Step 1: Click on Fork at the top right corner
Step 2: Clone your forked repository
Step 3: cd into the cloned folded | cd https://github.com/ekpono/santry-customerapp
Step 4: git remote add upstream https://github.com/ekpono/santry-customerapp.git
Step 5: git pull upstream master
Step 6: Check out to the task branch | git checkout -b <NAME_OF_THE_TASK>
Step 1: Run: git add .
Step 2: Run: git commit -m ""
Step 3: git push origin <BRANCH_NAME>
Go to the repository https://github.com/ekpono/santry-customerapp
As soon as you get there, you are going to see a green ‘compare and create a pull request’
Click on it, and type your message, click on create pull request.
If you have any more questions, please check out this resource -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbSjyU2vf6Y