- Digital Nomad
- Pro
react-grid-table Public
Forked from NadavShaar/react-grid-tableA modular table, based on a CSS grid layout, optimized for customization.
ableton-live Public
Forked from ricardomatias/ableton-liveA library for communicating with Live via WebSockets, works both in NodeJS and in the Browser.
TypeScript UpdatedMar 30, 2022 -
node-midi Public
Forked from justinlatimer/node-midiA node.js wrapper for RtMidi providing MIDI I/O
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 11, 2022 -
conflux Public
Forked from transcend-io/confluxZip/unzip files of any size in the browser using streams.
WolfBot Public
Forked from Ekliptor/WolfBotCrypto currency trading bot written in TypeScript for NodeJS
TypeScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 11, 2021 -
react-textfit Public
Forked from malte-wessel/react-textfitReact component to fit headlines and paragraphs into elements
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2019 -
react-virtualized Public
Forked from bvaughn/react-virtualizedReact components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 10, 2019 -
cordova-plugin-firebase-config Public
Forked from chemerisuk/cordova-plugin-firebase-configCordova plugin for Firebase Remote Config
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJul 12, 2019 -
cordova-plugin-ionic Public
Forked from ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionicIonic Cordova SDK
TypeScript Other UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
cordova-plugin-geolocation Public
Forked from chemerisuk/cordova-plugin-geolocationMirror of Apache Cordova Plugin geolocation
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 20, 2019 -
keystone Public
Forked from keystonejs/keystone-classicnode.js cms and web app framework
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 29, 2017 -
relax Public
Forked from relax/relaxNew generation CMS on top of React, Redux and GraphQL
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 9, 2016 -
node-image-steam Public
Forked from asilvas/node-image-steamA simple, fast, and highly customizable on-the-fly image manipulation web server built atop Node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2016 -
spacebot Public
Forked from mikelax/spacebotspacebot - A Slack Bot for exploring NASA images
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 15, 2016 -
bootstrap Public
Forked from angular-ui/bootstrapNative AngularJS (Angular) directives for Bootstrap. Smaller footprint (20kB gzipped), no 3rd party JS dependencies (jQuery, bootstrap JS) required. Please read the README.md file before submitting…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 18, 2016 -
international-phone-number Public
Forked from mareczek/international-phone-numberAngularJS directive implementing intl-tel-input (https://github.com/Bluefieldscom/intl-tel-input)
JavaScript UpdatedAug 4, 2016 -
article-json-to-amp Public
Forked from micnews/article-json-to-ampRender article json format in the AMP format
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 27, 2016 -
html-to-article-json Public
Forked from micnews/html-to-article-jsonParses & normalizes html to a well-structured & easy to use article json format
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 15, 2016 -
article-json-to-fbia Public
Forked from micnews/article-json-to-fbiaRender article JSON in the Facebook Instant Articles format
JavaScript UpdatedJul 15, 2016 -
serverless-plugin-kmsvariables Public
Forked from nazar/serverless-plugin-kmsvariablesServerless Plugin KMSVariables
JavaScript Other UpdatedJun 20, 2016 -
idea-config Public
Repository to store my IDEA config in - this is the upstream for the Settings Repository plugin.
UpdatedApr 20, 2016 -
Dev stack and starter kit for functional and universal (browser, server, mobile) React apps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 28, 2016 -
express-restify-mongoose Public
Forked from florianholzapfel/express-restify-mongooseEasily restify mongoose databases
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2016 -
angular-strap Public
Forked from mgcrea/angular-strapAngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 29, 2016 -
ngReact Public
Forked from ngReact/ngReactUse React Components in Angular
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 23, 2016 -
angular-keystone-starter Public
AngularJS, KeystoneJS, Webpack + ES6 Starter
restful-keystone Public
Forked from d-pac/restful-keystoneAutomatic RESTful API enabler for KeystoneJS
php-cache Public
PHP 5.4 Cache component with race condition and stampede protection
Phroxy Public
Simple php proxy, useful for proxying cors requests for legacy browsers.