The FLINK project is a collection of some useful fortran modules and subroutines, which are widely used in the other numerical programs.
v0.7.0 (devel)
GNU General Public License Version 3
- Physical and numerical constants (m_constants.f90)
- Linked list (m_linkedlist.f90)
- Message passing interface (m_mpi.f90)
- Sparse matrix (m_sparse.f90)
- Configuration file (m_parser.f90)
- Pseudo random number generator (m_spring.f90)
- Stack (m_stack.f90)
- Version information (m_version.f90)
- Warning and error messages (s_error.f90)
- Fourier transformation (s_fourier.f90)
- Special functions (s_function.f90)
- Numerical integral (s_integrator.f90)
- Matrix computation (s_matrix.f90)
- Spline interpolation (s_spline.f90)
- Some auxiliary subroutines, such as sorting algorithm (s_util.f90)
- Vector computation (s_vector.90)
$ cd flink/build
$ editor make.sys
$ make
See the comments in the source codes.
The FLINK software package is developed and maintained by the FLINK Developer Team.
Find a bug? Want to contribute? Want new features? Great! Please contact with us as soon as possible.
Li Huang
Institute of Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Sichuan Jiangyou, PRC
email: lihuang.dmft at