File tree
2,489 files changed
lines changed- .vscode
- articles
- active-directory
- authentication
- end-user
- .vscode
- current
- media
- multi-factor-authentication-end-user-troubleshoot
- sign-in-experience-updates
- media
- concept-mfa-authprovider
- concept-mfa-howitworks
- concept-password-ban-bad
- concept-sspr-howitworks
- howto-mfa-adfs
- howto-mfa-getstarted
- howto-mfa-reporting
- howto-password-ban-bad
- howto-password-ban-bad-on-premises-operations
- howto-password-smart-lockout
- howto-sspr-authenticationdata
- index
- overview-authentication
- quickstart-sspr
- tutorial-risk-based-sspr-mfa
- b2b
- media/add-users-administrator
- connect
- develop
- fundamentals
- manage-apps
- managed-service-identity
- media
- msi-how-to-assign-access-template
- msi-howto-assign-access-portal
- msi-howto-assign-access-vmss-portal
- msi-known-issues
- msi-qs-configure-portal-windows-vm
- msi-qs-configure-portal-windows-vmss
- msi-qs-configure-template-windows-vm
- msi-qs-configure-template-windows-vmss
- msi-tutorial-linux-vm-access-arm
- msi-tutorial-linux-vm-access-storage
- msi-tutorial-windows-vm-access-arm
- msi-tutorial-windows-vm-access-nonaad
- overview
- media
- active-directory-conditional-access-app-sign-in-risk
- active-directory-enterprise-app-role-management
- active-directory-reporting-api-getting-started-azure-portal
- pp
- privileged-identity-management
- media/pim-email-notifications
- saas-apps
- media
- freshservice-tutorial
- hornbill-tutorial
- kanbanize-tutorial
- netsuite-tutorial
- salesforce-tutorial
- skillsbase-tutorial
- smartlpa-tutorial
- user-help
- media
- active-directory-passwords-reset-register
- active-directory-passwords-update-your-own-password
- active-directory-saas-access-panel-introduction
- device-management-azuread-joined-devices-setup
- device-management-azuread-registered-devices-windows10-setup
- microsoft-authenticator-app-backup-and-recovery
- microsoft-authenticator-app-how-to
- multi-factor-authentication-end-user-app-passwords
- multi-factor-authentication-end-user-first-time
- multi-factor-authentication-end-user-manage-settings
- multi-factor-authentication-end-user-signin
- multi-factor-authentication-end-user-troubleshoot
- users-groups-roles
- active-directory-b2c
- active-directory-domain-services
- media/active-directory-domain-services-suspension
- aks
- media/ingress
- analysis-services
- ansible
- media/ansible-deploy-app-vmss
- api-management
- media/import-function-app-as-api
- app-service
- application-gateway
- application-insights
- media/app-insights-profiler
- automation
- media/migrate-oms-update-deployments
- troubleshoot
- availability-zones
- azure-databricks
- azure-functions
- media/functions-create-first-java-intellij
- azure-government
- azure-maps
- media/about-azure-maps
- azure-netapp-files
- media/index
- azure-policy
- azure-resource-manager
- media
- resource-manager-create-first-template
- resource-manager-quickstart-create-templates-use-the-portal
- resource-manager-quickstart-create-templates-use-visual-studio-code
- resource-manager-vscode-extension
- subtoc
- azure-stack
- azure-supportability
- backup
- batch
- media
- batch-dotnet-get-started
- batch-python-tutorial
- billing
- blockchain-workbench
- cdn
- china
- cloud-services
- cloud-shell
- cognitive-services
- Bing-Custom-Search
- Bing-Entities-Search
- Bing-Image-Search
- Bing-News-Search
- Bing-Video-Search
- Bing-Web-Search
- Computer-vision/QuickStarts
- Content-Moderator
- Emotion/QuickStarts
- Face
- Images
- Tutorials
- media/luis-tutorial-batch-testing
- QnAMaker
- How-To
- Quickstarts
- Speech/GetStarted
- Speech-Service
- includes
- media
- index
- sdk
- bing-visual-search
- quickstarts
- text-analytics
- quickstarts
- translator-speech/quickstarts
- video-indexer
- container-instances
- media/container-instances-jenkins
- container-service/dcos-swarm
- cosmos-db
- media
- cassandra-introduction
- create-graph-dotnet
- data-explorer
- spark-connector
- data-catalog
- data-factory
- media
- copy-activity-performance
- load-azure-data-lake-storage-gen2
- load-azure-data-lake-storage-gen2-from-gen1
- monitor-integration-runtime
- monitor-visually
- v1
- data-lake-analytics
- media
- data-lake-analytics-cicd-overview
- data-lake-analytics-schedule-jobs-ssis
