The task is to balance the pendulum upright using continuous control when the maximum torque available is not enough to overcome gravity. In this implementation a DDPG algorithm is used to learn the task. Mujoco libarary( is used to model the environment and pytorch c++ frontend( provides the support for reinforcement learning framework.
- OS: windows10(64 bit)
- CUDA: 10.1
- cuDNN: 7.6.3
- Compiler: MSVC 19.28.29336.0
- C++17
- Cmake: 3.19.2
- Mujoco: mujoco200 win64
- pytorch C++ frontend: 1.7.1 release
- boost: 1.75.0
- In CMakeLists.txt replace
at line 13 with the path to your mujoco installation - In CMakeLists.txt replace
at line 14 with the path to where you download these source files - open a command-prompt and
to the location of these files mkdir build && cd build
- In order to build use command
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<absolute path to libtorch>\libtorch ..
- In order to make use command
cmake --build . --config Release
- In order to run first
cd Release
thenlibtorch-mujoco-git.exe ..\..\model\simple_pendulum.xml