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🎉 Update: The recommended patch from CLJ-1472 resolves this issue. This patch is included in the Clojure 1.10.2 test release. We strongly encourage you to try it out with your projects and report back any issues to the Clojure core team.

Clojure 1.10 introduced locking code into clojure.spec.alpha that often causes GraalVM's native-image to fail with:

Error: unbalanced monitors: mismatch at monitorexit, 96|LoadField#lockee__5436__auto__ != 3|LoadField#lockee__5436__auto__
Call path from entry point to clojure.spec.gen.alpha$dynaload$fn__2628.invoke():
at clojure.spec.gen.alpha$dynaload$fn__2628.invoke(alpha.clj:21)

See CLJ-1472 for a detailed explanation of the cause of this failure and the Clojure core team's approach to addressing it.

Although no longer necessary nor recommended, you can create a local patched version of Clojure by following the instructions below under Scripts.


🎉 Update: Thanks for voting! The Clojure core team has has addressed this issue in Clojure 1.10.2.

Using a patched version of Clojure is not ideal. If you are interested in getting this issue fixed in a next release of Clojure, consider upvoting it on


Builds and locally installs Clojure with a patch from CLJ-1472.


We have identified 2 primary users of this script:

  1. Clojure tool developer - wants to natively compile their app. This person will use a 1.10.1 patched version of Clojure and will get by without specifying any options to the script.
  2. Clojure core developer - works on Clojure itself and wants to make progress on CLJ-1472. This person will likely work off HEAD of Clojure master but may want also to select different commits and/or patches.


Usage: [options...]

 -h, --help

 -p, --patch-filename <filename>
  name of patch file to download from CLJ-1472
  defaults to the currently recommended clj-1472-5.patch

 -c, --clojure-commit <commit>
  choose clojure commit to patch, can be sha or tag
  specify HEAD for most recent commit
  defaults to "clojure-10.0.1" tag

 -w, --work-dir <dir name>
  temporary work directory
  defaults to system generated temp dir
  NOTE: for safety, this script will only delete what it creates under specified work dir

CLJ-1472 considered patches are:

  • clj-1472-5.patch - At the time of this writing, there are no other candidates under consideration.

Note that the script will download the patch for you.

The built version contains the clojure git short sha and a modified form of the patch filename in its version.


The script will fail if any of the following are not found:

  • clojure
  • git
  • git-extras
  • maven - tested with v3.6.3, check that your maven version is recent
  • jet - see jet installation instructions (Interesting tidbit: jet is a Clojure program compiled to a native image with GraalVM)
  • curl
  • sed

If on macOS, any missing prerequisites can be installed via brew.

Common Usage Example

Most folks will run without options:


defaults to the recommended clj-1472-5.patch and clojure clojure-1.10.1 (which has a short sha of 38bafca9) and installs the following to your local maven repo:

  • org.clojure/clojure 1.10.1-patch_38bafca9_clj_1472_5
  • org.clojure/spec.alpha 0.2.176-patch_38bafca9_clj_1472_5

Alternate Usage: Specifying a Patch

./ -p CLJ-1472-reentrant-finally2.patch

defaults to clojure tag clojure-1.10.1 and locally installs:

  • org.clojure/clojure 1.10.1-patch_38bafca9_clj_1472_reentrant_finally2
  • org.clojure/spec.alpha 0.2.176-patch_38bafca9_clj_1472_reentrant_finally2

Alternate Usage: Specifying a Commit

./ -c HEAD

defaults to clj-1472-5.patch, selects clojure HEAD commit (which has a short sha of 653b8465 at the time of this writing) and installs:

  • org.clojure/clojure 1.11.0-master_patch_653b8465_clj_1472_5-SNAPSHOT
  • org.clojure/spec.alpha 0.2.176-patch_653b8465_clj_1472_5

Alternate Usage: Specifying a Patch and a Commit

./ \
  -p CLJ-1472-reentrant-finally2.patch \
  -c c9a45b5f8afc2c4dfcce7f2e23dadc8749b9fd0d


  • org.clojure/clojure 1.10.0-beta8-patch_c9a45b5f_clj_1472_reentrant_finally2
  • org.clojure/spec.alpha 0.2.176-patch_c9a45b5f_clj_1472_reentrant_finally2

Referencing a Patched Clojure

The patched version of Clojure should work with GraalVM's native-image, reference the variant you want. Example dependencies for deps.edn:

{org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1-patch_38bafca9_clj_1472_5"}}
{org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1-patch_38bafca9_clj_1472_reentrant_finally2"}}


  • Update deps.edn to reflect the version of Clojure you want to test. Verify the Clojure version by running clojure -Stree.

