An installation of Python (version 3.6) is required to run PCGR. Check
that Python is installed by typing python --version
in your terminal
window. In addition, a Python library
for parsing configuration files encoded with
TOML is needed. To install,
simply run the following command:
pip install toml
IMPORTANT NOTE: STEP 1 & 2 outline installation guidelines for running PCGR with Docker. If you want to install and run PCGR without the use of Docker (i.e. through Conda), follow these instructions
- Install the Docker
engine on your
preferred platform
- installing Docker on Linux
- installing Docker on Mac OS
- NOTE: We have not yet been able to perform enough testing on the Windows platform, and we have received feedback that particular versions of Docker/Windows do not work with PCGR (an example being mounting of data volumes)
- Test that Docker is running, e.g. by typing
docker ps
ordocker images
in the terminal window - Adjust the computing resources dedicated to the Docker, i.e.:
- Memory: minimum 6GB (this may need an increase for large input files)
- CPUs: minimum 4
- How to - Mac OS X
- Clone the PCGR GitHub repository (includes run script and default
configuration file):
git clone
- Download and unpack the latest data bundles in the PCGR directory
- grch37 data bundle - 20201123 (approx 17Gb)
- grch38 data bundle - 20201123 (approx 18Gb)
- Unpacking:
gzip -dc pcgr.databundle.grch37.YYYYMMDD.tgz | tar xvf -
- Pull the PCGR Docker image (dev) from DockerHub (approx 5.1Gb):
docker pull sigven/pcgr:dev
(PCGR annotation engine)
- Download and unpack the latest software release (0.9.1)
- Download and unpack the assembly-specific data bundle in the PCGR directory
grch37 data bundle - 20201123 (approx 17Gb)
grch38 data bundle - 20201123 (approx 18Gb)
- Unpacking:
gzip -dc pcgr.databundle.grch37.YYYYMMDD.tgz | tar xvf -
A data/ folder within the pcgr-X.X software folder should now have been produced
- Unpacking:
- Pull the PCGR Docker image
(0.9.1) from DockerHub
(approx 5.1Gb):
docker pull sigven/pcgr:0.9.1
(PCGR annotation engine)
The PCGR workflow accepts two types of input files:
- An unannotated, single-sample VCF file (>= v4.2) with called somatic variants (SNVs/InDels)
- A copy number segment file
PCGR can be run with either or both of the two input files present.
- We strongly recommend that the input VCF is compressed and indexed using bgzip and tabix
- If the input VCF contains multi-allelic sites, these will be subject to decomposition
- Variants used for reporting should be designated as ‘PASS’ in the VCF FILTER column
The tab-separated values file with copy number aberrations MUST contain the following four columns:
- Chromosome
- Start
- End
- Segment_Mean
Here, Chromosome, Start, and End denote the chromosomal segment, and Segment_Mean denotes the log(2) ratio for a particular segment, which is a common output of somatic copy number alteration callers. Note that coordinates must be one-based (i.e. chromosomes start at 1, not 0). Below shows the initial part of a copy number segment file that is formatted correctly according to PCGR’s requirements:
Chromosome Start End Segment_Mean 1 3218329 3550598 0.0024 1 3552451 4593614 0.1995 1 4593663 6433129 -1.0277
The PCGR software bundle comes with a default configuration file in the conf/ folder, to be used as a starting point for runnning the PCGR workflow. The configuration file, formatted using TOML, enables the user to configure a number of options related to the following:
- IMPORTANT: Designation of VCF INFO tags that denote variant
depth/allelic fraction
- If this is not available/properly set, the report contents will be less informative AND it will not be possible to preset thresholds for depth/allelic fraction
- Tumor-only analysis options
- tick on/off various filtering schemes for exclusion of germline variants (for input VCFs coming from tumor-only sequencing assays)
- VEP/vcfanno options
More details about the exact nature of the configuration options.
usage: -h [options] --input_vcf INPUT_VCF --pcgr_dir PCGR_DIR --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --genome_assembly GENOME_ASSEMBLY --conf CONFIG_FILE --sample_id SAMPLE_ID Personal Cancer Genome Reporter (PCGR) workflow for clinical interpretation of somatic nucleotide variants and copy number aberration segments Required arguments: --input_vcf INPUT_VCF VCF input file with somatic variants in tumor sample, SNVs/InDels --pcgr_dir PCGR_DIR PCGR base directory with accompanying data directory, e.g. ~/pcgr-0.9.1 --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR Output directory --genome_assembly {grch37,grch38} Human genome assembly build: grch37 or grch38 --conf CONFIGURATION_FILE PCGR configuration file in TOML format --sample_id SAMPLE_ID Tumor sample/cancer genome identifier - prefix for output files Optional arguments: --input_cna INPUT_CNA Somatic copy number alteration segments (tab-separated values) --logr_gain LOGR_GAIN Log ratio-threshold for regions containing copy number gains/amplifications (default: 0.8) --logr_homdel LOGR_HOMDEL Log ratio-threshold for regions containing homozygous deletions (default: -0.8) --cna_overlap_pct CNA_OVERLAP_PCT Mean percent overlap between copy number segment and gene transcripts for reporting of gains/losses in tumor suppressor genes/oncogenes, (default: 50) --pon_vcf PON_VCF VCF file with germline calls from Panel of Normals (PON) - i.e. blacklisted variants, (default: None) --tumor_site TSITE Optional integer code to specify primary tumor type/site of query sample, choose any of the following identifiers: 1 = Adrenal Gland 2 = Ampulla of Vater 3 = Biliary Tract 4 = Bladder/Urinary Tract 5 = Bone 6 = Breast 7 = Cervix 8 = CNS/Brain 9 = Colon/Rectum 10 = Esophagus/Stomach 11 = Eye 12 = Head and Neck 13 = Kidney 14 = Liver 15 = Lung 16 = Lymphoid 17 = Myeloid 18 = Ovary/Fallopian Tube 19 = Pancreas 20 = Peripheral Nervous System 21 = Peritoneum 22 = Pleura 23 = Prostate 24 = Skin 25 = Soft Tissue 26 = Testis 27 = Thymus 28 = Thyroid 29 = Uterus 30 = Vulva/Vagina (default: 0 - any tumor type) --tumor_purity TUMOR_PURITY Estimated tumor purity (between 0 and 1, (default: None) --tumor_ploidy TUMOR_PLOIDY Estimated tumor ploidy (default: None) --tumor_dp_min TUMOR_DP_MIN If VCF INFO tag for sequencing depth (tumor) is provided and found, set minimum required depth for inclusion in report (default: 0) --tumor_af_min TUMOR_AF_MIN If VCF INFO tag for variant allelic fraction (tumor) is provided and found, set minimum required AF for inclusion in report (default: 0) --control_dp_min CONTROL_DP_MIN If VCF INFO tag for sequencing depth (control) is provided and found, set minimum required depth for inclusion in report (default: 0) --control_af_max CONTROL_AF_MAX If VCF INFO tag for variant allelic fraction (control) is provided and found, set maximum tolerated AF for inclusion in report (default: 1) --target_size_mb TARGET_SIZE_MB For mutational burden analysis - approximate protein-coding target size of sequencing assay (default: 34 Mb (WES/WGS)) --tumor_only Input VCF comes from tumor-only sequencing, calls will be filtered for variants of germline origin (set configurations for filtering in .toml file), (default: False) --cell_line Input VCF comes from tumor cell line sequencing (requires --tumor_only), calls will be filtered for variants of germline origin (set configurations for filtering in .toml file), (default: False) --assay {WES,WGS,TARGETED} Type of DNA sequencing assay performed for input data (VCF) default: WES --include_trials (Beta) Include relevant ongoing or future clinical trials, focusing on studies with molecularly targeted interventions --estimate_tmb Estimate tumor mutational burden from the total number of somatic mutations and target region size, default: False --estimate_msi_status Predict microsatellite instability status from patterns of somatic mutations/indels, default: False --estimate_signatures Estimate relative contributions of reference mutational signatures in query sample and detect potential kataegis events), default: False --tmb_algorithm {all_coding,nonsyn} Method for calculation of TMB, all coding variants (Chalmers et al., Genome Medicine, 2017), or non-synonymous variants only, default: all_coding --min_mutations_signatures MIN_MUTATIONS_SIGNATURES Minimum number of SNVs required for reconstruction of mutational signatures (SBS) by MutationalPatterns (default: 200, minimum n = 100) --all_reference_signatures Use all reference mutational signatures (SBS, n = 67) in signature reconstruction rather than only those already attributed to the tumor type (default: False) --force_overwrite By default, the script will fail with an error if any output file already exists. You can force the overwrite of existing result files by using this flag --version show program's version number and exit --basic Run functional variant annotation on VCF through VEP/vcfanno, omit other analyses (i.e. Tier assignment/MSI/TMB/Signatures etc. and report generation (STEP 4), default: False --no_vcf_validate Skip validation of input VCF with Ensembl's vcf-validator --docker-uid DOCKER_USER_ID Docker user ID. default is the host system user ID. If you are experiencing permission errors, try setting this up to root (`--docker-uid root`) --no-docker Run the PCGR workflow in a non-Docker mode (see install_no_docker/ folder for instructions) --debug Print full Docker commands to log, default: False
The examples folder contain input VCF files from two tumor samples sequenced within TCGA (GRCh37 only). It also contains a PCGR configuration file customized for these VCFs. A report for a colorectal tumor case can be generated by running the following command in your terminal window:
python ~/pcgr-0.9.1/ --pcgr_dir ~/pcgr-0.9.1 --output_dir ~/pcgr-0.9.1 --sample_id tumor_sample.COAD --genome_assembly grch37 --conf ~/pcgr-0.9.1/examples/example_COAD.toml --input_vcf ~/pcgr-0.9.1/examples/tumor_sample.COAD.vcf.gz --tumor_site 9 --input_cna ~/pcgr-0.9.1/examples/tumor_sample.COAD.cna.tsv --tumor_purity 0.9 --tumor_ploidy 2.0 --include_trials --assay WES --estimate_signatures --estimate_msi_status --estimate_tmb --no_vcf_validate
This command will run the Docker-based PCGR workflow and produce the following output files in the examples folder:
- tumor_sample.COAD.pcgr_acmg.grch37.html - An interactive HTML report for clinical interpretation
- tumor_sample.COAD.pcgr_acmg.grch37.pass.vcf.gz - Bgzipped VCF file with rich set of annotations for precision oncology
- tumor_sample.COAD.pcgr_acmg.grch37.pass.tsv.gz - Compressed vcf2tsv-converted file with rich set of annotations for precision oncology
- tumor_sample.COAD.pcgr_acmg.grch37.snvs_indels.tiers.tsv - Tab-separated values file with variants organized according to tiers of functional relevance
- tumor_sample.COAD.pcgr_acmg.grch37.mutational_signatures.tsv - Tab-separated values file with information on contribution of mutational signatures
- tumor_sample.COAD.pcgr_acmg.grch37.json.gz - Compressed JSON dump of HTML report content
- tumor_sample.COAD.pcgr_acmg.grch37.cna_segments.tsv.gz - Compressed tab-separated values file with annotations of gene transcripts that overlap with somatic copy number aberrations