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Create, change, or delete an Azure network security group | Microsoft Docs |
Learn how to create, change, or delete a network security group. |
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04/05/2018 |
jdial |
Security rules in network security groups enable you to filter the type of network traffic that can flow in and out of virtual network subnets and network interfaces. If you're not familiar with network security groups, see Network security group overview to learn more about them and complete the Filter network traffic tutorial to gain some experience with network security groups.
Complete the following tasks before completing steps in any section of this article:
- If you don't already have an Azure account, sign up for a free trial account.
- If using the portal, open https://portal.azure.com, and log in with your Azure account.
- If using PowerShell commands to complete tasks in this article, either run the commands in the Azure Cloud Shell, or by running PowerShell from your computer. The Azure Cloud Shell is a free interactive shell that you can use to run the steps in this article. It has common Azure tools preinstalled and configured to use with your account. This tutorial requires the Azure PowerShell module version 5.4.1 or later. Run
Get-Module -ListAvailable AzureRM
to find the installed version. If you need to upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell module. If you are running PowerShell locally, you also need to runConnect-AzureRmAccount
to create a connection with Azure. - If using Azure Command-line interface (CLI) commands to complete tasks in this article, either run the commands in the Azure Cloud Shell, or by running the CLI from your computer. This tutorial requires the Azure CLI version 2.0.28 or later. Run
az --version
to find the installed version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI. If you are running the Azure CLI locally, you also need to runaz login
to create a connection with Azure.
The account you log into, or connect to Azure with must be assigned to the network contributor role or to a custom role that is assigned the appropriate actions listed in Permissions.
You can create, view all, view details of, change, and delete a network security group. You can also associate or dissociate a network security group from a network interface or subnet.
There is a limit to how many network security groups you can create per Azure location and subscription. For details, see Azure limits.
- In the top-left corner of the portal, select + Create a resource.
- Select Networking, then select network security group.
- Enter a Name for the network security group, select your Subscription, create a new Resource group, or select an existing resource group, select a Location, and then select Create.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg create
- PowerShell: New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup
In the search box at the top of the portal, enter network security groups. When network security groups appear in the search results, select it. The network security groups that exist in your subscription are listed.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg list
- PowerShell: Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup
- In the search box at the top of the portal, enter network security groups. When network security groups appear in the search results, select it.
- Select the network security group in the list that you want to view details for. Under SETTINGS you can view the Inbound security rules and Outbound security rules, the Network interfaces and Subnets the network security group is associated to. You can also enable or disable Diagnostic logs and view Effective security rules. To learn more, see Diagnostic logs and View effective security rules.
- To learn more about the common Azure settings listed, see the following articles:
- Azure CLI: az network nsg show
- PowerShell: Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup
- In the search box at the top of the portal, enter network security groups in the search box. When network security groups appear in the search results, select it.
- Select the network security group you want to change. The most common changes are adding or removing security rules and Associating or dissociating a network security group to or from a subnet or network interface.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg update
- PowerShell: Set-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup
To associate a network security group to, or dissociate a network security group from a network interface, see Associate a network security group to, or dissociate a network security group from a network interface. To associate a network security group to, or dissociate a network security group from a subnet, see Change subnet settings.
If a network security group is associated to any subnets or network interfaces, it cannot be deleted. Dissociate a network security group from all subnets and network interfaces before attempting to delete it.
- In the search box at the top of the portal, enter network security groups in the search box. When network security groups appear in the search results, select it.
- Select the network security group you want to delete from the list.
- Select Delete, and then select Yes.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg delete
- PowerShell: Remove-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup
A network security group contains zero or more security rules. You can create, view all, view details of, change, and delete a security rule.
There is a limit to how many rules per network security group can create per Azure location and subscription. For details, see Azure limits.
In the search box at the top of the portal, enter network security groups in the search box. When network security groups appear in the search results, select it.
Select the network security group from the list that you want to add a security rule to.
Select Inbound security rules under SETTINGS. Several existing rules are listed. Some of the rules you may not have added. When a network security group is created, several default security rules are created in it. To learn more, see default security rules. You can't delete default security rules, but you can override them with rules that have a higher priority.
