This Date picker work with Iranian calendar.
Jalali calendar datepicker, which depends on persianDate
More info at Wikipedia
Note: from v0.6.0 persianDatepicker support gregorian calendar
npm install persian-datepicker
bower install persian-datepicker
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/persian.datepicker.css"/>
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/"></script>
<script src="js/persian.datepicker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
<input type="text" class="example1" />
name | type | default | description |
initialCalendar | string | 'persian' | Set default calendar mode of datepicker, available options: 'persian', 'gregorian' |
calendar | object | Calendar type and localization configuration | |
calendar.persian | object | Persian calendar configuration | |
calendar.persian.locale | string | 'fa' | Set locale of Persian calendar available options: 'fa', 'en' |
calendar.persian.showHint | boolean | false | If set true, small date hint of this calendar will be shown on another calendar |
calendar.persian.leapYearMode | string | algorithmic | Persian calendar leap year calculation mode, available options: 'algorithmic', 'astronomical' |
calendar.gregorian | object | Gregorian calendar configuration | |
calendar.gregorian.locale | string | 'en' | set locale of Gregorian calendar available options: 'fa', 'en' |
calendar.gregorian.showHint | boolean | false | If set true, small date hint of this calendar will be shown on another calendar |
responsive | boolean | true | If set true make enable responsive view on mobile devices |
initialValue | boolean | true | If set true datepicker init with input value date |
initialValueType | string | 'gregorian' | Initial value calendar type, accept: 'persian', 'gregorian' |
inline | boolean | false | If true datepicker render inline |
responsive | boolean | true | If set true datepicker init with input value date |
persianDigit (DEPRECATED Sience 0.6.0) | boolean | true | If true all digit shows as persian digit |
viewMode | string | 'day' | Accept day, month, year |
format | string | 'LLLL' | The date format, combination of d, dd, m, mm, yy, yyy |
formatter | function | function(unixDate){return unixDate} | Main Input value formatter function |
altField | string | null | An input element that is to be updated with the selected date from the datepicker. Use the altFormat option to change the format of the date within this field. Leave as blank for no alternate field. acceptable value: : '#elementId','.element-class' |
altFormat | string | 'unix' | The date format, combination of d, dd, m, mm, yy, yyy. |
altFieldFormatter | function | function(unixDate){return unixDate} | Format value of alt field input input |
minDate | Unix Offset | null | Set min date on datepicker, prevent user select date before given unix time |
maxDate | Unix Offset | null | Set max date on datepicker, prevent user select date after given unix time |
navigator | object | Navigator config object | |
navigator.enabled | boolean | true | Make navigator enable or disable |
navigator.scroll | object | Navigate by scroll configuration | |
navigator.scroll.enabled | boolean | true | If you want prevent to navigate with mousewheel event make this options false |
navigator.text | object | Navigator text config object | |
navigator.text.btnNextText | string | '<' | Text of next button |
navigator.text.btnPrevText | string | '>' | Text of previews butto |
navigator.onNext | event | function (navigator) {} | Called when navigator goes to next state |
navigator.onPrev | event | function (navigator) {} | Called when navigator goes to prev state |
navigator.onSwitch | event | function (state) {} | Called when navigator switch |
toolbox | object | Toolbox object options. | |
toolbox.enabled | boolean | true | Enable/Disable toolbox object |
toolbox.text | object | ||
toolbox.text.btnToday (DEPRECATED Sience 0.6.0) | string | 'امروز' | Today button text |
toolbox.todayButton | object | Toolbox today button configuration | |
toolbox.todayButton.enabled | boolean | false | Make toolbox today button enable or disable |
toolbox.todayButton.text | object | Today button text | |
toolbox.todayButton.text.fa | string | 'امروز' | Show when current calendar is Persian |
toolbox.todayButton.text.en | string | 'Today' | Show when current calendar is Gregorian |
