ApiManagement Gateway |
Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts | JobLogs | Job Logs |
Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts | JobStreams | Job Streams |
Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts | DscNodeStatus | Dsc Node Status |
Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts | ServiceLog | Service Logs |
Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/endpoints | CoreAnalytics | Gets the metrics of the endpoint, e.g., bandwidth, egress, etc. |
Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networksecuritygroups | Network Security Group Rule Flow Event | Network Security Group Rule Flow Event |
Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts | Audit | Audit Logs |
Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts | RequestResponse | Request and Response Logs |
Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters | kube-apiserver | Kubernetes API Server |
Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters | kube-controller-manager | Kubernetes Controller Manager |
Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters | cluster-autoscaler | Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler |
Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters | kube-scheduler | Kubernetes Scheduler |
Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters | guard | Authentication Webhook |
Microsoft.CustomerInsights/hubs | AuditEvents | AuditEvents |
Microsoft.DataFactory/factories | ActivityRuns | Pipeline activity runs log |
Microsoft.DataFactory/factories | PipelineRuns | Pipeline runs log |
Microsoft.DataFactory/factories | TriggerRuns | Trigger runs log |
Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts | Audit | Audit Logs |
Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts | Requests | Request Logs |
Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts | Audit | Audit Logs |
Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts | Requests | Request Logs |
Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers | MySqlSlowLogs | MySQL Server Logs |
Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers | PostgreSQLLogs | PostgreSQL Server Logs |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | Connections | Connections |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | DeviceTelemetry | Device Telemetry |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | C2DCommands | C2D Commands |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | DeviceIdentityOperations | Device Identity Operations |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | FileUploadOperations | File Upload Operations |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | Routes | Routes |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | D2CTwinOperations | D2CTwinOperations |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | C2DTwinOperations | C2D Twin Operations |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | TwinQueries | Twin Queries |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | JobsOperations | Jobs Operations |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | DirectMethods | Direct Methods |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | E2EDiagnostics | E2E Diagnostics (Preview) |
Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs | Configurations | Configurations |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices | DeviceOperations | Device Operations |
Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices | ServiceOperations | Service Operations |
Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts | DataPlaneRequests | DataPlaneRequests |
Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts | MongoRequests | MongoRequests |
Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts | QueryRuntimeStatistics | QueryRuntimeStatistics |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces | ArchiveLogs | Archive Logs |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces | OperationalLogs | Operational Logs |
Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces | AutoScaleLogs | Auto Scale Logs |
Microsoft.Insights/AutoscaleSettings | AutoscaleEvaluations | Autoscale Evaluations |
Microsoft.Insights/AutoscaleSettings | AutoscaleScaleActions | Autoscale Scale Actions |
Microsoft.IoTSpaces/Graph | Trace | Trace |
Microsoft.IoTSpaces/Graph | Operational | Operational |
Microsoft.IoTSpaces/Graph | Audit | Audit |
Microsoft.IoTSpaces/Graph | UserDefinedFunction | UserDefinedFunction |
Microsoft.IoTSpaces/Graph | Ingress | Ingress |
Microsoft.IoTSpaces/Graph | Egress | Egress |
Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults | AuditEvent | Audit Logs |
Microsoft.Logic/workflows | WorkflowRuntime | Workflow runtime diagnostic events |
Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts | IntegrationAccountTrackingEvents | Integration Account track events |
Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups | NetworkSecurityGroupEvent | Network Security Group Event |
Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups | NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter | Network Security Group Rule Counter |
Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers | LoadBalancerAlertEvent | Load Balancer Alert Events |
Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers | LoadBalancerProbeHealthStatus | Load Balancer Probe Health Status |
Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses | DDoSProtectionNotifications | DDoS protection notifications |
Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses | DDoSMitigationFlowLogs | Flow logs of DDoS mitigation decisions |
Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses | DDoSMitigationReports | Reports of DDoS mitigations |
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks | VMProtectionAlerts | VM protection alerts |
Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways | ApplicationGatewayAccessLog | Application Gateway Access Log |
Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways | ApplicationGatewayPerformanceLog | Application Gateway Performance Log |
Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways | ApplicationGatewayFirewallLog | Application Gateway Firewall Log |
Microsoft.Network/securegateways | AzureFirewallApplicationRule | Azure Firewall Application Rule |
Microsoft.Network/securegateways | AzureFirewallNetworkRule | Azure Firewall Network Rule |
Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls | AzureFirewallApplicationRule | Azure Firewall Application Rule |
Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls | AzureFirewallNetworkRule | Azure Firewall Network Rule |
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | GatewayDiagnosticLog | Gateway Diagnostic Logs |
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | TunnelDiagnosticLog | Tunnel Diagnostic Logs |
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | RouteDiagnosticLog | Route Diagnostic Logs |
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | IKEDiagnosticLog | IKE Diagnostic Logs |
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways | P2SDiagnosticLog | P2S Diagnostic Logs |
Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles | ProbeHealthStatusEvents | Traffic Manager Probe Health Results Event |
Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits | PeeringRouteLog | Peering Route Table Logs |
Microsoft.Network/frontdoors | FrontdoorAccessLog | Frontdoor Access Log |
Microsoft.Network/frontdoors | FrontdoorWebApplicationFirewallLog | Frontdoor Web Application Firewall Log |
Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities | Engine | Engine |
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | AzureBackupReport | Azure Backup Reporting Data |
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | AzureSiteRecoveryJobs | Azure Site Recovery Jobs |
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | AzureSiteRecoveryEvents | Azure Site Recovery Events |
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | AzureSiteRecoveryReplicatedItems | Azure Site Recovery Replicated Items |
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationStats | Azure Site Recovery Replication Stats |
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | AzureSiteRecoveryRecoveryPoints | Azure Site Recovery Recovery Points |
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationDataUploadRate | Azure Site Recovery Replication Data Upload Rate |
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults | AzureSiteRecoveryProtectedDiskDataChurn | Azure Site Recovery Protected Disk Data Churn |
Microsoft.Search/searchServices | OperationLogs | Operation Logs |
Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces | OperationalLogs | Operational Logs |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | SQLInsights | SQL Insights |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | AutomaticTuning | Automatic tuning |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics | Query Store Runtime Statistics |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | QueryStoreWaitStatistics | Query Store Wait Statistics |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | Errors | Errors |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | DatabaseWaitStatistics | Database Wait Statistics |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | Timeouts | Timeouts |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | Blocks | Blocks |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | Deadlocks | Deadlocks |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | Audit | Audit Logs |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | SQLSecurityAuditEvents | SQL Security Audit Event |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | DmsWorkers | Dms Workers |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | ExecRequests | Exec Requests |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | RequestSteps | Request Steps |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | SqlRequests | Sql Requests |
Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases | Waits | Waits |
Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances | ResourceUsageStats | Resource Usage Statistics |
Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances | SQLSecurityAuditEvents | SQL Security Audit Event |
Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases | SQLInsights | SQL Insights |
Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases | QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics | Query Store Runtime Statistics |
Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases | QueryStoreWaitStatistics | Query Store Wait Statistics |
Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases | Errors | Errors |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs | Execution | Execution |
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs | Authoring | Authoring |
microsoft.web/sites | FunctionExecutionLogs | Function Execution Logs |
microsoft.web/sites/slots | FunctionExecutionLogs | Function Execution Logs |