File tree
14,404 files changed
lines changed- .github
- media
- .vscode
- articles
- active-directory
- authentication
- media
- concept-authentication-methods
- howto-authentication-phone-sign-in
- howto-sspr-windows-7-8
- tutorial-sspr-windows
- b2b
- media/google-federation
- conditional-access
- media
- app-based-conditional-access
- baseline-protection
- controls
- index
- connect/media
- active-directory-aadconnect-accounts-permissions
- active-directory-aadconnect-existing-tenant
- active-directory-aadconnect-feature-device-writeback
- active-directory-aadconnect-federation-compatibility
- active-directory-aadconnect-federation-management
- active-directory-aadconnect-gdpr
- active-directory-aadconnect-get-started-custom
- active-directory-aadconnect-pass-through-authentication
- active-directory-aadconnect-sql-delegation
- active-directory-aadconnect-sso
- active-directory-aadconnect-troubleshoot-objectsynch
- active-directory-aadconnectsync-implement-password-hash-synchronization
- active-directory-aadconnectsync-troubleshoot-password-hash-synchronization
- active-directory-aadsync-technical-concepts
- connect-health/media
- active-directory-aadconnect-health
- active-directory-aadconnect-health-gdpr
- active-directory-aadconnect-health-sync
- develop
- media
- about-microsoft-identity-platform
- active-directory-aspnetcorewebapp
- active-directory-enterprise-app-role-management
- application-consent-experience
- authentication-scenarios
- azure-ad-endpoint-comparison
- howto-create-service-principal-portal
- howto-reactivate-disabled-acs-namespaces
- index
- quickstart-add-azure-ad-app-preview
- quickstart-update-azure-ad-app-preview
- quickstart-v2-android
- quickstart-v2-aspnet-core-webapp
- quickstart-v2-aspnet-webapp
- quickstart-v2-ios
- quickstart-v2-javascript
- quickstart-v2-uwp
- quickstart-v2-windows-desktop
- sample-v2-code
- v2-oauth2-device-flow
- devices
- media
- enterprise-state-roaming-enable
- enterprise-state-roaming-windows-settings-reference
- manage-stale-devices
- fundamentals
- media
- active-directory-groups-view-azure-portal
- active-directory-how-subscriptions-associated-directory
- active-directory-properties-area
- whats-new
- governance
- media
- conditional-access-exclusion
- index
- hybrid
- media
- how-to-connect-adconnectivitytools
- how-to-connect-configure-ad-ds-connector-account
- how-to-connect-fed-azure-adfs
- how-to-connect-fed-sha256-guidance
- how-to-connect-install-custom
- how-to-connect-install-express
- how-to-connect-pta-quick-start
- plan-connect-performance-factors
- plan-connect-topologies
- tshoot-connect-sync-errors
- whatis-hybrid-identity
- identity-protection
- media
- flows
- graph-get-started
- howto-close-active-risk-events
- howto-mfa-policy
- howto-sign-in-risk-policy
- howto-user-risk-policy
- manage-apps
- media
- index
- what-is-application-management
- managed-identities-azure-resources
- bread
- media/msi-qs-configure-portal-windows-vm
- media
- active-directory-adfs-in-azure-with-azure-traffic-manager
- active-directory-conditional-access-device-remediation
- active-directory-enterprise-app-role-management
- active-directory-enterprise-state-roaming
- privileged-identity-management
- media
- index
- pim-how-to-add-role-to-user
- pim-how-to-configure-security-alerts
- reports-monitoring
- media
- howto-analyze-activity-logs-log-analytics
- howto-install-use-log-analytics-views
- howto-integrate-activity-logs-with-log-analytics
- overview-monitoring
- saas-apps
- common
- media
- 8x8virtualoffice-tutorial
- adaptivesuite-tutorial
- amazon-web-service-tutorial
- appinux-tutorial
- appraisd-tutorial
- arcgis-tutorial
- aws-multi-accounts-tutorial
- bluejeans-tutorial
- borrowbox-tutorial
- box-tutorial
- cisco-webex-provisioning-tutorial
- confluencemicrosoft-tutorial
- consent2go-tutorial
- dmarcian-tutorial
- expensify-tutorial
- figma-tutorial
- freshdesk-tutorial
- getthere-tutorial
- github-tutorial
- glassfrog-tutorial
- google-apps-tutorial
- grape-tutorial
- hubspot-tutorial
- huddle-tutorial
- infinitecampus-tutorial
- jamfprosamlconnector-tutorial
- jira52microsoft-tutorial
- jiramicrosoft-tutorial
- joinme-tutorial
- ms-confluence-jira-plugin-adminguide
- myawardpoints-tutorial
- myworkdrive-tutorial
- on24-tutorial
- phraseanet-tutorial
- ringcentral-tutorial
