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Public Input Circuit

code: develop branch

Public Data

PublicData contains the block header information (block contexts) as well as transactions information. It is structured as follows:

# PublicData
## ChainID (u64Word)
## transactions
- Transaction
    - block_number
    - id
    - hash
    - nonce
    - gas
    - gas_price
    - caller_address
    - callee_address
    - is_create
    - value
    - call_data
    - call_data_length
    - call_data_gas_cost
    - chain_id
    - rlp_unsigned
    - rlp_signed
    - v
    - r
    - s
    - calls
    - steps
- Transaction
- ...
## block_ctxs (BTreeMap: BlockNumber(u64)->BlockContext)
- Block Context
    - coinbase
    - gas_limit
    - number
    - timestamp
    - difficulty
    - base_fee
    - history_hashes
    - chain_id
    - eth_block
- Block Context
- ...
## prev_state_root (256bit hash)
## withdraw_trie_root (256bit hash)

The above PublicData will be transformed byte by byte into pi_bytes as the actual pi data:

  • pi_bytes
    • chain_id (u64 Word in big-endian bytes)
    • prev_state_root (256-bit hash in bytes)
    • after_state_root (256-bit hash in bytes, obtained from the last block_ctx's state root in the list of block_ctxs)
    • withdraw_trie_root (256-bit hash in bytes)
    • data_hash (keccak256 of data_bytes)

where data_bytes rolls over all block_ctxs and transactions to produce an array with the following components

  • data_bytes
    • roll over each block_ctx:
      • number (u64 in big-endian bytes)
      • timestamp (u64 in big-endian bytes)
      • base_fee (in big-endian bytes)
      • gas_limit (in big-endian bytes)
      • num_txs (in big-endian bytes) which is the number of transactions that are included in this block
    • roll over each transaction:
      • tx hash (in bytes): Each tx_hash is of the form keccak(rlp(tx_sign)).

Finally pi_hash is the Keccak256 hash of pi_bytes.

The Purpose of Public Input Circuit

The above pi_bytes is assigned to the PI Circuit byte-by-byte. The PI Circuit aims to check the correctness of pi_bytes by looking up to the Keccak table for pi_hash and compare the pi_hash with a given instance of the pi_hash.

Since the Keccak table only records input RLC and output RLC, to perform the lookup, PI Circuit must record the RLC accumulation of input bytes and (hash) output bytes. This induces further checks about the correctness of these RLC accumulations. These accumulation columns are also re-used to store Keccak input rlc and output rlcs, so they induce many copy constraints. Furthermore, some of the public input data fields such as block context, tx hashes, chain_id, coinbase, difficulty are having connection with the block table and tx table, so copy constraints with them are also established.

Circuit Layout and Design

PI Circuit is assigned in a byte-by-byte manner that corresponds to each field of the public data information. For each field, the value is decomposed into bytes and assigned in a way that each byte occupies one circuit row. At the boundaries between data fields some selectors/fixed column are turned on/off (true/false).

Also, the columns that are used to store the raw public input bytes, or RLC results, or length can be re-used to store RLC of data bytes, pi bytes, data hash, pi hash etc. This leads to copy constraints that enforce some of the specific cells in the pi circuits that must be equal. The PI circuit is written in a fashion that specific cells in a column may be extracted and then used elsewhere for copy constraint purposes.

The columns of PI circuit are explained as follows:

