All notable changes to UltimateXR will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add new ULTIMATEXR_UNITY_TMPRO symbol when TextMeshPro is available.
- Add support to UxrTextContentTween for TextMeshPro text components.
- UxrTextContentTween.Animate() now uses a GameObject as target parameter so that either a Unity UI Text component or a TextMeshPro text component can be animated.
- Fix UxrInterpolator.InterpolateText() use of rich text color tag.
- Fix UxrAvatar to avoid infinite loops when enumerating the avatar prefab chain.
- Fix UxrAvatarRigInfo.GetWorldElbowAxis() for left side when T-pose is found.
- Fix UxrAvatarRig.ClearRigElements() to clear missing references.
0.8.3 - 2022-08-01
- Add editor tooltips to UxrTeleportLocomotionBase and UxrTeleportLocomotion.
- Fix UxrLaserPointerRaycaster bug that prevented using laser pointers as UI input.
- Fix LaserDot.shader so that it works in stereo VR.
0.8.2 - 2022-07-21
- Add support for rotational constraints on more than one axis.
- Add access to the grabbable object on UxrApplyConstraintsEventArgs.
- Remove built-in compatibility in hand shader to fix shader errors when building. Compatibility will be added again as soon as Unity issue is fixed. Issue status can be followed here: VRMADA#2
- Fix grabbable objects being manipulated on movable platforms.
- Fix UxrManipulationHapticFeedback component sending feedback incorrectly on movable platforms.
0.8.1 - 2022-07-11
- Use ULTIMATEXR_USE_PICOXR_SDK instead of UXR_USE_PICOXR_SDK for consistency.
- Add new ControllerNames device names to UxrHtcViveInput to correctly detect HTC Vive controllers.
- Add new ControllerNames device names to UxrValveIndexInput to correctly detect Knuckles controllers.
- Add new ULTIMATEXR_UNITY_URP symbol to avoid compiler errors when Unity's URP package is not installed.
0.8.0 - 2022-07-06
- First public release!