Massa tools:
- setup_test: cargo script to retrieve compiled wasm files (for unit tests)
Download archive from massa-unit-tests-src repository, extract archive and copy:
- wasm files
Note that this script is run in the CI (see ci.yml)
cargo install cargo-script
If required, please update the Git tag in (line 25)
- cargo script
- cargo script -- --local "../massa-unit-tests-src/build/massa/*.wasm"
- Clone:
- Add your unit tests under:
- assembly/massa/TEST_NAME/main.ts OR
- assembly/massa-sc-runtime/TEST_NAME.ts
- Add your script entry in package.json, convention is:
- build:TEST_NAME (for massa)
- build:rt:TEST_NAME (for massa-sc-runtime)
- Test with: npm run build (and check that your test has been compiled)
- Git push && tag
- tag name should follow: TEST.X.Y (ex: TEST.15.0, TEST.15.1, ...)
- where X: is the testnet number
- where Y: is the incremental version for this testnet
- tag name should follow: TEST.X.Y (ex: TEST.15.0, TEST.15.1, ...)
- In massa repo, edit tools/ to update the line:
- const TAG: &str = "..."
- run the script