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Contribute to Plotly's R Documentation

Initial Steps:

  1. Clone the repo and then check out the source-design-merge branch:
$ git clone [email protected]:plotly/documentation.git
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout source-design-merge
  1. Check Ruby version $ ruby --version. We recommend using the same ruby version as gh-pages: Note RVM is helpful for installing and managing ruby versions.

  2. Install bundler and a couple dependencies from the gemfile:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

IMPORTANT -If not using bundler and the gemfile, install the same jekyll version that Github Pages is using.

Create R Documentation:

In documentation/_posts/r
  1. Write your tutorial in R Markdown (Rmd) file (IMPORTANT: do not edit the markdown (md) files by hand! All edits should happen in the .Rmd file! The only exception to this is the index file: which you should edit directly.)
  • Your .Rmd file should be named in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd-chart-type.Rmd

  • Please base your tutorial off of one of our exsisting tutorials (i.e. documentation/_posts/r/2015-11-19-shapes.Rmd)

    • Include the following header (*replacing your-tutorial-chart with the type of chart you're creating in the tutorial.) :
    title: Your-Tutorial-Chart in R | Examples | Plotly
    name: Your-Tutorial-Chart
    permalink: r/your-tutorial-chart/
    description: How to create your-tutorial-chart in R. Short description of your tutorial.
    layout: base
    thumbnail: thumbnail/your-tutorial-chart.jpg *see step 2 for further thumbnail instructions*
    language: r
    page_type: example_index
    has_thumbnail: true
    display_as: chart_type
    order: 9 *see below for order instructions*
        keep_md: true

    *order defines the order in which the tutorials appear on Please take a look at and order your tutorial next to similar chart types.

    • Under the header, include the following r code snippet. That first line of R code ensures that all subsequent code chunks do not relay message(s) or output results. That's because, in most cases, we want to provide code that produces an "offline" plot, but since Jekyll and htmlwidgets aren't compatible, we're forced to embed plots as iframes.
      ```{r, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE}
          knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, warning=FALSE)
    • New to Plotly and Version Check sections:

        ### New to Plotly?
        Plotly's R library is free and open source!<br>
        [Get started]( by downloading the client and [reading the primer](<br>
        You can set up Plotly to work in [online]( or [offline]( mode.<br>
        We also have a quick-reference [cheatsheet]( (new!) to help you get started!
        ### Version Check
        Version 4 of Plotly's R package is now [available](!<br>
        Check out [this post]( for more information on breaking changes and new features available in this version.
          ```{r, results = 'hide'}
    • To include r code and plots in the tutorial format the code snippets and plots in the following format:

      ```{r, results = 'hide'}
      #Add your R Code Here i.e.:
      p <- plot_ly(economics, x = ~date, y = ~uempmed, name = "unemployment")
      # Create a shareable link to your chart
      # Set up API credentials:
      chart_link = api_create(p, filename="your-chart-type-your-filename")
      ```{r, echo=FALSE}
  1. Convert the .Rmd file to a .md file.
  • Single .Rmd file: convert the .Rmd file that you changed to a .md file by running: Rscript -e 'knitr::knit("YOUR_FILE.Rmd")' in your terminal.

-Convert all the .Rmd files in your current directory: for (i in dir(pattern = "\\.Rmd")) knitr::knit(i) Or, in the terminal (documentation/_posts/r) with: Rscript -e 'for (i in dir(pattern = "\\\.Rmd")) knitr::knit(i)'

  1. Add Thumbnail Images
  • Thumbnail images should named your-tutorial-chart.jpg and be EXACTLY 160px X 160px
  • Thumbnail images should be clear and interesting. You do not need to capture the ENTIRE chart, but rather focus on the most interesting part of the chart.
  • Use for adding new images.
    • Log-in here:
    • Username: Plotly_Editors
    • From the Amazon Web Services Console select S3 (Scalable Storage in the Cloud) then select plotly-tutorials -> plotly-documentation -> thumbnail
    • Now from All Buckets /plotly-tutorials/plotly-documentation/thumbnail select the Actions dropdown and upload your .jpg file
In the terminal in documentation
  1. Make a PR
  • Ready for your changes to be reviewed? Make a pull request against the source-design-merge branch! Create a feature branch and use git status to list changed files.
git checkout -b your_feature_branch
git status
  • Add, commit, and push the files that you'd like to add to your PR:
git add file-a
git add file-b
git commit -m 'message about your changes'
git push origin your_feature_branch
  • Visit the documentation repo and open a pull request against the source-design-merge branch. You can then tag @cldougl and @bcdunbar for a review.
  1. To proof your work follow these steps:
  1. Your changes haven't been deployed yet so they won't be online. That said, PLEASE visit and make sure everything looks correct once they have been deployed by either @cldougl or @bcdunbar.
  • Some common problems that you should check for:


We now have search via algolia implemented on our index and reference documentation pages! Please refer to our make README for more information on how search works and instructions on how to update or edit Plotly search indices.

Thanks for contributing to our documentation!!