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Psychology has a long past, but a short history.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
百科词条:心理学史、History of psychology。
心理学的故事(The Story of Psychology)- Morton Magill Hunt
心理学史导论(An Introduction to the History of Psychology)- Baldwin R. Hergenhahn
现代心理学史(A History of Modern Psychology)- Duane P. Schultz
心理学史(A History of Psychology)- Eric B. Shiraev
心理学史(The history of psychology)- Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
人类心理3000年(A History of Psychology: From Antiquity to Modernity)- Thomas Hardy Leahey
DK心理学百科(The psychology book)
Psychological research requires an interdisciplinary perspective.
Erik Erikson
百科词条:心理学研究方法列表、List of psychological research methods。
心理学研究方法(Exploring Research)- Neil J. Salkind
心理学研究方法(Conducting Research in Psychology)- Brett W Pelham
心理学研究方法(Research Methods in Psychology)- John J. Shaughnessy
心理与行为科学研究方法(Methods in Behavioral Research)- Paul C. Cozby
心理统计导论(Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences)- Robert R. Pagano
行为科学统计(Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences)- Frederick J. Gravetter
行为科学研究方法(Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences)- Frederick J. Gravetter
实证研究(Practical Research: Planning and Design)- Paul D. Leedy
The effective study of psychology requires active participation in experiments and research. Hands-on practice is essential to understanding human behavior.
Burrhus Frederic Skinner
心理学导论(Psychology: Themes and Variations)- Wayne Weiten
心理学导论(Introduction to Psychology)- Dennis Coon
心理学与生活(Psychology and Life)- Richard J. Gerrig(配套网站)
津巴多普通心理学(Psychology: Core Concepts)- Philip George Zimbardo
迈尔斯普通心理学(Exploring Psychology)- David Myers
什么是心理学(What is Psychology? Essentials)- Ellen E. Pastorino
心理科学(Psychological Science)- Mark Krause
这才是心理学(How to Think Straight about Psychology)- Keith E. Stanovich
改变心理学的40项研究(Forty Studies that Changed Psychology)- Roger R. Hock
心理学的邀请(Invitation to Psychology)- Carole Wade
心理学原理(The Principles of Psychology)- William James
YouTube:PSYC 200 - Intro to Psychology (Fall 2013)
百科词条:社会心理学、Social psychology。
社会心理学(The Social Psychology)- Elliot Aronson
社会心理学(Social Psychology)- David Myers
社会性动物(The Social Animal)- Elliot Aronson
态度改变与社会影响(The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence)- Philip George Zimbardo
社会心理学(Social Psychology)- Nyla R. Branscombe
社会认知(Social Cognition: Making Sense of People)- Ziva Kunda
决策与判断(The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making)- Scott Plous
文化性动物(The Cultural Animal)- Roy Baumeister
亲密关系(Intimate Relationships)- Rowland S. Miller
人性实验(Experiments With People)- Kurt P. Frey
对权威的服从(Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View)- Stanley Milgram
edx:Introduction to Social Psychology(YouTube)
YouTube:PSY 2510 Social Psychology
百科词条:发展心理学、Developmental psychology。
发展心理学(Development Across the Life Span)- Robert Feldman
伯克毕生发展心理学(Development Through the Lifespan)- Laura E. Berk
发展心理学上册、下册(Human Development)- Diane Papalia
毕生发展心理学(The Developing Person Through the Life Span)- Kathleen Stassen Berger
发展心理学(Essentials of Life-span Development)- John W. Santrock
发展心理学(Developmental psychology: Childhood and adolescence)- David R. Shaffer
YouTube:Lecture Series for Intro to Developmental Psy
YouTube:Developmental Psychology - PSYC 240
YouTube:Developmental Psychology
YouTube:Psychology - Developmental Psychology
百科词条:异常心理学、Abnormal psychology。
变态心理学(Abnormal Psychology)- Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
变态心理学(Abnormal Psychology)- Ann M.Kring
变态心理学(Abnormal Psychology)- Lauren B. Alloy
变态心理学(Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach)- David H. Barlow
变态心理学案例集(Casebook in Abnormal Psychology)- Timothy A. Brown
变态心理学(Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World)- Jeffrey S.Nevid
YouTube:Abnormal Psychology Lecture Series
YouTube:Understanding Abnormal Psychology
YouTube:Summer 2021 Abnormal Psychology
YouTube:Psychological disorders
百科词条:认知心理学、Cognitive psychology。
认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience)- E. Bruce Goldstein
认知心理学及其启示(Cognitive Psychology and It's Implications)- John Robert Anderson
认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology)- Robert L.Solso
认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology)- Robert J. Sternberg
认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology:In and Out of the Laboratory)- Kathleen M. Galotti
认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology: Applying The Science of the Mind)- Bridget Robinson-Riegler
心理学与认知科学哲学(Philosophy of Psycology and Cognitive Science)- Dov M. Gabbay
YouTube:PY2701 (2021) - Cognitive Psychology
YouTube:Cognitive Psychology Lectures
YouTube:Cognitive Psychology 2021
edx:Introduction to Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology
百科词条:人格心理学、Personality psychology。
人格心理学(Theories of Personality)- Duane P. Schultz
人格心理学( Introduction to Personality )- Jerry M. Burger
人格心理学(The Personality Puzzle)- David C. Funder
人格心理学(Personality Psychology:Understanding Yourself and Others)- Jean Marie Twenge
人格心理学(Perspectives on Personality)- Charles S.Carver
TED:Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality
YouTube:Personality Psychology
YouTube:Intro to Psychology Theories of Personality
YouTube:Personality Psychology Class Lectures
心理咨询师的问诊策略(Interviewing And Change Strategies For Helpers)- Sherry Cormier
心理咨询与治疗的理论及实践(Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy)- Gerald Corey
心理治疗中的人际过程(Interpersonal Process in Therapy)- Edward Teyber
心理咨询导论(An Introduction to Counselling)- John McLeod
心理治疗实战录(Doing Psychotherapy)- Michael Franz Basch
心理咨询的要素(The Elements of Counseling)- Scott T. Meier
这就是心理咨询(45 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know)- Bradley T. Erford
给心理治疗师的礼物(The Gift of Therapy)- Irvin David Yalom
心理咨询面谈技术(Clinical Interviewing)- John Sommers-Flanagan
以人为中心心理咨询实战(Person-centred counselling in action)- Dave Mearns
认知行为疗法(Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond)- Judith S. Beck
请参考百科词条心理学家(Psychologist)、心理学家列表(List of psychologists)或各类书籍中提及的。
国际心理科学联合会 (International Union of Psychological Science, IUPsyS)
国际应用心理学协会 (International Association of Applied Psychology, IAAP)
欧洲心理学联合会 (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations, EFPA)
心理科学协会 (Association for Psychological Science, APS)
世界心理治疗联合会 (World Council for Psychotherapy, WCP)
国际心理健康协会 ( International Mental Health Association,IMHA)
国际精神分析协会(International Psychoanalytical Association,IPA)
中国心理学会 (Chinese Psychological Society, CPS)
美国心理学会(American Psychological Association, APA)
美国心理咨询协会(American Counseling Association,ACA)
加拿大心理学会 (Canadian Psychological Association, CPA)
英国心理学会 (British Psychological Society, BPS)
澳大利亚心理学会 (Australian Psychological Society, APS)
新加坡心理学会 (Singapore Psychological Society, SPS)
日本心理学会 (Japanese Psychological Association, JPA)
韩国心理学会 (Korean Psychological Association, KPA)