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Troubleshoot Azure Files problems in Linux | Microsoft Docs
Troubleshooting Azure Files problems in Linux

Troubleshoot Azure Files problems in Linux

This article lists common problems that are related to Microsoft Azure Files when you connect from Linux clients. It also provides possible causes and resolutions for these problems.

In addition to the troubleshooting steps in this article, you can use AzFileDiagnostics to ensure that the Linux client has correct prerequisites. AzFileDiagnostics automates the detection of most of the symptoms mentioned in this article. It helps set up your environment to get optimal performance. You can also find this information in the Azure Files shares troubleshooter. The troubleshooter provides steps to help you with problems connecting, mapping, and mounting Azure Files shares.

"[permission denied] Disk quota exceeded" when you try to open a file

In Linux, you receive an error message that resembles the following:

[permission denied] Disk quota exceeded


You have reached the upper limit of concurrent open handles that are allowed for a file.


Reduce the number of concurrent open handles by closing some handles, and then retry the operation. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Storage performance and scalability checklist.

Slow file copying to and from Azure Files in Linux

  • If you don't have a specific minimum I/O size requirement, we recommend that you use 1 MiB as the I/O size for optimal performance.
  • If you know the final size of a file that you're extending by using writes, and your software doesn't experience compatibility problems when an unwritten tail on the file contains zeros, then set the file size in advance instead of making every write an extending write.
  • Use the right copy method:
    • Use AzCopy for any transfer between two file shares.
    • Use Robocopy between file shares on an on-premises computer.

"Mount error(112): Host is down" because of a reconnection time-out

A "112" mount error occurs on the Linux client when the client has been idle for a long time. After an extended idle time, the client disconnects and the connection times out.


The connection can be idle for the following reasons:

  • Network communication failures that prevent re-establishing a TCP connection to the server when the default "soft" mount option is used
  • Recent reconnection fixes that are not present in older kernels


This reconnection problem in the Linux kernel is now fixed as part of the following changes:

However, these changes might not be ported yet to all the Linux distributions. This fix and other reconnection fixes are in the following popular Linux kernels: 4.4.40, 4.8.16, and 4.9.1. You can get this fix by upgrading to one of these recommended kernel versions.


You can work around this problem by specifying a hard mount. A hard mount forces the client to wait until a connection is established or until it's explicitly interrupted. You can use it to prevent errors because of network time-outs. However, this workaround might cause indefinite waits. Be prepared to stop connections as necessary.

If you can't upgrade to the latest kernel versions, you can work around this problem by keeping a file in the Azure file share that you write to every 30 seconds or less. This must be a write operation, such as rewriting the created or modified date on the file. Otherwise, you might get cached results, and your operation might not trigger the reconnection.

"Mount error(115): Operation now in progress" when you mount Azure Files by using SMB 3.0


Some Linux distributions don't yet support encryption features in SMB 3.0. Users might receive a "115" error message if they try to mount Azure Files by using SMB 3.0 because of a missing feature. SMB 3.0 with full encryption is supported only when you're using Ubuntu 16.04 or later.


The encryption feature for SMB 3.0 for Linux was introduced in the 4.11 kernel. This feature enables mounting of an Azure file share from on-premises or from a different Azure region. At the time of publishing, this functionality has been backported to Ubuntu 17.04 and Ubuntu 16.10.

If your Linux SMB client doesn't support encryption, mount Azure Files by using SMB 2.1 from an Azure Linux VM that's in the same datacenter as the file share. Verify that the Secure transfer required setting is disabled on the storage account.

Slow performance on an Azure file share mounted on a Linux VM


One possible cause of slow performance is disabled caching.


To check whether caching is disabled, look for the cache= entry.

Cache=none indicates that caching is disabled. Remount the share by using the default mount command or by explicitly adding the cache=strict option to the mount command to ensure that default caching or "strict" caching mode is enabled.

