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RLPyTorch: A Simple Reinforcement Learning Package in PyTorch


Here we provide a simple reinforcement learning package as a backend for ELF. In the root directory there is basic framework for Rlpytorch.

  • Provide basic argument management mechanism. In RLPyTorch, each component (methods, model loader, etc) has its own argument set.
    Note that is a symlink for backward compatibility.

  • Wrapper of nn.Module, providing save/load/counting steps etc.

  • Wrapper of multiple models.

  • Utility for loading saved models.

In the subfolders there are multiple components in RLPyTorch:

  1. methods Basic RL methods, e.g., PolicyGradient, ActorCritic, etc. Some methods are constructed from other basic ones. For example, ActorCritic = PolicyGradient + DiscountedReward + ValueMatcher. This makes the library easier to extend. For example, you might replace DiscountedReward with the final reward, which becomes REINFORCE. You might also replace it with Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE) or $\lambda$-return, etc.

  2. trainer Provider example callback functions for ELF framework. A simple example looks like the following:

GC.reg_callback("train", train_callback)
GC.reg_callback("actor", actor_callback)
while True:

The function waits until the next batch with a specific tag arrives, then call registered callback functions.

  1. runner Customize how to run the loop of GC. E.g., whether to run it with progress bar, in a single process or multiple processes, etc.

  2. sampler Different ways to sample the actor model (to get the next action).

  3. stats Supporting classes to collect various statistics.

  4. utils Internal utilities.

Actor Critic model

We implemented advantageous actor-critic models, similar to Vanilla A3C, but with off-policy corrections with importance sampling.

Specifically, we use the trajectory sampled from the previous version of the actor in the actor-critic update.