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Azure Storage samples using .NET | Microsoft Docs |
View, download, and run sample code and applications for Azure Storage. Discover getting started samples for blobs, queues, tables, and files, using the .NET storage client libraries. |
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01/12/2017 |
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The following table provides an overview of our samples repository and the scenarios covered in each sample. Click on the links to view the corresponding sample code in GitHub.
To view the complete sample library, go to the Azure Code Samples library, which includes samples for Azure Storage that you can download and run locally. The Code Sample Library provides sample code in .zip format. Alternatively, you can browse and clone the GitHub repository for each sample.
[!INCLUDE storage-dotnet-samples-include]
Check out the following guides if you are looking for instructions on how to install and get started with the Azure Storage Client Libraries.
- Getting Started with Azure Blob Service in .NET
- Getting Started with Azure Queue Service in .NET
- Getting Started with Azure Table Service in .NET
- Getting Started with Azure File Service in .NET
For information on samples for other languages:
- Java: Azure Storage samples using Java
- All other languages: Azure Storage samples