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Setting Up the Azure Import/Export Tool v1 | Microsoft Docs |
Learn how to set up the drive preparation and repair tool for the Azure Import/Export service. This refers to v1 of the Import/Export Tool. |
muralikk |
storage |
storage |
article |
01/15/2017 |
muralikk |
common |
The Microsoft Azure Import/Export Tool is the drive preparation and repair tool that you can use with the Microsoft Azure Import/Export service. You can use the tool for the following functions:
Before creating an import job, you can use this tool to copy data to the hard drives you are going to ship to a Windows Azure data center.
After an import job has completed, you can use this tool to repair any blobs that were corrupted, were missing, or conflicted with other blobs.
After you receive the drives from a completed export job, you can use this tool to repair any files that were corrupted or missing on the drives.
If you are preparing drives for an import job, you will need to meet the following prerequisites:
You must have an active Azure subscription.
Your subscription must include a storage account with enough available space to store the files you are going to import.
You need at least one of the account keys for the storage account.
You need a computer (the "copy machine") with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or a newer Windows operating system installed.
The .NET Framework 4 must be installed on the copy machine.
BitLocker must be enabled on the copy machine.
You will need one or more drives that contains data to be imported or empty 3.5-inch SATA hard drives connected to the copy machine.
The files you plan to import must be accessible from the copy machine, whether they are on a network share or a local hard drive.
If you are attempting to repair an import that has partially failed, you will need:
The copy log files
The storage account key
If you are attempting to repair an export that has partially failed, you will need:
The copy log files
The manifest files (optional)
The storage account key
The Azure Import/Export Tool consists of the following files:
Copy these files to a working directory, for example, c:\WAImportExport
. Next, open a command line window in Administrator mode, and set the above directory as current directory.
To output help for the command, run the tool without parameters:
WAImportExport, a client tool for Microsoft Azure Import/Export service. Microsoft (c) 2013, 2014
Copy a Directory:
WAImportExport.exe PrepImport
/j:<JournalFile> [/logdir:<LogDirectory>] [/id:<SessionId>] [/resumesession]
[/abortsession] [/sk:<StorageAccountKey>] [/csas:<ContainerSas>]
[/t:<TargetDriveLetter>] [/format] [/silentmode] [/encrypt]
[/bk:<BitLockerKey>] [/Disposition:<Disposition>] [/BlobType:<BlobType>]
[/PropertyFile:<PropertyFile>] [/MetadataFile:<MetadataFile>]
/srcdir:<SourceDirectory> /dstdir:<DestinationBlobVirtualDirectory>
Copy a File:
WAImportExport.exe PrepImport
/j:<JournalFile> [/logdir:<LogDirectory>] [/id:<SessionId>] [/resumesession]
[/abortsession] [/sk:<StorageAccountKey>] [/csas:<ContainerSas>]
[/t:<TargetDriveLetter>] [/format] [/silentmode] [/encrypt]
[/bk:<BitLockerKey>] [/Disposition:<Disposition>] [/BlobType:<BlobType>]
[/PropertyFile:<PropertyFile>] [/MetadataFile:<MetadataFile>]
/srcfile:<SourceFilePath> /dstblob:<DestinationBlobPath>
Repair a Drive:
WAImportExport.exe RepairImport | RepairExport
/r:<RepairFile> [/logdir:<LogDirectory>]
[/d:<TargetDirectories>] [/bk:<BitLockerKey>]
/sn:<StorageAccountName> [/sk:<StorageAccountKey> | /csas:<ContainerSas>]
[/CopyLogFile:<DriveCopyLogFile>] [/ManifestFile:<DriveManifestFile>]
Preview an Export Job:
WAImportExport.exe PreviewExport
/sn:<StorageAccountName> [/sk:<StorageAccountKey> | /csas:<ContainerSas>]
/ExportBlobListFile:<ExportBlobListFile> /DriveSize:<DriveSize>
- Required. Path to the journal file. Each drive must have one and only one
journal file. The journal file corresponding to the target drive must always
be specified.
- Optional. The log directory. Verbose log files as well as some temporary
files will be written to this directory. If not specified, current directory
will be used as the log directory.
- Required. The session Id is used to identify a copy session. It is used to
ensure accurate recovery of an interrupted copy session. In addition, files
that are copied in a copy session are stored in a directory named after the
session Id on the target drive.
- Optional. If the last copy session was terminated abnormally, this parameter
can be specified to resume the session.
- Optional. If the last copy session was terminated abnormally, this parameter
can be specified to abort the session.
- Required. Only applicable for RepairImport and RepairExport. The name of
the storage account.
- Optional. The key of the storage account. One of /sk: and /csas: must be
- Optional. A container SAS, in format of <ContainerName>?<SasString>, to be
used for import the data. One of /sk: and /csas: must be specified.
- Required. Drive letter of the target drive.
