Download and build XV6 repo on the Linux cluster:
- ssh [email protected]
- cd private
- mkdir lab4
- cd lab4
- git clone git://
- cd xv6-public
- make qemu-nox
- Use Ctrl + A, and then X to exit
This lab is about adding a doubly-indirect block. After implementing this lab, new inode diagram will look like this:
Files you might want to have a look for this lab:
- fs.c: static uint bmap(struct inode *ip, uint bn) (inode content)
- fs.h: struct dinode (on-disk inode structure)
- file.h: struct inode definition (in-memory inode structure)
- big.c: Driver program for big files
- Makefile
Note: Please visit Courseweb for a detailed version of lab instructions PDF file.