- data-lake-store
- databox
- media
- data-box-disk-deploy-copy-data
- data-box-disk-deploy-ordered
- data-box-disk-deploy-picked-up
- data-box-disk-deploy-set-up
- data-box-disk-security
- data-box-disk-troubleshoot
- data-box-portal-ui-admin
- dev-spaces
- how-to
- includes
- media/common
- dms
- dns
- scripts
- event-grid
- event-hubs
- expressroute
- media/expressroute-about-virtual-network-gateways
- firewall
- media
- overview
- tutorial-diagnostics
- tutorial-firewall-rules-portal
- scripts
- genomics
- guides/operations
- hdinsight
- domain-joined
- hadoop
- kafka
- spark
- iot-accelerators
- media
- iot-accelerators-connected-factory-dashboard
- iot-accelerators-connected-factory-overview
- iot-accelerators-remote-monitoring-automate
- iot-accelerators-remote-monitoring-manage
- iot-accelerators-remote-monitoring-monitor
- quickstart-connected-factory-deploy
- iot-central
- media
- howto-add-microsoft-flow
- howto-create-application-asCSP
- howto-export-data
- iot-dps
- media
- quick-create-simulated-device
- quick-create-simulated-device-x509
- quick-setup-auto-provision
- tutorial-provision-device-to-hub
- tutorial-set-up-cloud
- iot-edge
- media/how-to-ci-cd
- iot-hub
- media
- iot-hub-csharp-csharp-firmware-update
- iot-hub-java-java-firmware-update
- iot-hub-python-python-firmware-update
- iot-hub-security-x509-create-certificates
- rc
- key-vault
- lab-services
- media/devtest-lab-store-secrets-in-key-vault
- load-balancer
- log-analytics
- logic-apps
- media
- logic-apps-content-type
- logic-apps-gateway-connection
- logic-apps-gateway-install
- quickstart-create-first-logic-app-workflow
- tutorial-process-email-attachments-workflow
- machine-learning
- data-science-virtual-machine
- desktop-workbench
- service
- studio
- team-data-science-process
- managed-applications
- marketplace
- marketplace-publishing
- media
- active-directory-v2-flows
- azure-netapp-files
- index
- media-services
- latest
- media
- develop-with-postman
- protect-with-drm
- previous
- migrate
- monitoring
- media
- monitoring-container-health
- monitoring-data-collection
- monitoring-data-sources
- monitoring-and-diagnostics
- multi-factor-authentication
- mysql
- media/howto-server-parameters
- network-watcher
- postgresql
- power-bi-embedded
- redis-cache
- role-based-access-control
- media/role-assignments-portal
- search
- media
- search-get-started-portal
- search-import-data-portal
- security
- blueprints
- images
- breadcrumb
- compliance
- media
- security-center
- media
- security-center-adaptive-application
- security-center-just-in-time
- security-center-management-groups
- security-center-pricing
- security-center-recommendations
- security-center-remediate-os-vulnerabilities
- service-fabric
- media/service-fabric-tutorial-create-dotnet-app
- scripts
- service-fabric-mesh
- includes
- media
- service-fabric-mesh-howto-deploy-app-template
- service-fabric-mesh-quickstart-deploy-container
- service-fabric-mesh-quickstart-dotnet-core
- service-fabric-mesh-tutorial-deploy-dotnetcore
- service-health
- site-recovery
- media/migrate-tutorial-windows-server-2008
- sql-database
- media
- index
- sql-database-long-term-retention
- sql-database-managed-instance
- sql-database-managed-instance-migrate-tde-certificate
- sql-database-service-tiers
- storage
- blobs
- media/storage-blob-static-website
- common
- data-lake-storage
- media/quickstart-create-account
- files
- media/storage-sync-files-troubleshoot
- storsimple
- stream-analytics
- media
- stream-analytics-quick-create-vs
- stream-analytics-tools-visual-studio-cicd-vsts
- time-series-insights
- traffic-manager
- virtual-machines
- linux
- scripts
- windows
- sql
- sqlclassic
- workloads/sap
- media
- business-one-azure
- dbms_maxdb_deployment_guide
- dbms_sqlserver_deployment_guide
- virtual-network
- virtual-wan
- media
- virtual-wan-about
- virtual-wan-site-to-site-portal
- visual-studio
- vpn-gateway
- bread
- includes
- media
- iot-accelerators-tutorial-cleanup
- sql-database-include-connection-string-20-portalshots
- sql-database-include-ip-address-22-v12portal
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Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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