Production release for large 250 GeV production of ILD. Various updates and bug fixes for the 250 GeV production of ILD.
2021-03-01 tmadlener (PR#22)
- Migrate CI to github actions
2021-03-01 hegarcia (PR#21)
- fix for merging SimCalorimeterHits in - Adding length and position to the MC Contributions for use in the SDHCALDigi.
- 2020-07-09 Placido Fernandez Declara (PR#20)
- OverlayTiming/OverlayTimingGeneric: Fixed accessing empty file name for background file
- 2021-03-03 Remi Ete (PR#83)
- RealisticCaloDigi: Added new option for energy/charge and time integration
- deal with slow/fast shaper of ROC chips and time estimate
- new processor parameters:
- integrationMethod: "Standard" for old implementation (default) or "ROC" emulating the behavior of ROC chip.
- fastShaper: fast shaper time, unit in ns. Only for ROC method
- slowShaper: slow shaper time, unit in ns. Only for ROC method
- timingResolution: optional time resolution gaussian smearing to apply, unit . Only apply is > 0. Default is 0 (no smearing)
- RealisticCaloDigi: Added new option for energy/charge and time integration
2021-02-26 Bohdan Dudar (PR#88)
- TOFEstimators processor: adding new algorithms to calculate the ToF, track length and momentum.
- New output parameters:
- TOFClosest --- based on the closest ECAL hit
- TOFFastest --- based on the fastest ECAL hit
- TOFCylFit --- extrapolated time from the ECAL hits within a cylinder of a shower core
- TOFClosestFit --- extrapolated time from the ECAL hits closest to the linear continuation of the track inside the ECAL
- FlightLength --- the helix track length based on the track parameters from the TrackState at the ECAL
- MomAtCal --- the momentum based on the track parameters from the TrackState at the ECAL
- New steering parameters:
- ProcessorVersion --- changes output between the idr version (before this patch) and the dev (after this patch). Default: idr
- CylRadius --- the radius within which to select hits for the TOFCylFit method. Default: 5 mm
- New output parameters:
- TOFEstimators processor: adding new algorithms to calculate the ToF, track length and momentum.
2021-02-22 Carl Mikael Berggren (PR#89) Heavily reworked version of TrueJet
From the outside, little has changed: New jet-type (6) for non-isr photon from the hard interaction. Does not require recoparticles (nor recomctruthlink), so also works on generator-output lcio-files. Boolean steering flag to indicate Whizard1 (GDE) or Whizard2 (LCC) input (false by default, i.e. input is Whizard2)
Internally, heavily re-worked.
- removed methods fix94 and fix_top
- New method (stdhep_reader_bug_workaround) called if _whiz1 is true
- New method - photon - added to treat the new jet type 6 (M.E. photon).
- New boolean data-members _whiz1 (steering flag), _higgs_to_glue_glue and _top_event (the latter two set at run-time event by event)
- Handle the case if no reconstructed information (generator input).
- In top events, define the initial colour-neutral as the top
- Default collectionnames changed to the mc2020 ones.
Changes and enhancemts to TrueJet_Parser and Use_TrueJet to go with new TrueJet
added MCPseen : LCIntExtension, used to avoid double counting of true particles (decay-in-flight ...) for true-of-seen.
New methods: mcpjet, mcpicn,mcpfcn, recojet, recoicn and recofcn to returns the corresponding jet, icn or fcn number of MCPs or PFOs. true_partics, to return the list of all mcps in a jet (reco_particle already existed).
Gracefully handle case with no recoMCTruthLink.
Exercise the new methods in TrueJet_Parser.
2021-02-10 Yasser Radkhorrami (PR#85) Improved the
processor:- An option added to enable/disable confusion term in the jet energy error
- For scaling angular uncertainties of jets, CovMat of the jet is scaled by scaling factors (as processor parameters)
- So far, charged PFOs used to be identified by charge, so the energy of neutral PFOs with tracks was added to photons/neutral hadrons energy. Now, neutral PFOs are classified as charged PFO, since the energy and momentum are obtained from tracks.
- An option added to propagate confusion term to all covariance matrix elements.
