diff --git a/docs/source/pkg_connector.rst b/docs/source/pkg_connector.rst
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+PKG Connector
+This component is responsible for establishing a connection to the PKG and executing SPARQL queries against it.
+The SPARQL queries are generated based on the user's annotated statements using utility functions (see :py:mod:`pkg_api.utils`).
+The PKG Connector has the following features:
+- Loading and saving the PKG
+- Binding the namespaces related to the PKG vocabulary (see complete list `here `)
+- Executing SPARQL queries against the PKG
+The PKG Connector uses the `RDFLib ` library to handle the PKG and execute SPARQL queries. For this reason, we differentiate between two types of SPARQL queries: (1) queries to update the PKG, such as adding and removing statements, and (2) queries to retrieve information from the PKG.
+SPARQL Queries
+The SPARQL queries are automatically generated based on the user's annotated statements and templates.
+- **Insertion queries** for adding statements or preferences to the PKG, the templates are defined in :py:func:`pkg_api.utils.get_query_for_add_statement` and :py:func:`pkg_api.utils.get_query_for_add_preference` respectively.
+- **Deletion queries** for removing statements or preferences from the PKG, the templates are defined in :py:func:`pkg_api.utils.get_query_for_remove_statement` and :py:func:`pkg_api.utils.get_query_for_remove_preference` respectively. Additionally, a query to remove dangling objects is provided.
+- **Retrieval queries** for retrieving statements or preferences from the PKG, the templates are defined in :py:func:`pkg_api.utils.get_query_for_get_statements` and :py:func:`pkg_api.utils.get_query_for_get_preferences` respectively. For more flexibility, templates for retrieving statements and preferences based on specific criteria are also provided, see :py:func:`pkg_api.utils.get_query_for_conditional_get_statements` and :py:func:`pkg_api.utils.get_query_for_conditioned_get_preference`.
+All templates are defined in the `pkg_api.utils ` module.
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