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1d15ad7 · Feb 11, 2025


258 lines (191 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

258 lines (191 loc) · 10.4 KB

Test Build


MotorSort curates your motorsports video libraries for viewing in PLEX. MotorSort will auto-parse file names, generate event specific and customizable poster and background images, and reformat filenames into a PLEX compatible folder hierarchy automatically.

MotorSort removes the manual processing and tedium involved in keeping your motorsport libraies up to date.


  • Stateless, self contained Docker image
  • Formats filenames using the PLEX compatible, Absolute-Series-Scanner convention
  • Saves space by linking source files with the option to copy
  • Sorts media by race series, weekend, and session
  • Detects alternative event sessions, including sprint weekends
  • Generates poster images with race series, event name, year, country flag, track map, and event number
  • Generates background images with race event number
  • Customizable poster and background base images can be applied to individual events, full seasons, or even to one specific venue


  • Python
  • ImageMagick
  • Docker
  • Pytest

Quick Start

To get started, MotorSort only needs a media volume, and a source and destination location.

docker run \
    -d \
    --name motorsort \
    -e MEDIA_SOURCE_PATH=/mnt/media/downloads/complete \
    -e MEDIA_DESTINATION_PATH=/mnt/media/motorsort \
    -v /mnt/my_files:/mnt/media \


MotorSort checks for new content automatically, and once configured can be left to run unattended.


  • -v <your_media_path>:/mnt/media mounts your media volume to the container at /mnt/media
  • -e MEDIA_SOURCE_PATH is the source path within /mnt/media on the container
  • -e MEDIA_DESTINATION_PATH is the destination path within /mnt/media on the container

Both source and destination should be on the same mount point (drive) to allow hardlinks. If your source is on one mount point (drive) and output in on another, mount both the source and destination volumes and use COPY_FILES='True' (see below).

Optional Parameters

  • -e SLEEP_SECONDS=n check for new files every n seconds. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes)
  • -e SLEEP_SECONDS=0 set the container to run once and quit
  • -e COPY_FILES='True' copy files instead of using hardlinks
  • -e CONFIG_PATH='path/to/config' change config directory path


Each run will output summary diagnostic information into the container log:

$ docker logs motorsort
Mon Jun 10 18:20:55 UTC 2024: Starting
Found 166 items to process.
Found 17 sprint weekends.
Creating files.
Background: 2022-00 - Example GP
Poster: 2022-00 - Example GP
Linked: Example GP - S00E01 - Free Practice 1 [FastChannelHD 1080p].mkv
Linked: Example GP - S00E06 - Free Practice 2 [FastChannelHD 1080p].mkv
Mon Jun 10 18:20:55 UTC 2024: Sleeping 300 seconds

PLEX Library Settings

  • select 'TV Shows' as the library type
  • use the 'Personal Media Shows' Agent

Absolute Series Scanner

PLEX users should install Absolute Series Scanner. This will keep PLEX from applying medatata from online sources or replacing poster images.

Custom Images:

All images can be customized by race, season, or venue. Create a local directory with your images (see formatting below) and add it to the container as /custom:

docker run \
    -d \
    --name motorsort \
    -e MEDIA_SOURCE_PATH=/mnt/media/downloads/complete \
    -e MEDIA_DESTINATION_PATH=/mnt/media/motorsort \
    -v /mnt/my_files:/mnt/media \
    -v /mnt/my_files/custom:/custom \

When the container starts with a custom folder available, it will be populated with the default image, flag, and track files. Any updates made in this directory will be used on the next run.

Previously generated images on the destination path will not be overwritten. Remove any pre-existing show.png and background.jpg images to generate new versions that reflect your changes.

To restore the default images, stop the container, erase the local custom folder contents, and start the container again.

