If you want to create your own permanent bot, do the following:
Sign up to GitHub https://github.com/join , if you have not already.
With your GitHub account visit https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot , then click on Fork.
Create a BOT account if you do not already have one. To create one use an account that has not played any games yet, log into this account, then visit https://hypereasy.herokuapp.com/auth/lichess/bot , approve oauth and then on the page you are taken to click on 'Request upgrade to bot'.
Create an API access token with your BOT account at https://lichess.org/account/oauth/token ( should have scopes Read incoming challenges / Create, accept, decline challenges / Play games with the bot API )
Sign up to Heroku https://signup.heroku.com/ , if you have not already.
At Heroku create a new app using New / Create new app. Choose Europe for region.
In the app's dashboard go to the Deploy tab. Use the GitHub button to connect the app to your forked repo. Press Search to find your repositories, then select hyperbot. You need to deploy the master branch. Enable Automatic Deploys and press Deploy Branch, for the initial deploy. Wait for the build to finish.
In Heroku Settings / Reveal Config Vars create a new variable TOKEN and set its value to your newly created access token, then create a new variable BOT_NAME and set its value to your bot's lichess username.
For more detailed instructions and screenshots on setting up your Heroku app refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Creating-and-configuring-your-app-on-Heroku#creating-and-configuring-your-app-on-heroku .
Congratulations, you have an up and running lichess bot.
If you want to use 3-4-5 piece tablebases on Heroku, refer to this guide https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Update-Heroku-app-to-latest-version-using-Gitpod#enabling-syzygy-tablebases .
To upgrade an account, that has played no games yet, to bot, and to make this bot accept challenges and play games in your browser, visit https://hypereasy.herokuapp.com .
For detailed instructions see https://lichess.org/forum/off-topic-discussion/hyper-easy-all-variants-lichess-bot-running-in-your-browser#1 .
Refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Update-Heroku-app-to-latest-version-using-Gitpod#update-heroku-app-to-latest-version-using-gitpod .
Refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Creating-a-MongoDb-account#creating-a-mongodb-account .
Refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Build-book-from-external-multi-game-PGN-file#build-book-from-external-multi-game-pgn-file .
Refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Install-bot-on-Windows-(-runs-Lc0-)#install-bot-on-windows--runs-lc0- .
Refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Install-bot-on-goorm.io-(-runs-Lc0-)#install-bot-on-goormio--runs-lc0- .
Dowload a net from https://lczero.org/dev/wiki/best-nets-for-lc0 .
Rename the weights file 'weights.pb.gz', then copy it to the 'lc0goorm' folder. Overwrite the old file.
Refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Update-to-latest-version-on-Windows-or-goorm#update-to-latest-version-on-windows--goorm .
Refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Explanation-of-files#git .
Refer to this Wiki https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/wiki/Contribute-to-code#contribute-to-code .
Discuss Hyper Bot on Discord https://discord.gg/8m3Muay .
Post issues on GitHub https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/issues .
You can seek assistance in lichess PM using your BOT account.
Open an issue at https://github.com/hyperchessbot/hyperbot/issues with the GitHub account on which your forked Hyper Bot, with the title 'Identifying lichess account'. Give a link to your lichess account in the issue.
After identification you can PM https://lichess.org/@/hyperchessbotauthor .
Seeking assistance in lichess PM without verifying your lichess account with your GitHub account may get you blocked. The block may be lifted once you identify your lichess account with your GitHub account.
