I may be slow to respond.
jetton-hybrid-template Public template
Using Sandbox package to build the SmartContract in #TON Blockchain.
JettonGramGpuMiner Public
Forked from TrueCarry/JettonGramGpuMiner -
tact-docs Public
Forked from tact-lang/tact-docsTact main documentation
token-contract Public
Forked from ton-blockchain/token-contractFungible, Non-Fungible, Semi-Fungible Tokens Smart Contracts
contract-dns-simple Public
Forked from tact-lang/contract-dns-simpleSimple DNS contract
tondynasty-contracts Public template
Forked from Ton-Dynasty/tondynasty-contractsTon-Dynasty Contracts is a library for efficient smart contract development by tact-lang
staking-in-tact Public
Staking Jetton token(ERC20 in TON) implement in Tact-lang
anton Public
Forked from tonindexer/antonIndexing for TON blockchain
blueprint-scaffold Public
Forked from 1IxI1/blueprint-scaffoldBluerpint Scaffold Plugin. Helps you to build a dapp from wrappers which you've wrote for your FunC contracts.