Welcome to MeYouBlog
MeYouBlog is an open source blog powered by Flask and MongoDB, modified from OctBlog by MeYou. Based on OctBlog, I customized templates style in my favor and also added some plugins in the blog (like adding editor.md and supporting uploading from the local image files), will add more features in the future. here are some instructions on how to run it.
Install requirements
#install mongodb and check it out
sudo apt-get install mongodb
ps aux|grep mongodb
git clone https://github.com/huangtao00/MeYouBlog.git
cd MeyouBlog
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd app
Run MeYouBlog with this command:
python manage.py runserver
or like this:(debug html,css,js file using livereload)
python manage.py live
Then you can visit the blog with url:
(if livereload)
#registor an administator:
#login with your account,then write your own post right now
You can change settings in app/OctBlog/config.py
file if you want.
I recommend you to deploy MeYouBlog with Ubuntu + nginx + gunicorn
Here is an instruction, and it is enough.
feel free to use this blog, do whatever you want. if you have any questions, let me known.
Want to contribute? Please fork MeYouBlog and pull request to me.