KEEP_ALIVE_URL : set this to the full link of your bot home page ( https://[yourappname].herokuapp.com , where change [yourappname] to your Heroku app name ) if you want your bot to be kept alive from early morning till late night Heroku server time, keeping alive a free Heroku bot for 24/7 is not possible, because a free Heroku account has a monthly quota of 550 hours
ALWAYS_ON : requires paid Heroku account, set it to 'true' to keep the bot alive 24/7, you have to set KEEP_ALIVE_URL to your bot's full home page link for ALWAYS_ON to work ( see also the explanation of KEEP_ALIVE_URL config var )
ALLOW_CORRESPONDENCE : set it to 'true' to allow playing correspondence and infinite time control games
CORRESPONDENCE_THINKING_TIME : think in correspondence as if the bot had that many seconds left on its clock ( default : 120 ), the actual thinking time will be decided by the engine
MONGODB_URI : connect URI of your MongoDb admin user ( only the host, no slash after the host, do database specified, no query string ), if defined, your latest games or games downloaded from an url ( version 2 only ) will be added to the database on every startup, by default this config var is not defined
USE_MONGO_BOOK : set it to 'true' to use the MongoDb book specified by MONGODB_URI
MONGO_VERSION : MongoDb book builder version, possible values are 1 ( default, builds a book from bot games as downloaded from lichess as JSON ), 2 ( builds a book from bot games as downloaded from lichess as PGN, or from an arbitrary url specified in PGN_URL )
PGN_URL : url for downloading a multi game PGN file for MongoDb book builder ( version 2 only )
MAX_GAMES : maximum number of games to be built by MongoDb book builder
GENERAL_TIMEOUT : timeout for event streams in seconds ( default : 15 )
ENGINE_THREADS : engine Threads uci option ( default : 1 )
ENGINE_HASH : engine Hash uci option in megabytes ( default : 16 )
ENGINE_CONTEMPT : engine Contempt uci option in centipawns ( default : 24 )
ENGINE_MOVE_OVERHEAD : engine Move Overhead uci option in milliseconds ( default : 500 )
ALLOW_PONDER : set it to 'true' to make the bot think on opponent time
BOOK_DEPTH : up to how many plies into the game should the bot use the book, choosing too high book depth is running the risk of playing unsound moves ( default : 20 )
BOOK_SPREAD : select the move from that many of the top book moves, choosing to high book spread is running the risk of playing unsound moves ( default : 4 )
BOOK_RATINGS : comma separated list of allowed book rating brackets, possible ratings are 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2500 ( default : '2200,2500')
BOOK_SPEEDS : comma separated list of allowed book speeds, possible speeds are bullet, blitz, rapid, classical ( default : 'blitz,rapid' )
LOG_API : set it to 'true' to allow more verbose logging, logs are available in the Inspection / Console of the browser
USE_SCALACHESS : set it to 'true' to use scalachess library and multi variant engine
ACCEPT_VARIANTS : space separated list of variant keys to accept ( default : 'standard' ), for non standard variants USE_SCALACHESS has to be set to 'true' , example : 'standard crazyhouse chess960 kingOfTheHill threeCheck antichess atomic horde racingKings fromPosition'
ACCEPT_SPEEDS : space separated list of speeds to accept ( default : 'bullet blitz rapid classical' ), to allow correspondence set ALLOW_CORRESPONDENCE to 'true'
DISABLE_RATED : set it to 'true' to reject rated challenges
DISABLE_CASUAL : set it to 'true' to reject casual challenges
DISABLE_BOT : set it to 'true' to reject bot challenges
DISABLE_HUMAN : set it to 'true' to reject human challenges
GAME_START_DELAY : delay between accepting challenge and starting to play game in seconds ( default : 2 )
CHALLENGE_INTERVAL : delay between auto challenge attempts in minutes ( default : 30 )
CHALLENGE_TIMEOUT : start attempting auto challenges after being idle for that many minutes ( default : 60 )
USE_NNUE : space separated list of variant keys for which to use NNUE ( default: 'standard chess960 fromPosition' )
USE_LC0 : set it to 'true' to use Lc0 engine, only works with Windows and goorm installation, on Heroku and Gitpod you should not use it or set it to false
USE_POLYGLOT : set it to 'true' to use polyglot opening book
WELCOME_MESSAGE : game chat welcome message ( delay from game start : 2 seconds , default : 'coded by @hyperchessbotauthor' )
GOOD_LUCK_MESSAGE : game chat good luck message ( delay from game start : 4 seconds , default : 'Good luck !' )
GOOD_GAME_MESSAGE : game chat good game message ( delay from game end : 2 seconds , default : 'Good game !' )
DISABLE_SYZYGY : set it to 'true' to disable using syzygy tablebases, note that syzygy tablebases are always disabled when USE_LC0 is set to 'true', syzygy tablebases are only installed for deployment on Heroku
APP_NAME : Heroku app name ( necessary for interactive viewing of MongoDb book )
ABORT_AFTER : abort game after that many seconds if the opponent fails to make their opening move ( default : 120 )
DECLINE_HARD : set it to 'true' to explicitly decline unwanted challenges ( by default they are only ignored and can be accepted manually )