In some scenarios, the serverino mount option can cause the ls command to run stat against every directory entry. This behavior results in performance degradation when you're listing a big directory. You can check the mount options in your /etc/fstab entry:

// /cifs cifs vers=2.1,serverino,username=xxx,password=xxx,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777

You can also check whether the correct options are being used by running the sudo mount | grep cifs command and checking its output. The following is example output:

// on /cifs type cifs (rw,relatime,vers=2.1,sec=ntlmssp,cache=strict,username=xxx,domain=X,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,file_mode=0777, dir_mode=0777,persistenthandles,nounix,serverino,mapposix,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,actimeo=1)

If the cache=strict or serverino option is not present, unmount and mount Azure Files again by running the mount command from the documentation. Then, recheck that the /etc/fstab entry has the correct options.

Time stamps were lost in copying files from Windows to Linux

On Linux/Unix platforms, the cp -p command fails if different users own file 1 and file 2.


The force flag f in COPYFILE results in executing cp -p -f on Unix. This command also fails to preserve the time stamp of the file that you don't own.


Use the storage account user for copying the files:

  • Useadd : [storage account name]
  • Passwd [storage account name]
  • Su [storage account name]
  • Cp -p filename.txt /share

Cannot connect to or mount an Azure file share


Common causes for this problem are:

  • You're using an incompatible Linux distribution client. We recommend that you use the following Linux distributions to connect to an Azure file share:

    SMB 2.1
    (Mounts on VMs within the same Azure region)
    SMB 3.0
    (Mounts from on-premises and cross-region)
    Ubuntu Server 14.04+ 16.04+
    RHEL 7+ 7.5+
    CentOS 7+ 7.5+
    Debian 8+
    openSUSE 13.2+ 42.3+
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 12 SP3+
  • CIFS utilities (cfs-utils) are not installed on the client.

  • The minimum SMB/CIFS version, 2.1, is not installed on the client.

  • SMB 3.0 encryption is not supported on the client. SMB 3.0 encryption is available in Ubuntu 16.4 and later versions, along with SUSE 12.3 and later versions. Other distributions require kernel 4.11 and later versions.

  • You're trying to connect to a storage account over TCP port 445, which is not supported.

  • You're trying to connect to an Azure file share from an Azure VM, and the VM is not in the same region as the storage account.

  • If the Secure transfer required setting is enabled on the storage account, Azure Files will allow only connections that use SMB 3.0 with encryption.


To resolve the problem, use the troubleshooting tool for Azure Files mounting errors on Linux. This tool:

  • Helps you to validate the client running environment.
  • Detects the incompatible client configuration that would cause access failure for Azure Files.
  • Gives prescriptive guidance on self-fixing.
  • Collects the diagnostics traces.

ls: cannot access '<path>': Input/output error

When you try to list files in an Azure file share by using the ls command, the command hangs when listing files. You get the following error:

ls: cannot access'<path>': Input/output error


Upgrade the Linux kernel to the following versions that have a fix for this problem:

  • 4.4.87+
  • 4.9.48+
  • 4.12.11+
  • All versions that are greater than or equal to 4.13

Cannot create symbolic links - ln: failed to create symbolic link 't': Operation not supported


By default, mounting Azure file shares on Linux by using CIFS doesn’t enable support for symbolic links (symlinks). You see an error like this:

ln -s linked -n t
ln: failed to create symbolic link 't': Operation not supported


The Linux CIFS client doesn’t support creation of Windows-style symbolic links over the SMB 2 or 3 protocol. Currently, the Linux client supports another style of symbolic links called Minshall+French symlinks for both create and follow operations. Customers who need symbolic links can use the "mfsymlinks" mount option. We recommend "mfsymlinks" because it's also the format that Macs use.

To use symlinks, add the following to the end of your CIFS mount command:


So the command looks something like:

sudo mount -t cifs //<storage-account-name><share-name> <mount-point> -o vers=<smb-version>,username=<storage-account-name>,password=<storage-account-key>,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,serverino,mfsymlinks

You can then create symlinks as suggested on the wiki.

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