Image sizes

  • Poster art should be 600x900 .jpg files and will be reformatted (squished) to fit 600x900
  • Background art should be 1920x1080 .jpg files and will be reformatted to fit 1920x1080
  • Poster art is selected in order of track name, season, or default. e.g. COTA-poster.jpg, 2022-poster.jpg, poster.jpg
  • Background art is selected in order of track name, season, or default. E.g. COTA-background.jpg, 2022-background.jpg, background.jpg

Filename Formatting

MotorSort parses the files for specific attributes, and returns the rest of the text metadata within square brackets at the tail of the filename.

Example Structure:

/mnt/my_files/motorsort/Formula 1/
└── 2022-00 - Example GP
    ├── Example GP - S00E01 - Free Practice 1 [FastChannelHD 1080p 50fps X264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
    ├── Example GP - S00E02 - Quali Buildup [FastChannelHD 1080p 50fps X264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
    ├── Example GP - S00E03 - Qualifying [FastChannelHD 1080p 50fps X264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
    ├── background.jpg
    └── show.png


I'm always interested in learning from and helping the community. If you have additions or suggestions feel free to fork the repo and open a pull request to the main branch. To get you started a compose.yml file is included in the repo.

Install Docker and docker-compose.

Clone the repo

git clone

Change directory into motorsort

cd motorsort

Build the container via compose

docker compose up

You will see the demo content get processed:

$ docker compose up
[+] Running 0/0
[+] Running 0/1rsort  Building


 ✔ Service motorsort                Built
 ✔ Container motorsort-motorsort-1  Created
Attaching to motorsort-1
motorsort-1  | Sat Feb  8 21:44:12 UTC 2025: Starting
motorsort-1  | Found 20 items to process.
motorsort-1  | Found 7 sprint weekends.
motorsort-1  | Creating files.
motorsort-1  | Background: 2022-00 - Example GP
motorsort-1  | Poster: 2022-00 - Example GP
motorsort-1  | Linked: Example GP - S00E01 - Free Practice 1 [FastChannelHD 1080p 50fps X264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
motorsort-1  | Linked: Example GP - S00E06 - Free Practice 2 [FastChannelHD 1080p 50fps X264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
motorsort-1  | Linked: Example GP - S00E11 - Free Practice 3 [FastChannelHD 1080p 50fps X264 Multi-AOA11].mkv


motorsort-1  | Background: 2024-04 - 24h Le Mans
motorsort-1  | Poster: 2024-04 - 24h Le Mans
motorsort-1  | Linked: 24h Le Mans  - S04E01 - Free Practice 1 [WEB 1080p h264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
motorsort-1  | Linked: 24h Le Mans  - S04E08 - Race [WEB 1080p h264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
motorsort-1  | Linked: 24h Le Mans  - S04E10 - Race Pt3 [WEB 1080p h264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
motorsort-1  | Linked: 24h Le Mans  - S04E09 - Race Pt2 [WEB 1080p h264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
motorsort-1  | Linked: 24h Le Mans  - S04E07 - Warm Up [WEB 1080p h264 Multi-AOA11].mkv
motorsort-1  | Sat Feb  8 21:44:13 UTC 2025: Sleeping 4 seconds
motorsort-1  | ....

use cmd-c to exit.

Running locally

This option is not recommended. ImageMagick is such a great swiss army knife of a tool it can pose a security concern. You may also see various warning messages based on the OS you are running.

If you still want to run locally you will need to change the full paths in config/config.ini and app/ to local paths your account has access to, set an env var for the config directory export CONFIG_PATH=config, and install bc and ImageMagick locally first.

Test coverage

Pytest tests are available.

Configure a python virtual environment

python -m venv venv

Enable the venv

source venv/bin/activate

Install pytest dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the following to get an overview

pytest -vv -x --cov-report term-missing --cov=app tests

Currently test coverage is 94%:

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.10.1-final-0 ----------
Name                  Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
app/           0      0   100%
app/        201     11    95%   258-260, 290, 312-313, 339-340, 346-347, 355
app/      73      5    93%   9, 48-49, 152-153
TOTAL                   274     16    94%


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