- return timestamp when reading, can be useful for chained-backend
- fix: localStorage SecutiryError 46
- typescript: export the backend options type
- typescript: static type prop
- typescript fix for i18next v22
- SSR fix 31
- typescript: Add defaultVersion to typings of BackendOptions 25
- fix(options): make defaultVersion undefined 19
- feat(version): add a defautversion option to apply a version for all languages in once 15
- removes deprecated jsnext:main from package.json
- Bundle all entry points with rollup 11
- note: dist/es -> dist/esm, dist/commonjs -> dist/cjs (individual files -> one bundled file)
- typescript: fix types 9
- typescript: Fixing a TypeScript error complaining of missing default export 8
- optionally set store to use 7
- typescript: add types 5
- fixes cache save call
- initial version