Grid2Op is a plateform, built with modularity in mind, that allows to perform powergrid operation. And that's what it stands for: Grid To Operate.
This framework allows to perform most kind of powergrid operations, from modifying the setpoint of generators, to load shedding, performing maintenance operations or modifying the topology of a powergrid to solve security issues.
This version of Grid2Op relies on an open source powerflow solver (PandaPower), but is also compatible with other Backend. If you have at your disposal another powerflow solver, the documentation of grid2op/ can help you integrate it into a proper "Backend" and have Grid2Op using this powerflow instead of PandaPower.
Using the Backend based on PandaPower, this tools is able to perform 1000 timesteps [on a laptop, python3.6, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, SSD hardrive] :
- in 30s for the IEEE 14 buses test case (included in this distribution as test_case14.json )
- in 90s for the IEEE 118 buses test case (not included)
Official documentation: the official documentation is available at
- Python >= 3.6
This instructions will install grid2op with its default PandaPower Backend implementation.
On Debian-like systems (Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install python3
On Fedora-like systems:
sudo dnf install python3
If you have any trouble with this step, please refer to the official webpage of Python.
pip3 install -U virtualenv
cd Grid2Op
python3 -m virtualenv venv_grid2op
git clone
This should create a folder Grid2Op with the current sources.
Finally, run the following Python command to install the current simulator (including the Python libraries dependencies):
cd Grid2Op/
source venv_grid2op/bin/activate
pip install -U .
After this, this simulator is available under the name grid2op (e.g. import grid2op
A grid2op docker is available on dockerhub. It can be simply installed with
docker pull bdonnot/grid2op:latest
This will pull and install the latest version of grid2op as a docker image. If you want a specific version of grid2op (eg 0.3.3), and this version has been pushed to docker* you can instead install:
docker pull bdonnot/grid2op:0.3.3
Experiments can be conducted using the CLI (command line interface).
CLI can be used to run simulations:
python -m grid2op.main
This will evaluate a DoNothing policy (eg. simulating and Agent that does not perform any action on the powergrid, on the IEEE case 14 for 3 epochs each of 287 time steps.)
For more information:
python -m grid2op.main --help
Then it's possible to start a container from the downloaded image (see install-with-docker):
docker run -it bdonnot/grid2op:latest
This command will start a container form the image, execute the main script of grid2op (see using-cli-arguments) and exit this container.
If instead you want to start an interactive session, you can do:
docker run -it bdonnot/grid2op:latest bash
This will start the "bash" script from the container, and you interact with it.
Built with modulartiy in mind, Grid2Op acts as a replacement of pypownet as a library used for the Learning To Run Power Network L2RPN.
Its main features are:
- emulates the behavior of a powergrid of any size at any format (provided that a backend is properly implemented)
- allows for grid modifications (active and reactive load values, generator voltages setpoints and active production)
- allows for maintenance operations and powergrid topological changes
- can adopt any powergrid modeling, especially Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) approximation to when performing the compitations
- supports changes of powerflow solvers, actions, observations to better suit any need in performing power system operations modeling
- has an RL-focused interface, compatible with OpenAI-gym: same interface for the Environment class.
- parameters, game rules or type of actions are perfectly parametrizable
- can adapt to any kind of input data, in various format (might require the rewriting of a class)
A copy of the documentation can be built: you will need Sphinx, a Documentation building tool, and a nice-looking custom Sphinx theme similar to the one of
pip3 install -U grid2op[docs]
This installs both the Sphinx package and the custom template. Then, the documentation can be built with the command:
make html
This will create a "documentation" subdirectory and the main entry point of the document will be located at index.html.
It is recommended to build this documentation locally, for convenience. For example, the "getting started" notebooks referenced some pages of the help.
Some Jupyter notebook are provided as example of the use of the Grid2Op package. They are located in the getting_start directories.
These notebooks will help you in understanding how this framework is used and cover the most interesting part of this framework:
- 0_basic_functionalities covers the basics
of reinforcement learning (only the main concepts), how they are implemented in the
Grid2Op framework. It also covers how to create a valid environment and how to use the
function to assess how well an agent is performing. - 1_Observation_Agents details how to create an "expert agent" that will take pre defined actions based on the observation it gets from the environment. This Notebook also covers the functioning of the Observation class.
- 2_Action_GridManipulation demonstrates how to use the Action class and how to manipulate the powergrid.
- 3_TrainingAnAgent shows how to get started with reinforcement learning in the Grid2Op framework. It will use the code provided by Abhinav Sagar available on his blog or on his github repository. This code will be adapted (only minor changes, most of them to fit the shape of the data) and a (D)DQN will be trained on this problem.
- 4_StudyYourAgent shows how to study an Agent, for example the methods to reload a saved experiment, or to plot the powergrid given an observation for example. This is an introductory notebook. More user friendly graphical interface should come soon.
Try them out in your own browser without installing anything with the help of mybinder:
Some tests (unit test, non regression test etc.) are provided with this package. They are located at grid2op/tests.
The tests can be performed with the command:
cd grid2op/tests
python3 -m unittest discover
All tests should pass. Performing all the tests take roughly 5 minutes (on a laptop, python3.6, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz, SSD hardrive).
Copyright 2019 RTE France
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