- Required. Only applicable for RepairImport and RepairExport.
Path to the file for tracking repair progress. Each drive must have one
and only one repair file.
- Required. Only applicable for RepairImport and RepairExport.
For RepairImport, one or more semicolon-separated directories to repair;
For RepairExport, one directory to repair, e.g. root directory of the drive.
- Optional. If specified, the target drive will be formatted. DO NOT specify
this parameter if you do not want to format the drive.
- Optional. If not specified, the /format parameter will require a confirmation
from console before the tool formats the drive. If this parameter is specified,
not confirmation will be given for formatting the drive.
- Optional. If specified, the target drive will be encrypted with BitLocker.
If the drive has already been encrypted with BitLocker, do not specify this
parameter and instead specify the BitLocker key using the "/k" parameter.
- Optional. The current BitLocker key if the drive has already been encrypted
with BitLocker.
- Optional. Specifies the behavior when a blob with the same path as the one
being imported already exists. Valid values are: rename, no-overwrite and
overwrite (case-sensitive). If not specified, "rename" will be used as the
default value.
- Optional. The blob type for the imported blob(s). Valid values are BlockBlob
and PageBlob. If not specified, BlockBlob will be used as the default value.
- Optional. Path to the property file for the file(s) to be imported.
- Optional. Path to the metadata file for the file(s) to be imported.
- Required. Only applicable for RepairImport and RepairExport. Path to the
drive copy log file (verbose or error).
- Required. Only applicable for RepairExport. Path to the drive manifest file.
- Optional. Only applicable for RepairImport. Path to the file containing
mappings of file paths relative to the drive root to locations of actual files
(tab-delimited). When first specified, it will be populated with file paths
with empty targets, which means either they are not found in TargetDirectories,
access denied, with invalid name, or they exist in multiple directories. The
path map file can be manually edited to include the correct target paths and
specified again for the tool to resolve the file paths correctly.
- Required. Path to the XML file containing list of blob paths or blob path
prefixes for the blobs to be exported. The file format is the same as the
blob list blob format in the Put Job operation of the Import/Export service
- Required. Size of drives to be used for export. For example, 500GB, 1.5TB.
Note: 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes
1 TB = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
- Required. Source directory that contains files to be copied to the
target drives.
- Required. Destination blob virtual directory to which the files will
be imported.
- Required. Path to the source file to be imported.
- Required. Destination blob path for the file to be imported.
- Optional. To skip write process. Used for inplace data drive preparation.
Be sure to reserve enough space (3 GB per 7TB) for drive manifest file!
Copy a source directory to a drive:
WAImportExport.exe PrepImport
/j:9WM35C2V.jrn /id:session#1 /sk:VkGbrUqBWLYJ6zg1m29VOTrxpBgdNOlp+kp0C9MEdx3GEL
xmBw4hK94f7KysbbeKLDksg7VoN1W/a5UuM2zNgQ== /t:x /format /encrypt /srcdir:d:\movi
es\drama /dstdir:movies/drama/
Copy another directory to the same drive following the above command:
WAImportExport.exe PrepImport
/j:9WM35C2V.jrn /id:session#2 /srcdir:d:\movies\action /dstdir:movies/action/
Copy another file to the same drive following the above commands:
WAImportExport.exe PrepImport
/j:9WM35C2V.jrn /id:session#3 /srcfile:d:\movies\dvd.vhd /dstblob:movies/dvd.vhd /BlobType:PageBlob
Preview how many 1.5 TB drives are needed for an export job:
WAImportExport.exe PreviewExport
/sn:mytestaccount /sk:VkGbrUqBWLYJ6zg1m29VOTrxpBgdNOlp+kp0C9MEdx3GELxmBw4hK94f7K
ysbbeKLDksg7VoN1W/a5UuM2zNgQ== /ExportBlobListFile:C:\temp\myexportbloblist.xml
Repair an finished import job:
WAImportExport.exe RepairImport
/r:9WM35C2V.rep /d:X:\ /bk:442926-020713-108086-436744-137335-435358-242242-2795
98 /sn:mytestaccount /sk:VkGbrUqBWLYJ6zg1m29VOTrxpBgdNOlp+kp0C9MEdx3GELxmBw4hK94
f7KysbbeKLDksg7VoN1W/a5UuM2zNgQ== /CopyLogFile:C:\temp\9WM35C2V_error.log
Skip write process, inplace data drive preparation:
WAImportExport.exe PrepImport
/j:9WM35C2V.jrn /id:session#1 /sk:VkGbrUqBWLYJ6zg1m29VOTrxpBgdNOlp+kp0C9MEdx3GEL
xmBw4hK94f7KysbbeKLDksg7VoN1W/a5UuM2zNgQ== /t:d /encrypt /srcdir:d:\movi
es\drama /dstdir:movies/drama/ /skipwrite