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Javascript Streams 8: Streams as Transformations

Perform work using the libraryFilesStream observer stream using stream functions in order to build out IntelliJ library descriptor files.

From here on out, we will potentially be clobbering all of our portal project files as we will be writing things to disk. To prevent that, let's create a copy of Liferay's folder structure using the find command from the root of the portal source. We'll create a directory /tmp/test and replicate Liferay's folder structure without its files there.

mkdir /tmp/test
cd /path/to/portal/source

find . -type d | grep "\(src\|docroot\)" | xargs -I '{}' mkdir -p /tmp/test/'{}'
find . -name bnd.bnd -exec cp --parents {} /tmp/test \;
find . -name build.gradle -exec cp --parents {} /tmp/test \;

From here on out, we will test our module by pointing to this newly-created folder.

node bin/run.js /tmp/test

Library files exist in the .idea/libraries folder and have the file name group_name_version.xml. Like everything else so far in IntelliJ, they are components. In this specific case, the component has the name libraryTable and uses the following XML for the component definition.

<component name="libraryTable">
        <library name="LIBRARY_NAME">
                        <root url="jar://$PROJECT_DIR$/JAR_PATH!/" />
                <JAVADOC />
                <SOURCES />

Let's work backwards from the XML file towards our module details and describe the data that we need in order to reach our objective. These are the attributes we have available:

  • moduleName
  • modulePath
  • sourceFolders
  • resourceFolders
  • testSourceFolders
  • testResourceFolders
  • webrootFolders
  • excludeFolders
  • libraryDependencies
  • projectDependencies

A common stream operation is to pull an attribute from an object and only operate on that attribute value. This is made available as the pluck function.

When plucking attributes, sometimes the attribute is not defined on the object we pluck from, and this results in a mapping to an undefined value. If you would like to eliminate anything that is undefined, this is available as the compact function on streams.

If you've transformed one element into another, it's not uncommon for this to result in multiple values from the transformation of a single element, and it is not uncommon for this to be returned as an array. Ideally, however, we would take a stream of arrays and convert it to a stream of individual elements. This capability is provided by flatten.

Finally, when you have a stream of individual elements that originated from a stream of arrays, it is not uncommon for their to be duplicates. In this case, it may be beneficial to eliminate the duplicates from the array. This requires unicity detection, which is available as the uniqBy function on streams.

Assume we have the following unicity function.

function isSameLibraryDependency(left, right) {
        return ( == &&
                ( == &&
                (left.version == right.version);

Based on what we've said above, transform libraryFilesStream from a stream of module details into a stream of library details. Slowly add the transformations based on the chain of transformations we derived during our first checkpoint and log each transformation to make sure that the result is in line with that chain of transformations.


We now have a bunch of library descriptions, but do we even know the path to the Gradle JAR that corresponds to these library descriptions to see if it's a library file we should care about?

It turns out that if we check the .gradle folder in the Liferay source, there is a pattern to the paths for the gradle files.

If you choose a specific dependency, you'll see that the folder path for that dependency is group/name/version. Beneath that folder are two folders named with a long string of seemingly random letters, and within one of those folders is our JAR file. It turns out that this long string corresponds to a hash of the file.

Since the hash of the file contents is the folder, this can cause some problems in trying to retrieve file paths (since you append what you know as the second part of the path rather than the first). For this purpose, we can use the flip function that's provided by highland, which returns a curried function with the arguments flipped.

In an ideal world, we would be able to update our library object with an attribute pointing to the path to the expected Gradle JAR (if one existed) and we could apply some kind of filter based on the presence of that attribute.

It turns out that with a little bit of help from higher order functions, this functionality is also available, and one of them is an old friend we might remember from arrays.

Our familiar function filter requires a function returning a boolean value. In this case, we would like for the function to tell us whether the attribute key exists in our object.

function keyExistsInObject(key, object) {
        return object && key in object;

As a side-note, finding whether a key exists at all in an object is not built into streams. However, finding out if a key is missing from an object actually is built in, because it's the same as finding a specific value (undefined), allowing us to use .where({'attributeName': undefined}) in order to perform that filter.

Filter the stream so that it only contains elements that contain the group attribute.

You'll know if you've managed to successfully achieve this by replacing your call to filter with a call to reject and confirming that the output yields the development library, the global library, the portal library, and a handful of libraries where Liferay has not fixed in its dependencies.

