Command Line Interface for SVGR.
npm install @svgr/cli --save-dev
Usage: svgr [options] <file|directory>
-V, --version output the version number
--config-file <file> specify the path of the svgr config
--no-runtime-config disable runtime config (".svgrrc", ".svgo.yml", ".prettierrc")
-d, --out-dir <dirname> output files into a directory
--ignore-existing ignore existing files in output directory
--keep-existing do not override already existing files when used with --out-dir
--ext <ext> specify a custom file extension (default: "js")
--filename-case <case> specify filename case ("pascal", "kebab", "camel") (default: "pascal")
--icon use "1em" as width and height
--native add react-native support with react-native-svg
--memo add React.memo into the result component
--ref forward ref to SVG root element
--no-dimensions remove width and height from root SVG tag
--expand-props [position] disable props expanding ("start", "end", "none") (default: "end")
--svg-props <property=value> add props to the svg element
--replace-attr-values <old=new> replace an attribute value
--template <file> specify a custom template to use
--index-template <file> specify a custom index.js template to use
--title-prop create a title element linked with props
--prettier-config <fileOrJson> Prettier config
--no-prettier disable Prettier
--svgo-config <fileOrJson> SVGO config
--no-svgo disable SVGO
--silent suppress output
--stdin force reading input from stdin
--stdin-filepath path to the file to pretend that stdin comesfrom
-h, --help output usage information
svgr --replace-attr-values "#fff=currentColor" icon.svg