One-stop enterprise container CICD PaaS platform, practicing Gitops + application-centric concept, theoretically satisfying the delivery needs of all types of loads, supporting fast multi-cloud delivery and custom CI pipelines.
- Horizon gets projects from gitlab, and store some info on it to support rollback.
- Horizon supports hook for async tasks, for example pushing data to cmdb or callback.
- Fully supported metrics, horizon natively supports prometheus, with grafana, we can draw a straightforward diagram.
- With swagger, apis are supported on swagger.
- Ci depends on tekton, Horizon triggers tekton pipeline, tekton builds and pushs image to image registry.
- CD depends on argoCD, argo calls helm. Helm renders files deploys on kubernetes.
- Horizon defines all kinds of template for different projects, like javaapp, nodejs or dockerfile.
- Linux/Windows/Mac
pip install pre-commit
- Mac
brew install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Commits can only be successfully committed after passing the hooks defined by the .pre-commit-config.yaml file in the root directory