  • constant: Fixed Column. It is dedicated to store coinbase, difficulty in bytes.
  • rpi: Advice Column, also called raw_public_inputs. It stores the RLC (using evm_word randomness) or LC (using BYTE_POW_BASE=256) of the current field of public input data represented in bytes. The choice of RLC or LC depends on the bit-length of this data field's rpi value under consideration: if this value's bit-length can be hold by a field element's capacity, we use RLC with evm_word randomness; otherwise, we use LC with BYTE_POW_BASE(=256) as the LC multiplication factor. This column is also used to store some data bytes, pi bytes and Keccak input RLC result as follows:
    • After all data_bytes fields are assigned, turn q_keccak=1 and record rlc of data bytes via keccak_input randomness
    • After all pi_bytes fields are assigned, turn q_keccak=1 and record rlc of pi bytes via keccak_input randomness
    • After all data fields are assigned, this column is used to store RLC of the high 16-byte (Keccak_hi) and RLC of the low 16-byte (Keccak_lo) of the pi_hash=Keccak(pi_bytes) using evm_word randomness.
  • rpi_bytes: Advice Column, also called rpi_field_bytes. It fills pi_bytes in a byte-by-byte manner. After all rpi data field are filled, this column is used to record the high 16 byte and the low 16 byte of pi_hash. So a typical assignment has the following order:
    • data_bytes:
      • for each block_ctx: byte by byte of block_number, time_stamp, base_fee, gas_limit, num_txs. This will be padded by BlockContext::Padding(chain_id) until number of block_ctx reaches max_inner_blocks;
      • for each transaction: byte by byte of tx_hash. This will be padded by dummy_tx_hash (which corresponds to tx private key = 1.) until number of tx_hash reaches max_txs;
    • pi_bytes
      • chain_id: in big-endian form
      • previous_state_root
      • after_state_root
      • withdraw_trie_root
      • data_hash
    • pi_hash
      • high 16 bytes
      • low 16 bytes
    • coinbase: N_BYTES_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS number of bytes
    • difficulty: N_BYTES_WORD number of bytes
  • rpi_bytes_acc: Advice Column, also called rpi_field_bytes_acc. It records the accumulation of RLC/LC of rpi_bytes. The choice of RLC or LC depends on the bit-length of the current pi data field's value being assigned: if this value's bit-length can be hold by a field element's capacity, we use RLC with evm_word randomness, and at this time is_field_rlc is true; otherwise, we use LC with BYTE_POW_BASE(=256) to do the LC and at this time is_field_rlc is false.
  • rpi_rlc_acc: Advice Column, cumulative RLC of rpi_bytes using keccak_input randomness (because of the need to lookup into Keccak table). This column is also used to store the RLC of data hash and pi hash as follows:
    • After all data_bytes fields are assigned, turn q_keccak=1 and record rlc of data hash via evm_word randomness
    • After all pi_bytes fields are assigned, turn q_keccak=1 and record rlc of pi hash via evm_word randomness
    • After all data fields are assigned, this column is used to store cumulative RLC of the high 16-byte (Keccak_hi) and cumulative RLC of the low 16-byte (Keccak_lo) of the pi_hash=Keccak(pi_bytes) using evm_word randomness.
  • rpi_length_acc: Advice column. It is used to record the accumulated length in bytes of rpi_bytes. This column is also used to store the length of data bytes and pi bytes as follows:
    • After all data_bytes fields are assigned, turn q_keccak=1 and record the length of data bytes
    • After all pi_bytes fields are assigned, turn q_keccak=1 and record the length of pi bytes
    • After all data fields are assigned, this column is used to store accumulation of pi_hash in bytes with length from 1 to 32.
  • is_rpi_padding: Advice Column. It is true when the currently assigned field is not included in the data bytes. For example, this happens at the padding rows for block_ctxs or transactions inside rpi_bytes.
  • real_rpi: Advice column. If is_rpi_padding then assign 0, otherwise it is the same as rpi column. This column is used for recording valid block context fields that are copied to block table.
  • pi: Instance Column. It is used to record keccak_hi and keccak_lo
  • q_field_step: Selector Column. This selector is enabled except when the currently assigned field is running at its last byte.
  • is_field_rlc: Fixed Column. This is true if the bit-length of the value of currently assigned field can be hold by a field element's capacity.
  • q_block_context: Fixed Column. This is true when the currently assigned field is in data_bytes and is related to block_ctx information.
  • q_tx_hashes: Fixed Column. This is true when the currently assigned field is in data_bytes and is related to transactions information.
  • q_not_end: Selector Column. It is enabled during (1) data_bytes rows; (2) pi_bytes rows; pi_hash_bytes rows;
  • is_rlc_keccak: Fixed Column. This is true when the row is not for storing keccak hi/lo byte cells. This is because on these rows we accumulate Keccak input.
  • q_keccak: Selector Column. This selector is enabled at the row for computing keccak hash. This happens when the rpi_bytes column is at the row (1) after all data_bytes fields are assigned; (2) after all pi_bytes fields are assigned.
  • q_block_tag: Fixed Column. This is to connect with the Block Table and is used to indicate that the current row is not the last row of the block table.
  • cum_num_txs: Advice Column. This is used to record the cumulative number of transactions;
  • is_block_num_txs: Fixed Column. This is true when the current row corresponds to the block table tag is NumTxs.


  • correct accumulation of rpi_bytes_acc when q_field_step==1

    • when is_field_rlc==true: rpi_bytes_acc accumulates rpi_bytes in RLC manner using evm word randomness
    • when is_field_rlc==false: rpi_bytes_acc accumulates rpi_bytes in LC manner using coefficient BYTE_POW_BASE=256
  • correct accumulation of rpi_rlc_acc when q_not_end is enabled:

    • when is_rpi_padding is false: rpi_rlc_acc accumulates rpi_bytes in an RLC manner using keccak_input randomness
    • when is_rpi_padding is true: rpi_rlc_acc keeps the same
  • correct accumulation of rpi_length when q_not_end is enabled

    • when is_rpi_padding is false: rpi_length increases by 1
    • when is_rpi_padding is true: rpi_length keeps the same
  • constraints for padding

    • in block context: q_block_context is true:
      • is_rpi_padding is Boolean
      • when q_block_context is true at the next row and is_rpi_padding is true at the current row, then is_rpi_padding is true at the next row
      • real_rpi == not(is_rpi_padding) * rpi
    • in tx_hash: q_tx_hashes is true
      • is_rpi_padding is Boolean
      • when q_tx_hashes is true at the next row and is_rpi_padding is true at the current row, then is_rpi_padding is true at the next row
      • rpi is RLC of dummy_tx_hash in bytes using evm_word randomness when is_rpi_padding is true.
  • lookup to keccak table for keccak(rpi) when q_keccak==1

    • lookup item q_keccak * (1, rpi, rpi_length_acc, rpi_rlc_acc) into keccak table for (is_final, input_rlc, input_length, output_rlc)
  • constraints for the block table: when q_block_tag is enabled

    • for the first row, cum_num_txs is 0
    • when is_block_num_txs is true, increase cum_num_txs at the next row by num_txs in the block, which is fetched from block table; else do not increase
  • copy constraints:

    • inside PI circuit: this is mainly to constrain certain cells are equal due to the design of PI circuit columns. This includes
      • copy RLC of data_bytes/pi_bytes from rpi_rlc_acc column to rpi column when the latter has q_keccak==1
      • copy RLC of data_hash from rpi_rlc_acc column to rpi column when the latter has q_keccak==1
      • copy RLC of pi_hash from rpi_rlc_acc column to itself
      • within a data field
        • rpi_cells are equal
        • rpi_cell equals to the last rpi_bytes_acc
        • the first rpi_bytes_acc equals to the first byte_cell
    • copy block context fields, chain_id, coinbase, difficulty to block table
    • copy tx_hashes, chain_id, coinbase, difficulty to tx table