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CSS To Tailwind

Convert CSS code to Tailwindcss syntax in real time

convert online:

Use npm


npm i css-to-tailwind-translator


import { CssToTailwindTranslator } from "css-to-tailwind-translator";

const cssCode = `body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 50%;
  margin: 0 !important;
  background-color: transparent;

const conversionResult = CssToTailwindTranslator(cssCode);

// {
//   code: 'OK',
//   data: [
//     {
//       selectorName: 'body',
//       resultVal: 'w-full h-1/2 !m-0 bg-transparent'
//     }
//   ]
// }


CssToTailwindTranslator: (code: string, config?: TranslatorConfig)


Attribute Description Type
prefix tailwind configuration prefix string
useAllDefaultValues Use tailwind all default values(The default is false) boolean
customTheme Custom conversion of preset property values CustomTheme


export interface CustomTheme
  extends Record<string, undefined | Record<string, string>> {
  media?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-blur"?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-brightness"?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-contrast"?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-grayscale"?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-hue-rotate"?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-invert"?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-opacity"?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-saturate"?: Record<string, string>;
  "backdrop-sepia"?: Record<string, string>;
  blur?: Record<string, string>;
  brightness?: Record<string, string>;
  contrast?: Record<string, string>;
  grayscale?: Record<string, string>;
  "hue-rotate"?: Record<string, string>;
  invert?: Record<string, string>;
  saturate?: Record<string, string>;
  sepia?: Record<string, string>;
  scale?: Record<string, string>;
  rotate?: Record<string, string>;
  translate?: Record<string, string>;
  skew?: Record<string, string>;
  // custom more...

CustomTheme Instructions

In the customTheme configuration, media can customize responsive breakpoints, for example


  "media": {
    "@media (min-width: 1800px)": "3xl"

css code

@media (min-width: 1800px) {
  .my-media {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;

out code

@media(min-width:1800px)-->.my-media Result Code:
3xl:flex 3xl:items-center
2.backdrop-filter, filter, transform

How to customize backdrop-filter, filter, transform in customTheme

The sub-attributes in these three attribute values do not need to be prefixed when customizing, for example


  "backdrop-blur": {
    "99999px": "super-big"
  "rotate": {
    "99deg": "crooked"

css code

.my-style {
  transform: rotate(99deg);
  backdrop-filter: blur(99999px);

out code

.my-style Result Code:
transform rotate-crooked backdrop-filter backdrop-blur-super-big
3.Customize any property value alias in customTheme

Customizing other properties in customTheme needs to be prefixed, for example


  "width": {
    "288px": "w-custom" // Need to add `w-` prefix
  "box-shadow": {
    "10px 10px 5px #888888": "box-shadow-custom" // Need to add `box-shadow-` prefix

css code

.my-style {
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888888;
  width: 288px;

out code

.my-style Result Code:
box-shadow-custom w-custom