Moved GitHub repository from to
- i18n fix for checkbox labels (@i10a)
- Wrapped date & time helpers inside control-specific css classes to prevent stacking
- control-label class was not being added unless the form was horizontal (@slave2zeros)
- selects & collection selects were dropping label options
- allow html content in check_box tag label (@desheikh)
- allow check_box label to be defined with a block
- omit form-control class from file_field (@mbrictson)
- Collection inputs honour
attribute (@desheikh) - Fixing label/input pairing for checkbox collections (@byped)
- The control_class can be overridden per field by passing in the :control_class option. Default value is "form-control".
- Make name optional in FormBuilder#submit (@adrpac)
- Added the FormBuilder#primary helper back in
- Added a FormBuilder#static_control helper
- Added support for radio_buttons_collection and check_boxes_collection
- Added a FormBuilder#error_summary helper method
- inline_errors can be turned off: bootstrap_form_for(obj, inline_errors: false) When inline errors are off, FormBuilder#alert_message contains the error summary. This can also be turned off with the option 'error_summary: false'
- Added support for: color_field, date_field, datetime_field, datetime_local_field, month_field, range_field, search_field (#42), time_field, week_field
- Added ability to override the left/right classes for a particular control when using horizontal forms. (@baldwindavid)
- Added support for grouped_collection_select (@rzane)
- Added support of Rails 4 syntax for collection inputs (@desheikh)
- Renamed options :left to :label_col and :right to :control_col
- Renamed option :style to :layout (@baldwindavid)
- Added errors_on helper (@baldwindavid)