- Pro
deep learning for image processing including classification and object-detection etc.
The official repository of Achelous and Achelous++
Python program to read and plot the data in real time from the AWR1843 mmWave radar board (MMWAVE SDK 3)
A dataset for the raw ADC data of 2TX-4RX MMWave Radar for automotive object detection.
A dataset for the raw ADC data of 2D-MIMO MMWave Radar for carry object detection.
A novel direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation method based on deep complex-valued networks with sparse prior
Using mmWave radars for some computer vision tasks.
Antenna Failure Resilience: Deep Learning-Enabled Robust DOA Estimation with Single Snapshot Sparse Arrays
This is an PyTorch implementation Deep Learning based DOA Estimation
A simple Server/Client implementation of a screen sharing application done with Python3
PyRadar: A Toolbox for FMCW Radar Signal Processing and Simulation
Source code from the mmWaveSDK toolbox - visualizers run to display real-time data capture from the Texas Instruments IWR6843AOPEVM MCBOOST milimeter wave radar board. Edited to output data capture…
Advanced Driver-Assistance System with XWR18XX mmWave radar (Texas Instruments).
Video Streaming Using Python OpenCV/ UDP protocol/ Socket Programming