- salesforce-sandbox-tutorial
- salesforce-tutorial
- servicenow-tutorial
- snowflake-tutorial
- useall-tutorial
- vibehcm-tutorial
- worksmobile-tutorial
- workspotcontrol-tutorial
- zendesk-tutorial
- zscaler-three-tutorial
- user-help
- media
- microsoft-authenticator-app-phone-signin-faq
- user-help-device-remediation
- users-groups-roles
- media
- domains-manage
- groups-create-rule
- active-directory-b2c
- media
- active-directory-b2c-custom-guide-eventlogger-appins
- active-directory-b2c-get-started-custom
- active-directory-b2c-reference-mfa
- index
- tutorial-create-tenant
- tutorial-customize-ui
- active-directory-domain-services
- media
- active-directory-domain-services-admin-guide
- active-directory-domain-services-alerts
- app-proxy
- getting-started
- advisor
- aks
- media
- aad-integration
- aks-jenkins
- concepts-clusters-workloads
- concepts-identity
- concepts-network
- concepts-scale
- concepts-storage
- container-service-kubernetes-service-principal
- container-service-kubernetes-ui
- kubernetes-dashboard
- kubernetes-service-principal
- kubernetes-walkthrough-portal
- view-master-logs
- analysis-services
- media/analysis-services-import-pbix
- tutorials
- ansible
- media/ansible-create-configure-application-gateway
- api-management
- media
- api-management-azure-monitor
- api-management-get-started
- api-management-getstarted-publish-versions
- api-management-getstarted-revise-api
- api-management-howto-aad-b2c
- api-management-howto-add-products
- api-management-howto-api-inspector
- get-started-create-service-instance
- mock-api-responses
- set-edit-policies
- transform-api
- policies
- scripts
- app-service
- containers
- media
- app-service-webapp-service-linux-ci-cd
- how-to-configure-python
- tutorial-python-postgresql-app
- environment
- media
- app-service-web-get-started-nodejs-poc
- app-service-web-get-started-windows-container
- app-service-web-purchase-ssl-web-site
- app-service-web-tutorial-windows-containers-custom-fonts
- scripts
- app-service-mobile
- application-gateway
- media
- application-gateway-autoscaling-zone-redundant
- application-gateway-waf-configuration
- custom-error
- application-insights
- media
- app-insights-analytics
- app-insights-analytics-diagnostics
- app-insights-analytics-reference
- app-insights-analytics-tour
- app-insights-analytics-using
- app-insights-api-custom-events-metrics
- app-insights-app-map
- app-insights-asp-net
- app-insights-asp-net-core
- app-insights-asp-net-exceptions
- app-insights-asp-net-trace-logs
- app-insights-automate-with-flow
- app-insights-azure-web-apps
- app-insights-cloudservices
- app-insights-code-sample-export-sql-stream-analytics
- app-insights-detect-triage-diagnose
- app-insights-diagnostic-search
- app-insights-dotnetcore-quick-start
- app-insights-export-power-bi
- app-insights-export-stream-analytics
- app-insights-export-telemetry
- app-insights-java-eclipse
- app-insights-java-quick-start
- app-insights-javascript
- app-insights-live-stream
- app-insights-mobile-center-quickstart
- app-insights-monitor-multi-role-apps
- app-insights-monitor-web-app-availability
- app-insights-nodejs
- app-insights-nodejs-quick-start
- app-insights-overview
- app-insights-overview-dashboard
- app-insights-previews
- app-insights-pricing
- app-insights-proactive-performance-diagnostics
- app-insights-profiler
- app-insights-resources-roles-access-control
- app-insights-sample-mscrm
- app-insights-search-diagnostic-logs
- app-insights-separate-resources
- app-insights-transaction-diagnostics
- app-insights-tutorial-alert
- app-insights-tutorial-dashboards
- app-insights-tutorial-performance
- app-insights-tutorial-runtime-exceptions
- app-insights-tutorial-users
- app-insights-understand-usage-patterns
- app-insights-usage-cohorts
- app-insights-usage-conversion-rates
- app-insights-usage-flows
- app-insights-usage-overview
- app-insights-usage-segmentation
- app-insights-usage-workbooks
- app-insights-vsts-continuous-monitoring
- app-insights-web-monitor-performance
- app-insights-website-monitoring
- automate-custom-reports
- enable-profiler-compute
- index
- opencensus-go
- opencensus-local-forwarder
- opencensus-python
- pre-aggregated-metrics-log-metrics
- quick-monitor-portal
- usage-funnels
- automation
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