There are theoretically two places that a dependency can come from: a Gradle cache (in the case of modules plugins in core) and a local Maven repository (in the case of plugins SDK modules). We can encapsulate that with a function getLibraryJarPaths, which is already provided in streams8.js.

Update our work on the libraryFilesStream in order to use getLibraryJarPaths in order to return the arrays of Gradle library paths corresponding to each library and log the result.


The XML file for the library component will be stored in the .idea/libraries folder and the XML has the following structure.

<library name="LIBRARY_NAME">
                <root url="jar://$PROJECT_DIR$/JAR_PATH!/" />
        <JAVADOC />
        <SOURCES />

Library names take on the format group:name:version, and the gradle JAR path are the JAR files located in the folders that we just examined in Liferay source control. The XML file names are closely connected with the library name, but no special characters are allowed (they are replaced with underscores).

Following the pattern from before where we set attribute values, we now provide a new function which updates a library object with the libraryName attribute value.

function setLibraryName(library) {
        if ('group' in library) {
                library['libraryName'] = + ':' + + ':' + library.version;
        else {
                library['libraryName'] =;

        return library;

Update your libraryFilesStream transformations to add an additional transformation which adds the path to a library. Use console.dir to confirm that the transformation results in new library objects that have the desired libraryName attribute.

We also have a function which converts a path to a library (similar to one which we may have from the Gradle library path retrieval) into an XML element. The following code also accounts for absolute paths and variables.

function getLibraryRootElement(libraryPath) {
        if ((libraryPath.indexOf('/') == 0) || (libraryPath.indexOf('$') == 0) || (libraryPath.indexOf(':') != -1)) {
                return '<root url="jar://' + libraryPath + '!/" />';
        else {
                return '<root url="jar://$PROJECT_DIR$/' + libraryPath + '!/" />';

Leveraging this function, we can declare a function which generates the XML content for a library.

function getLibraryTableXML(library) {
        var libraryTableXML = [];

        libraryTableXML.push('<library name="' + library['libraryName'] + '">');
        libraryTableXML.push('<properties />');

        var binaryPaths = getLibraryJarPaths(library);

        if (binaryPaths.length > 0) {
        else {
                libraryTableXML.push('<CLASSES />');

        libraryTableXML.push('<JAVADOC />');

        var sourcePaths = [];

        if (sourcePaths.length > 0) {
        else {
                libraryTableXML.push('<SOURCES />');


        return libraryTableXML.join('\n');

Update your transformations so that all the XML for all modules is logged to the console.

Now that we have all the XML, in theory, we would be able to begin passing this through our familiar transformations to create an IntelliJ XML file. However, since this does not have the standard XML headers, and the file content will be just the component XML.

function getLibraryXML(library) {
        var fileName = library['libraryName'].replace(/\W/g, '_') + '.xml';

        var libraryTableComponent = {
                name: 'libraryTable',
                content: getLibraryTableXML(library)

        return {
                name: '.idea/libraries/' + fileName,
                content: getComponentXML(libraryTableComponent)

Replace the previous transformation with one which retrieves the complete library XML (using the above function for the transformation) and save them to the .idea/libraries folder by replacing our console.log with saveContent.

Chain the stream transformations together and confirm that running the script results in the .idea/libraries containing the required XML files.

Our last step is to take advantage of the fact that we now have library files at the project level to update each of our module files with a reference to these libraries.

Assume we have the following function.

var getLibraryOrderEntryElement = highland.ncurry(5, getOrderEntryElement, 'library', 'name', 'libraryName');

Since our setLibraryName function returns the object that was updated (not normally required for functions passed to doto), this means that if you're working with an array rather than a stream, it can be used in map.

Add our libraries to each of the XML generated by getNewModuleRootManagerXML. You are encouraged to imitate the existing logic for project dependencies as well as perform the same kind of filtering logic we added to libraryFilesStream to avoid referencing non-existent Gradle JARs. Make sure that it appears below the project dependencies, because order matters and you'd much rather Control+Click into source code than a decompiled class file.

We've worked with some additional functions from the highland library in order to generate our library files.

Our last step in the project will be to account for some of the libraries (development, global, and portal) and also go over what would be needed in order to incorporate Maven source JARs. And from there, we will have a valid IntelliJ project!