toolbox.submitButton | object | Toolbox today button configuration | |
toolbox.submitButton.enabled | boolean | true | Make toolbox submit button enable or disable |
toolbox.submitButton.text | object | Submit button text | |
toolbox.submitButton.text.fa | string | 'تایید' | Show when current calendar is Persian |
toolbox.submitButton.text.en | string | 'submit' | Show when current calendar is Gregorian |
toolbox.calendarSwitch | object | ||
toolbox.calendarSwitch.enabled | boolean | true | Make calendar switch enable or disable |
toolbox.calendarSwitch.format | string | 'MMMM' | Calendar switch text format string |
toolbox.onToday | event | function(toolbox){return unixDate} | Event called when today btn clicked |
onlyTimePicker (mode) | boolean | false | If true, all pickers hide and just show timepicker |
onlySelectOnDate | boolean | true | If true, date select just by click on day in month grid, and when user select month or year selected date doesnt change |
checkDate | function | function (unix) { return true; } | Validate date access before render |
checkMonth | function | function (month) { return true; } | Validate month access before render |
checkYear | function | function (year) { return true; } | Validate year access before render |
timePicker | object | ||
timePicker.enabled | boolean | false | Make timePicker enable or disable |
timePicker.step | int | 1 | The amount that increases or decreases by pressing the button |
timePicker.hour | object | ||
timePicker.hour.enabled | boolean | true | Enable/Disable hour in timepPicker object |
timePicker.hour.step | int | null | The amount that increases or decreases hour, by pressing the button. overwrite by timepicker.step |
timePicker.minute | object | ||
timePicker.minute.enabled | boolean | true | Enable/Disable minute in timePicker object |
timePicker.minute.step | int | null | The amount that increases or decreases minute, by pressing the button. overwrite by timepicker.step |
timePicker.second | object | ||
timePicker.second.enabled | boolean | true | Enable/Disable second in timePicker object |
timePicker.second.step | int | null | The amount that increases or decreases second, by pressing the button. overwrite by timepicker.step |
timePicker.meridian | object | ||
timePicker.meridian.enabled | boolean | true | Enable/Disable meridian in timePicker object |
dayPicker | object | ||
dayPicker.enabled | boolean | true | Enable/Disable dayPicker object |
dayPicker.titleFormat | string | 'YYYY MMMM' | DayPicker title format string |
dayPicker.titleFormatter | function | function (year, month) {} | DayPicker title formatter function |
dayPicker.onSelect | event | function (selectedDayUnix) {} | Called when date select |
monthPicker | object | ||
monthPicker.enabled | boolean | true | Enable/Disable monthPicker object |
monthPicker.titleFormat | string | 'YYYY' | MonthPicker title format string |
monthPicker.titleFormatter | function | function (unix) {} | MonthPicker title formatter function |
monthPicker.onSelect | event | function (monthIndex) {} | Called when month select |
yearPicker | object | ||
yearPicker.enabled | boolean | true | Enable/Disable yearPicker object |
yearPicker.titleFormat | string | 'YYYY' | YearPicker title format string |
yearPicker.titleFormatter | function | function (year) {} | YearPicker title formatter function |
yearPicker.onSelect | event | function (year) {} | Called when year select |
onSelect | event | function (unixDate) {} | Called when datepicker selected date change |
onShow | event | function () {} | Called when datePicker shown |
onHide | event | function () {} | Called when datePicker hidden |
onToggle | event | function () {} | Called when datePicker visibility toggle |
onDestroy | event | function () {} | Called when datePicker destroyed |
autoClose | boolean | false | If true datePicker close after select date |
position | string | 'auto' | Position of datepicker element relative to input element, accept 'auto', [x,y] |
observer | boolean | false | If true datepicker update self by user inputted date string, accept 'yyyy/mm/dd' |
inputDelay | int | 800 (millisecond) | Time for last user key-down event, accept millisecond |
template | string | null | By default datepicker have a template string, and you can overwrite it simply by replace string in config. |