- New processor parameters: - "EnableConfusionTerm", "Enable/disable confusion term to be added to covariance matrix" - "CovMatFactorPhotons", "A correction factor to be multiplied to angular uncertainties of photons" - "CovMatFactorNeutralHadrons", "A correction factor to be multiplied to angular uncertainties of Neutral Hadrons" - "PropagateConfusion2Mom", "Enable/disable Propagating uncertainty due to confusion to the Momentum components/All CovMat elements"
2021-02-01 tmadlener (PR#86)
- Migrate CI from travis to github actions
2021-02-22 Kollassery Swathi Sasikumar (PR#32)
- Changes made in and DDDiagnostics.h package to include the 2D plots for Tracking efficiency.
- Two steering files are modified with different cuts as per the requirement for the 1D or 2D plots.
2021-02-02 tmadlener (PR#31)
- Migrate CI from travis to github actions.
2021-02-08 tmadlener (PR#15)
- Export sio library as
target for easier downstream usage. (For the momentSIO_INCLUDE_DIR
are also still defined in a call tofind_package(SIO)
to keep some backwards compatibility). - Remove now obsolete cmake configuration by replacing it with more standard cmake approaches.
- Bump minimum required cmake version to 3.12
- Export sio library as
2021-01-13 tmadlener (PR#16)
- Use github actions for CI and remove travis CI.
2021-01-05 Valentin Volkl (PR#13)
- install cmake files under lib/cmake/SIO
2020-11-23 Marko Petric (PR#12)
- Setup rpath for macOS and give optional flag for turning on rpath on other systems
- Resolve correctly linker independently of OS and pass flags
2020-11-19 Remi Ete (PR#11)
- Fix clang warnings
2020-10-28 Frank Gaede (PR#4)
- set the default compression level to Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION (-1)
- correct the documentation for
- set the default compression level to Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION (-1)
- correct the documentation for
2020-09-30 tmadlener (PR#5)
- Remove
and add a--detailed
flag tosio-dump
. Slightly improve the output in case an error occurs.
- Remove
2020-09-28 Remi Ete (PR#8)
- Examples:
- Turned example structure linked_list to normal pointer
- Fixed buffer overflow issue
- Important for documentation: pointer relocation using smart pointers (
and co) is not supported
- Examples:
- 2021-01-06 Remi Ete (PR#129)
- Fixed skip record condition in Random Access Manager
2020-12-03 Marko Petric (PR#127)
- Fix Python3 compatibility issue with next method defined
2020-12-03 Frank Gaede (PR#126)
- no longer build the out-of-date lsh example
2020-12-03 Marko Petric (PR#125)
- Migrate CI to GitHub Actions
2020-12-03 Remi Ete (PR#124)
- Updated SIO sources to v00-00-04
2020-12-03 Frank Gaede (PR#123)
- fix some warning: - deprecated dynamic exception specifications in Exceptions
- fix the build from generated C++ files
2020-12-03 Frank Gaede (PR#122)
- fix in
- fixed const correctness and make the operator<<(ostream) inline
- fix in
2020-11-25 Marko Petric (PR#121)
- Update compiler flag handling
- Resolve which type of linker is used and assign proper linking flags
- Improve RPATH handling on macOS and add flag
2020-11-05 Frank Gaede (PR#119)
- make compatible w/ clang 12 (on MacOs)
- remove const from map key in LCRTRelations
- map keys are immutable anyways
- make compatible w/ clang 12 (on MacOs)
2020-10-23 Frank Gaede (PR#117)
- fix delphes2lcio - replace GetEntriesFast w/ GetEntries - fixes #113
2020-10-14 Frank Gaede (PR#115)
- fix in
example- avoid NANs in jet 4-momenta by using zero mass hyptheses
- NB: the mass is still set independently to the specified value (following PandoraPFA)
- fix in
2020-09-02 Frank Gaede (PR#111)
- delphes2lcio: fix PDG in PID objects of neutral hadrons
2020-09-01 Frank Gaede (PR#110)
- delphes2lcio: add optional extra PFO collections - add by default BCalPFOs created from branch BCalPhotons
- 2020-08-26 Frank Gaede (PR#108)
- fix in UTIL::ProcessFlag::decodeMCTruthProcess - protection for events where nMCParticles < 10
- fix also, independently in delphes2lcio
- 2020-08-19 Frank Gaede (PR#107)
- add optional event meta data in delphes2lcio - meta data like cross sections can be added via the configuration file - see ../examples/cpp/delphes2lcio/ for details