Free Learning Resources In Chinese
Xcode iPhoneOS DeviceSupport files (6.0 - 13.3)
Tutorial on building an angular application.
hua597694121 / molokai
Forked from tomasr/molokaiMolokai color scheme for Vim
An example of Realtime record and playback with echo cancellation
hua597694121 / wire-ios
Forked from ParisiLabs/wire-ios📱 Wire iOS client (iPhone and iPad)
Streams of values over time
hua597694121 / LovePlayNews
Forked from 12207480/LovePlayNewsLovePlayNews精仿爱玩iOS app,使用AsyncDisplayKit提高UI流畅性,项目结构及代码清晰明了
hua597694121 / PPCounter
Forked from jkpang/PPCounter数字/金额增减动效控件,支持UILabel、UIButton显示
hua597694121 / EOSFTPServer
Forked from macmade/EOSFTPServerA project to create a complete, standard compliant, multi-user, Objective-C (Mac OS X / iOS) FTP server.
Adds animated counting support to UILabel.
hua597694121 / PNChart
Forked from kevinzhow/PNChartA simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
👶 The easiest way to use Bluetooth (BLE )in ios/os ,even bady can use . 一个非常容易使用的蓝牙库,适用于ios和os