Select + Add. Select or add values for the following settings and then select OK:
Setting Value Details Source Select Any, Application security group, IP Addresses, or Service Tag for inbound security rules. If you're creating an outbound security rule, the options are the same as options listed for Destination. If you select Application security group, then select one or more existing application security groups that exist in the same region as the network interface. Learn how to create an application security group. If you select Application security group for both the Source and Destination, the network interfaces within both application security groups must be in the same virtual network. If you select IP Addresses, then specify Source IP addresses/CIDR ranges. You can specify a single value or comma-separated list of multiple values. An example of multiple values is, There are limits to the number of values you can specify. See Azure limits for details. If you select Service Tag, then select one service tag. A service tag is a predefined identifier for a category of IP addresses. To learn more about available service tags, and what each tag represents, see Service tags. If the IP address you specify is assigned to an Azure virtual machine, ensure that you specify the private IP, not the public IP address assigned to the virtual machine. Security rules are processed after Azure translates the public IP address to a private IP address for inbound security rules, and before Azure translates a private IP address to a public IP address for outbound rules. To learn more about public and private IP addresses in Azure, see IP address types. Source port ranges Specify a single port, such as 80, a range of ports, such as 1024-65535, or a comma-separated list of single ports and/or port ranges, such as 80, 1024-65535. Enter an asterisk to allow traffic on any port. The ports and ranges specify which ports traffic is allowed or denied by the rule. There are limits to the number of ports you can specify. See Azure limits for details. Destination Select Any, Application security group, IP addresses, or Virtual Network for inbound security rules. If you're creating an outbound security rule, the options are the same as options listed for Source. If you select Application security group you must then select one or more existing application security groups that exist in the same region as the network interface. Learn how to create an application security group. If you select Application security group, then select one existing application security group that exists in the same region as the network interface. If you select IP addresses, then specify Destination IP addresses/CIDR ranges. Similar to Source and Source IP addresses/CIDR ranges, you can specify a single, or multiple addresses or ranges, and there are limits to the number you can specify. Selecting Virtual network, which is a service tag, means that traffic is allowed to all IP addresses within the address space of the virtual network. If the IP address you specify is assigned to an Azure virtual machine, ensure that you specify the private IP, not the public IP address assigned to the virtual machine. Security rules are processed after Azure translates the public IP address to a private IP address for inbound security rules, and before Azure translates a private IP address to a public IP address for outbound rules. To learn more about public and private IP addresses in Azure, see IP address types. Destination port ranges Specify a single value, or comma-separated list of values. Similar to Source port ranges, you can specify a single, or multiple ports and ranges, and there are limits to the number you can specify. Protocol Select Any, TCP, or UDP. Action Select Allow or Deny. Priority Enter a value between 100-4096 that is unique for all security rules within the network security group. Rules are processed in priority order. The lower the number, the higher the priority. It's recommended that you leave a gap between priority numbers when creating rules, such as 100, 200, 300. Leaving gaps makes it easier to add rules in the future that you may need to make higher or lower than existing rules. Name A unique name for the rule within the network security group. The name can be up to 80 characters. It must begin with a letter or number, end with a letter, number, or underscore, and may contain only letters, numbers, underscores, periods, or hyphens. Description An optional description.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg rule create
- PowerShell: New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
A network security group contains zero or multiple rules. To learn more about the information listed when viewing rules, see Network security group overview.
- In the search box at the top of the portal, enter network security groups. When network security groups appear in the search results, select it.
- Select the network security group from the list that you want to view rules for.
- Select Inbound security rules or Outbound security rules under SETTINGS.
The list contains any rules you have created and the network security group default security rules.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg rule list
- PowerShell: Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
- In the search box at the top of the portal, enter network security groups. When network security groups appear in the search results, select it.
- Select the network security group you want to view details of a security rule for.
- Select Inbound security rules or Outbound security rules under SETTINGS.
- Select the rule you want to view details for. For a detailed explanation of all settings, see security rule settings.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg rule show
- PowerShell: Get-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
- Complete the steps in View details of a security rule.
- Change the settings as desired, and then select Save. For a detailed explanation of all settings, see security rule settings.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg rule update
- PowerShell: Set-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
- Complete the steps in View details of a security rule.
- Select Delete, and then select Yes.
- Azure CLI: az network nsg rule delete
- PowerShell: Remove-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
An application security group contains zero or more network interfaces. To learn more, see application security groups. All network interfaces in an application security group must exist in the same virtual network. To learn how to add a network interface to an application security group, see Add a network interface to an application security group.
Select + Create a resource on the upper, left corner of the Azure portal.
In the Search the Marketplace box, enter Application security group. When Application security group appears in the search results, select it, select Application security group again under Everything, and then select Create.
Enter, or select, the following information, and then select Create:
Setting Value Name The name must be unique within a resource group. Subscription Select your subscription. Resource group Select an existing resource group, or create a new one. Location Select a location
- Azure CLI: az network asg create
- PowerShell: New-AzureRmApplicationSecurityGroup
- Select All services on the upper, left corner of the Azure portal.
- Enter application security groups in the All services Filter box, and then select Application security groups when it appears in the search results.
- Azure CLI: az network asg list
- PowerShell: Get-AzureRmApplicationSecurityGroup
- Select All services on the upper, left corner of the Azure portal.
- Enter application security groups in the All services Filter box, and then select Application security groups when it appears in the search results.
- Select the application security group that you want to view the details of.
- Azure CLI: az network asg show
- PowerShell: Get-AzureRmApplicationSecurityGroup
- Select All services on the upper, left corner of the Azure portal.
- Enter application security groups in the All services Filter box, and then select Application security groups when it appears in the search results.
- Select the application security group that you want to change settings for. You can add or remove tags, or assign or remove permissions to the application security group.
- Azure CLI: az network asg update
- PowerShell: No PowerShell cmdlet.
You cannot delete an application security group if it has any network interfaces in it. Remove all network interfaces from the application security group by either changing network interface settings, or deleting the network interfaces. For details, see Add to or remove a network interface from application security groups or delete a network interface.
- Select All services on the upper, left corner of the Azure portal.
- Enter application security groups in the All services Filter box, and then select Application security groups when it appears in the search results.
- Select the application security group that you want to delete.
- Select Delete, and then select Yes to delete the application security group.
- Azure CLI: az network asg delete
- PowerShell: Remove-AzureRmApplicationSecurityGroup
To perform tasks on network security groups, security rules, and application security groups, your account must be assigned to the network contributor role or to a custom role that is assigned the appropriate permissions listed in the following tables:
Action | Name |
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/read | Get network security group |
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/write | Create or update network security group |
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/delete | Delete network security group |
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/join/action | Associate a network security group to a subnet or network interface |
Action | Name |
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/rules/read | Get rule |
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/rules/write | Create or update rule |
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/rules/delete | Delete rule |
Action | Name |
Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/joinIpConfiguration/action | Join an IP configuration to an application security group |
Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/joinNetworkSecurityRule/action | Join a security rule to an application security group |
Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/read | Get an application security group |
Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/write | Create or update an application security group |
Microsoft.Network/applicationSecurityGroups/delete | Delete an application security group |
- Create a network or application security group using PowerShell or Azure CLI sample scripts, or using Azure Resource Manager templates
- Create and apply Azure policy for virtual networks