This repository contains PyTorch implementation for SeedFormer: Patch Seeds based Point Cloud Completion with Upsample Transformer (ECCV 2022).
SeedFormer presents a novel method for Point Cloud Completion. In this work, we introduce a new shape representation, namely Patch Seeds, which not only captures general structures from partial inputs but also preserves regional information of local patterns. Moreover, we devise a novel Upsample Transformer by extending the transformer structure into basic operations of point generators, which explicitly incorporates spatial and semantic relationships in the local neighborhood.
- 2022-07-05: Initial Update.
The code has been tested on one configuration:
- python == 3.6.8
- PyTorch == 1.8.1
- CUDA == 10.2
- numpy
- open3d
pip install -r requirements.txt
Compile the C++ extension modules:
The details of used datasets can be found in (we thank the authors of PoinTr).
First, you should specify your dataset directories in
SeedFormer takes two V100 gpus with a batch size of 48. To train SeedFormer on PCN dataset, simply run:
To test a pretrained model, run:
python3 --test
Or you can give the model directory name to test one particular model:
python3 --test --pretrained train_pcn_Log_2022_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX
Save generated complete point clouds as well as gt and partial clouds in testing:
python3 --test --output 1
For ShapeNet55 dataset, you should use:
In order to switch to ShapeNet34, you can change the data file in
__C.DATASETS.SHAPENET55.CATEGORY_FILE_PATH = './datasets/ShapeNet55-34/ShapeNet-34/' # ShapeNet-55 or ShapeNet-34
Some parts of the code are borrowed from GRNet and SnowflakeNet. We thank the authors for their excellent work.