Synchronize your files to a git repository automatically.
When you modified your files, file will be pushed to a remote git repository.
With git, you can know every change with your file by commits.
Install Python
Install watchdog
in OS X or *nix:
pip install watchdog
in Windows:
python -m pip install watchdog
##How to use ###Make a new git repository for synchronize your files
I made a new git repository named sync_configs in Github.
###Setup your git repository locally
cd ~/Documents ## REPLACE ~/Documents TO WHATEVER DIR YOU LIKE
mkdir configs
cd configs
git init
## REPLACE [email protected]:iWoz/configs.git TO YOUR GIT REPOSITORY CREATED BEFORE
git remote add origin [email protected]:iWoz/configs.git
## add submodule
git submodule add [email protected]:iWoz/file_sync.git
## stage all, commit and push to remote
git add -A
git commit -m "First commit."
git push -u origin master
## make sure pushed successfully to start next step
###Setup your file_list.txt for files to synchronize
Make a new file name file_list.txt
in root of your git repository.
For example, contents in my file_list.txt are :
/Users/Tim/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
/Users/Tim/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
Make sure one line one file in its absolute path.
###Test Run in submodule file_sync
cd file_sync
Now modify one of your files in file_list.txt.
For example, I modified .zshrc, and then logs are:
And when I check the remote git repository, all is worked ok:
###Auto run when system startup
- OS X
make a file named
fill the plist with content below
I rarely use Windows, there is an ugly way to do this:
* make a bat file named `file_sync.bat`
* write `python UPPER_DIR\` in this bat
* put this bat to your startup folder `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup`
* more infomation can be found in [here](
I'm pretty sure you can make it happen by yourself when you use *nix :)