  • If the native-image binary is not on the PATH, set either:

    • the GRAALVM_HOME environment variable to the location of your GraalVM installation
    • the NATIVE_IMAGE environment variable to the location of GraalVM's native-image command.
  • Run ./compile, after some output that looks similar to this:

    [spec-test:46447]    classlist:   3,710.61 ms,  1.15 GB
    [spec-test:46447]        (cap):   2,793.84 ms,  1.15 GB
    [spec-test:46447]        setup:   4,119.13 ms,  1.15 GB
    [spec-test:46447]   (typeflow):  13,646.25 ms,  3.01 GB
    [spec-test:46447]    (objects):   6,452.33 ms,  3.01 GB
    [spec-test:46447]   (features):     497.04 ms,  3.01 GB
    [spec-test:46447]     analysis:  21,187.40 ms,  3.01 GB
    [spec-test:46447]     (clinit):     360.62 ms,  3.26 GB
    [spec-test:46447]     universe:   1,068.79 ms,  3.26 GB
    [spec-test:46447]      (parse):   1,660.49 ms,  3.26 GB
    [spec-test:46447]     (inline):   1,942.10 ms,  3.31 GB
    [spec-test:46447]    (compile):  12,632.50 ms,  4.28 GB
    [spec-test:46447]      compile:  17,143.04 ms,  4.28 GB
    [spec-test:46447]        image:   2,310.31 ms,  4.28 GB
    [spec-test:46447]        write:     743.65 ms,  4.28 GB
    [spec-test:46447]      [total]:  50,826.31 ms,  4.28 GB

    you should now have a spec-test executable.

  • Run ./spec-test. This should produce output like the following:

    {:major 1, :minor 10, :incremental 2, :qualifier alpha1}
  • Optionally rerun ./compile against Clojure 1.10.1 unpatched. You should get unbalanced monitors errors.


Here we look at the performance impact of CLJ-1472 patches on Clojure in absence of GraalVM.

Run a Performance Test

To run an individual performance test against Clojure patched with current recommended CLJ-1472 patch. Patched Clojure must already be installed, see Scripts above:

clojure -J-XX:-EliminateLocks -A:performance

(We use -J-XX:-EliminateLocks to prevent the JVM from eliding locks.)

This should output something like the following:

Java version: 11.0.6
Clojure version: 1.10.1
"Elapsed time: 23217.11897 msecs"

Run Performance Tests via perftest.clj

The babashka perftest.clj script runs the performance test against Clojure 1.10.1 unpatched and Clojure 1.10.1 with CLJ-1472 current and previous candidate patches. Patches are assumed to be already installed, see Scripts above.

Examples results from a Late 2013 iMac with Quad-Core Intel i7 running macOS 10.15.3. perftest.clj was run twice against the Amazon Corretto JVM; once against v1.8 then once against v11.0.6. Times are in milliseconds.

Java Version JVM Opt 1.10.1 1.10.1‑patch 38bafca9 clj 1472 4 1.10.1‑patch 38bafca9 clj 1472 5 1.10.1‑patch 38bafca9 clj 1472 reentrant finally2
1.8.0_242 <none> 23868.683118 23235.997299 23686.511219 23720.294582
1.8.0_242 ‑J‑XX:‑EliminateLocks 23495.019667 23461.609831 22877.822631 23050.786466
11.0.6 <none> 22563.156409 22601.63469 23592.760502 22018.846114
11.0.6 ‑J‑XX:‑EliminateLocks 22569.031807 23240.028719 23122.333266 24844.203457

Other Workarounds

If you cannot, for whatever reason, use Clojure 1.10.2, here are some other workarounds:

  • create your own patched version of Clojure by following instructions under Scripts above.

  • clojurl introduces a Java-level special form and patches selections of Clojure code at run-time: link

  • rep builds GraalVM binaries using an automated patched Clojure build: link

    It keeps pre-built jars of clojure and spec here

  • babashka vendors code from Clojure and works around the locking issues manually. This is a patched version of clojure.core.server.

  • revert to using Clojure 1.9.0