CAS server SSO authentication in laravel 4.x
Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update (or run composer require XavRsl/Cas:dev-master
"XavRsl/Cas": "dev-master"
After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php
As well as the Facade :
'Cas' => 'Xavrsl\Cas\Facades\Cas',
You need to publish the conf so you will ffind it in app/config/packages/xavrsl/cas/
$ php artisan config:publish xavrsl/cas
Configuration should be pretty straightforward for anyone who's ever used the PHPCas client. However, I've added the possibility to easily turn your application into a CAS Proxy, a CAS Service or both. You only need to set the cas_proxy setting to true (if you need to proxy services) and set the cas_service to whatever proxy you want to allow (this is all explained in the config file).
Authenticate against the CAS server
Exemple of Cas authentication in a route filter :
Route::group(array('https', 'before' => 'cas'), function()
Route::controller('toolbar', 'ToolbarController');
Route::controller('bibsearch', 'BibsearchController');
Route::controller('bibimages', 'BibimagesController');
Route::filter('cas', function()
Then get the current user id this way :