- London, UK
nanomsg-next-generation -- light-weight brokerless messaging
Implementations of SIMD instruction sets for systems which don't natively support them.
Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking (including lock-free) data structures designed to aid in the research, design and implementation of high performance conc…
A macOS menu bar app that enables system-wide navigation functionality for the side buttons on third-party mice.
SIMD Library for Evaluating Elementary Functions, vectorized libm and DFT
An implementation of the MessagePack serialization format in C / msgpack.org[C]
HMMER: biological sequence analysis using profile HMMs
Portable C11 threads implementation over POSIX threads and win32 threads.
An ANSI C encoder/decoder for the MessagePack serialization format / msgpack.org[C / Objective-C / Swift]
Boilerplate to set up a c project, include CuTest unit testing, cmake build setup
Sequence analysis library used by Eddy/Rivas lab code
A numerical integration routine that works for the natural logarithm of functions